The creation of a new brass ensemble, Brass Noir has been announced.
The ensemble is keen to up hold the important brass band traditions, Brass Noir has been created to satisfy the needs of people who want to play in a brass band, but choose to be different.
Brass Noir is a new, bold venture amalgamating the best traditions in brass music with a healthy dose of influences from the Alternative side of Music and Culture and already has its first booking.
The only way a new band is going to work is to be different — and we're going to be so different — Vive Le Brass NoirJohn North
Speaking to 4BR about the new band, Conductor John North said,
'After thinking about things for a while, and talking to important people, Brass Noir is the only solution to many problems. This gives us and like minded people who want to join a chance to enjoy our music making, entertain the public, have a great time and
maybe ruffle a few feathers along the way. The only way a new band is going to work is to be different — and we're going to be so different — Vive Le Brass Noir!'.
First meeting
The first Brass Noir meeting will be held at a venue, to be confirmed, in central Lancashire on the 13th September — followed very soon after by the Brass Noir launch party — at the same venue.
Brass Noir starts as it means to continue.
Further information
For more information check the website and if a facebook user follow the link in the website page for regular updates.