
2017 Spring Festival
Senior Cup - As it happened

All the action from the 2017 Spring Festival Senior Cup — As it happened

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 18:52:33


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Senior Cup:

Pavilion Theatre
Test Piece: Fragile Oasis (Dr Peter Meechan)
Adjudicators: John Doyle & Paul Holland

1. Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)*
2. Friary Guildford (Chris King)*
3. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)*
4. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)*
5. St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
6. Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)
7. Goodwick Brass (Matthew Jenkins)
8. Co-operative Funeralcare (North West) (Jeff Sparkes)
9. Skelmanthorpe (Jim Davies)
10. Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)
11. Blackburn & Darwen (Neil Samuel)
12. Newtongrange Silver (Andrew Duncan)
13. Kingdom Brass (Paul Drury)
14. Staffordshire (Steven Walsh)
15. Jackfield (Elcock Reisen) (Simon Platford)
16. Yorkshire Imperial Urquhart Travel (Dr David Thornton)
17. Redbridge (Jeremy Wise) **
18. Derwent Brass (Keith Leonard) **
19. Marsden Silver (Alan Widdop) **
20. Fishburn (David Hirst) **

Best Instrumentalist: Gary Curtin (euphonium) — Co-operative Funeralcare (North West)

*Promoted to British Open
**Relegated to Senior Trophy

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 18:10:16

James McLeod's opinion and prediction:

Great day of banding in the Pavillion theatre. So many performances that had merit but then lost their way through poor tempos choices or poor ensemble — only a handful of complete performances that were good throughout and they are my top 3.

4BR Prediction:

2. Friary Guildford
3. Filton Concert Brass
4. St Dennis
5. Oldham (Lees)
6. Derwent

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 18:07:54

Senior Cup:

20. Jackfield Brass (Simon Platford)

Confident opening, but some errors in percussion cause the long notes to rub a little. Not faultless in the sop but good job before the solos; both just a little uncomfortable. Excellent horns and baritones at I. Drums are at just the right dynamic to provide rhythm while not intruding on the inner parts.

The storm is well played by the solo cornets and then the euphs. The storm is really good; accurate and exciting. V is scrappy and though flugel does well, it’s too scrappy to get away with really.

‘Freya’ starts ok and euph does well. Lots of great band playing here, it’s taken a little while to settle in the slow stuff but it’s working well before DD. Cornet solo is excellent—well done. The band tuttis are great. Shame about the stray hi-hat just before the storm comes back.

Storm and the trombone does well, and great detail bought out in the cornets on the chromatics. It’s just a bit rough in some of the technical passages. Once again in the full band passages it’s great—lovely sounds from MM.

Powerful end from what another performance with so much good but too many errors to unseat my top four.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 17:45:11

Senior Cup:

19. Kingdom Brass (Paul Drury)

Good start for Kingdom, huge euph sound and the good sop. The rhythms are good in the lead up to the solos. Cornet makes it up to the top note and euph sings it out but just falters on the way back down. Good build toward the ff before the storm section.

The storm starts strong but I think the tempo just drops a little to one more comfortable. The tempo continues to drag through the time changes around S. V is well organized and together, which so many others haven’t been. Flugel does well but then there are clips between here and ‘Freya’.

Cornets play quietly at the beginning of the slow movement, but the definition isn’t there. Huge euphonium sound here, what a beautiful noise! Great full band sounds before DD, there is just a little untidiness. DD cornet solo is well shaped and stylish. A shame someone slammed the door on their way out in the middle of it!

The storm comes back with gusto from the principal trombone, it’s a little loose but it’s backs-to-the-wall playing with good intent. Lovely sounds from bass trombone before the close.

Some strong playing, and a wonderful euphonium player for Kingdom, but some unforced errors take the polish off.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 17:29:41

Senior Cup:

18. Derwent Brass (Keith Leonard)

Really confident opening, lots of good things but intonation across the band is grating. Good cornet and euph solos—but the accompanying long notes aren’t in tune. Inner parts are highlighted but they are scruffy around I. Great dynamics before the storm begins.

