Entries for the annual Sydney Metropolitan Band Branch Solo & Ensemble competition closed on Friday 4th April 2008, with 214 entries being received from 22 bands.
The Branch is extremely pleased with the 35% increase in the number of entries on last year’s competition.
The competition will be held at the Bankstown Grammar School, 53 Georges Crescent, Georges Hall on the weekend of Saturday May 17th & Sunday May 18th 2008.
All Under 19 and Open events will be held on Saturday and all Under 11, Under 13 and Under 15 events will be held on Sunday.
The timetable and final details for the contest have been forwarded to all participating bands.
Principal adjudicators for this year’s competition are Mr. Andrew Snell and Mr. Robert Bedwell. They will be assisted by Mr. Darrell Hodges, Ms. Bev Newitt and Ms. Lauren Moule.
Any inquiries regarding the competition should be directed to Secretary, Phil Mead on (02) 9528 6969 or by email to meadmp@bigpond.com
Nominations for the Branch Young Musician of the Year for 2008 have also now closed and the Committee will announce the winner at the Solo & Ensemble competition.