A proposal by the City of Edinburgh Council to reduce the funding of its instrumental music service in its schools by half a million pounds is to be met with immediate protest this morning (14th February)
The proposal is to be found in an appendix to a public document of the council's Finance & Resources Committee which is due to meet at 10.00am.
Half a million
In it states that in 2020/21 a full consultation on the future delivery of its Instrumental Music Service (IMS) will be carried out with all stakeholders including schools and parents with the aim of designing a the service model which best meets customer requirements while recognising the need to make savings of £0.150m in 2021/22 and £0.350m in 2022/23.
However, this decision has been met with dismay from supporters of the #changethetune campaign which is committed to ensuring that councils provide free musical instrument tuition to all pupils throughout Scotland.
Flash mob
One protester told 4BR: "There is going to be a flash mob musical protest tomorrow morning, 14th February at 9.30am to 10.15am outside the City Chambers on the High Street.
The Musicians Union will be there with their yellow flags and many young and not so young amateur and professional musicians will be playing their instruments to make the point yet again that this is a very important education service that is highly valued.
These cuts — not savings — will have a hugely detrimental effect on pupils. They cannot be allowed to happenprotester
Detrimental effects
They added: "Every year this proposal comes forward in Edinburgh and a campaign kicks off — this year we have been given very little time as there is a formal meeting tomorrow and then the final decision is to be taken next Thursday.
These cuts — not savings — will have a hugely detrimental effect on pupils. They cannot be allowed to happen."