The annual Yorkshire Day celebrations which traditionally take place on the 1st August will this year see a 'virtual' coming together of bands from each of the four 'Ridings' of county for a massed performance of a brand new version of the Yorkshire Anthem — 'On Ilkley Moor Bah't'at'.
The famous piece has been arranged for the occasion by Strata Brass' MD Jonathan Bates.
Four bands
The project follows a line of recent 'virtual banding' videos by the South Yorkshire band and will see them joined by friends from Shepherd's Group Band (North Yorkshire), City of Hull (East Yorkshire) and Hepworth (West Yorkshire) for this special celebration of all things White Rose tinted…
Each of the nine verses of the song will be brought to musical life (with everything from improvised duck calls to a hint of 'Paganini Variations'), whilst the lyrics, composed entirely using strong Yorkshire dialect- will accompany the video should anyone fancy trying their hand at speaking 'reyt'!
Whilst Yorkshire Day celebrations may be a little different this year, we hope this virtual performance will bring a smile to a few faces across the region and even give chance for those further afield to learn a new language!Jonathan Bates
Around the world
Jonathan told 4BR: "For many people around the world, brass bands are a symbol of the cultural heritage of Yorkshire, so we're all delighted that the project has received such a strong response.
Whilst Yorkshire Day celebrations may be a little different this year, we hope this virtual performance will bring a smile to a few faces across the region and even give chance for those further afield to learn a new language!"