Chris Howley, principal cornet player with the Flowers Band is also one of the most respected paranormal experts in the UK, and his ghostbusting skills have been seen on television as well as numerous video releases.
Not only has he been in demand for his cornet playing skills, but also for his ability to get in touch with all things slightly spooky too.
And just to show off his skills he is inviting bandsmen and women to an overnight ghost hunt at Woodchester Mansion in Gloucestershire on Friday 20th November.
The event has been organised due to pressure from collegues to find out just what ghostbusting is all about4BR
The event has been organised due to pressure from collegues to find out just what ghostbusting is all about.
The night will start at 8.00pm with a historical ghost walk of the building and experiments throughout the night will include using brass instruments as trigger objects to try and get a response from the other side!
Spirit splits
If you are interested in attending the event and finding out first hand if spirits are able to split notes as good as the rest of us in this dimension then please contact Chris direct on 07973 167849 for more details.
You never know, he may be able to call up Harry Mortimer or William Rimmer find out their views on the result at the National Championships last weekend!