The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators has responded to Steven Mead following the publication of his article that set out his strongly held opinions on current adjudication standards.
4BR spoke to ABBA Chairman Derek Broadbent, and through him ABBA has issued the following statement.
"Having been made aware of, and having read the article by Steven Mead regarding 'Time for Change', I offer this information.
It is the intention of The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators to invite Steven Mead to our forthcoming Annual General Meeting, or next Executive Committee meeting, the choice is his, to present his case for change."
It is the intention of The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators to invite Steven Mead to our forthcoming Annual General Meeting, or next Executive Committee meetingABBA
4BR understands that Steven has accepted an invitation to meet Derek Broadbent, although at present there has been no confirmation of the date of this proposed meeting.