It has been announced that the 2021 Regional series of qualification competitions of the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain has been cancelled.
Kapitol Promotions Ltd issued the following statement:
"At the request of, and following consultation with the North of England, North West, West of England, Midlands, Yorkshire, Welsh Regional Championships and the Scottish Brass Band Association, Philip Morris, Director of Kapitol Promotions Ltd., which presents the National Championships, has confirmed that the 2021 qualifying events for the 2021 National Finals will not go ahead due to continuing uncertainty over Covid-19."
Cannot go ahead
Speaking about the decision, Philip Morris explained: "The World's pandemic is causing continuing safety and other issues, including relating to the hire and staffing of major venues.
Therefore, on behalf of the organising bodies of the eight qualifying events, it is with regret that I am confirming that the 2021 qualifying events cannot go ahead."
the bands that qualified for the 2020 National Finals will be invited to compete in the 2021 Finals and that the test-pieces selected for the 2020 Finals will be usedKapitol Promotions.
National Finals
Kapitol Promotions also confirmed that the bands that qualified for the 2020 National Finals will be invited to compete in the 2021 Finals and that the test-pieces selected for the 2020 Finals will be used.
As the 2020 London & Southern Counties Regional Championships did not go ahead due to Covid-19, Philip Morris said that Kapitol was continuing to liaise with the L&SC Regional Secretary to find a positive way forward.