Neat technical playing here but again intonation even on semiquavers is telling. It doesn’t sit easy throughout this section, people want to rush and others drag. V too is scrappy, but individually well played. Flugel is good as is the horn contribution. Bass note before ‘Freya’ is out of tune.

The slow music starts well and is well articulated, but again tuning is poor. Excellent euph solo. The slow build towards DD is well-graded, but still poor intonation in the cornets stands out. A real shame. DD is played well, well done.

EE is quick and doesn’t have the space it needs.

The storm is still quick, trombone dragging a little and baritone struggles to keep pace. Percussion overpowering the band and the detail is lost. It’s grand towards the close but also a little tired.

Some powerful playing from Derwent Brass but it was a little too scrappy compared to the bands at the very top.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 16:58:42

Senior Cup:

15. Co-operative Funeralcare (North West) (Jef Sparkes)

Warm band sounds to open and good sop tune. Very rhythmic playing before the solos. Nice cornet solo and outstanding euph solo. Nice balanced cornets and horns in the mp section—euph sings over the top.

Storm is off like a rocket, it doesn’t sit well at all. It’s exciting but loses its edge with the scrappiness. The tempo doesn’t deviate which in itself deserves credit but it was too messy before V. V isn’t neat but the dynamic is there which has been lost in other performances. The solo cornet 3+4 parts are excellent.

‘Freya’ is beautifully played solo euph, really excellent. Lots of positives but it doesn’t quite sit. Nice end to the slow section.

Storm is frantic and messy—just slow it down a bit and it’d be so much more effective. It gets faster and faster and louder and louder—a little OTT for my tastes.

Some really excellent individual contributions there but the scrappiness of the faster sections let them down.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 16:44:42

Senior Cup:

16. Yorkshire Imperial Urquhart Travel (David Thornton)

Not the tidiest opening from Imps, but the musical shaping is excellent. Some rough entries from soprano hardly detract—good crescendo to FF. Solos from cornet are well played, but both a little flat on the high notes.

The storm is on the moderate side of things for today, but is still a little ragged. MD is putting everything into this, but the band doesn’t seem to be responding in kind—lots of hesitant entries and nervous sounds. V is blockbuster! Solo cornets 3+4 not pointing out to the front (while also into the tam-tam) means their fff isn’t as powerful as others.

‘Freya’ isn’t the quietest but it’s lovely. Excellent euphs. Some unforced errors start to creep in before DD. DD starts well but there are some untidy moments too. Lovely full band playing before a good Eb bass contribution to close the movement.

Storm is tackled well by trombone and full band help to build towards MM. Good build towards the end, with some tiredness causing some missed entries. Loud last note!

Another performance with lots to commend but some frailties stopped them from really leaving their mark on the contest.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 16:23:58

Senior Cup:

15. Friary Guildford (Chris King)

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On Stage: Friary Guildford (Chris King)

Classy opening, though not always comfortable. Nice soprano, Mr Doyle will approve of the vib from the box! Big band sound before the solos ' which are well played by both cornet and euph. Inner parts are so clear through this opening movement, as is tasteful bass trombone edge!

The storm section is so clean from the cornets, until the very end! Although there are splits and clips, Friary just sound like the best band that's played today regardless. Bass end syncopation is so crisp. A little bit of added drum kit before V ' which is a little scrappy between the cornets. Flugel is excellent.

The start of 'Freya' is quiet and ensemble is tight. Lovely euph solo and duet ' excellent. The full band playing is rich and colourful into DD. DD is beautifully played. EE is perhaps a little too restrained, it lacks a bit of passion but it's so neat and it sounds great. Best tuba of the day to close.

Trombone to start the storm is brilliant. Baritone joins and the build to MM is excellent. Great drum kit. Strong close after a really good performance.

