The organisation of Pershore Midsummer Brass is entering its final phase for the event which takes place this weekend.
Stream of brass
Saturday July 9th sees over two dozen bands performing in four venues throughout the day to produce a continuous stream of brass music, lasting about twelve hours.
And, for the first time, every bandsmen and member of the public will have the opportunity to hear the music again as the performances of the bands will be recorded for posterity.
In response to a number of requests last year, the organising committee has requested Chorum Records to Pershore this year, to record performances in all four venues, weather permitting.
The outcome will be a double CD which will feature a representative sample of all the music played throughout the day, from as many bands as possible.
The outcome will be a double CD which will feature a representative sample of all the music played throughout the day, from as many bands as possible4BR
Although all bands are invited to participate, in the spirit of the event, inclusion remains an option, and the PMB committee has been assured that any band wanting to include entertaining choreography as part of their performance will be unaffected by the recording equipment etc.