Definitely not a 'door slam shut' but Friary Guildford are right up there towards or at the top. The band sound alone was so impressive it might just put them over the edge today.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 15:51:07

Senior Cup:

14. Skelmanthorpe (Jim Davies)

Solid opening, with rich bass notes. Sop is good, nice crescendo. The build into the solo section is led by the percussion, perhaps a sign of things to come? Good cornet and euph solos. The tempo here is a bit higher than most today and it’s causing a few errors.

The storm starts wildly, but settles down when the euphs take over the tune. More of the untidiness through the storm section, ensemble between section and between band and percussion really lacking. Shock notes at letter T are rewritten to be made easier to play, and they are together, but it’s very obvious I’m afraid! V is fine, though again the rewriting is clearly audible.

‘Freya’ starts very well, lovely euphs. The full band playing is good and DD is managed well. Sop does well. I don’t like the tuba rubato but it is one of the only performances to allow some freedom to the Eb bass.

The storm starts again and a few more inconsistent rhythms—trom and bari do well. The lead to the finish is good and the last note is very big.

So much good playing in each section but also some moments which were incorrect that will not go unnoticed in the box.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 15:35:56

Senior Cup:

13. Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)

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In Performance: Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)

Unbalanced start with some parts being much more prominent, which doesn't quite work. The rhythms all fit together before the solos. Nice solo contributions. Euph and horn tune sings over the band. The build towards the storm is nice and the crescendo is effective.

The storm is very tight in ensemble in the cornets and the euphs follow suit. Horns then take the lead with the most sympathetic accompaniments so far. The band seems to find its feet through this storm section and the bass and trombone semi-quavers are well managed.

V is a little rough in the cornets, then flugel sings ' very nice. Some intonation worries in the cornets before 'Freya'.

The balance in the cornets here is still a little off with one player dominating the sound. The definition on the triplets and quavers isn't as clear as it could be. MD really keeps the band dynamics down as long as possible ' lovely chord before DD. Cornet is lovely at DD. The close of the movement work well too.

The second storm is well played by trombone but ensemble between drums, trombone and baritone isn't there. This faster tempo is making it a little messy.
The build up to the close is good as is the ending.

Lots to commend in this one, the fundamentals were in place but it didn't have the musical sparkle that some of the others did today.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 15:19:00

Senior Cup:

12. Filton Concert (Tom Davoren)

Great opening, good flow to the tempo—sop a little strained at the top but musical and great sound. Lovely bass noise too. Solo cornet and euph do well in their contributions. Another band to really bring out the baritone and lower horn parts around I—it works so well.

The storm is excellent, so neat and tidy in the cornets and then form the euphs. Nice dynamic contrasts through this section, the best of the day through this passage. The build towards V works well and V starts but isn’t as clean as others heard today. Flugel allowed to play as the ‘free’ performance dictates, horn does well too. As nice as this is, perhaps a little too much time taken before ‘Freya’?

‘Freya’ starts well, lovely euph sound but it isn’t always accurate. The tutti band sections flows well and the MD keeps the dynamic underwraps which give s the band a full, sweet sound before DD. DD is mostly well managed by the cornet, just a few moments of discomfort. The full band moments are excellent before the storm restarts.

The storm is again largely well played by the trombone, but the baritone can’t match the dynamic. A faster tempo here and it sits well, not too fast for the band. The build to the close is big and the last note is excellent.

A very different interpretation to the majority there, one which might well find favour in the box but maybe a few too many risks? It’s on my podium.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 14:52:29

Senior Cup:

11. St Dennis (Darren R. Hawken)

Nice opening, full of vitality. Sop is excellent and band sounds are full and rich before the solos. Cornet and euph play without error but it doesn’t sound comfortable. Baritone and lower horns at I are excellent.

Storm section starts with vigor, the sound is a little rough and scrappy which I might forgive if the tempo was a bit faster but at this slower speed it’s nice to have the clarity and neatness. Trombones join basses in rhythmic semiquavers, really well done. Build to V is very good—V is too slow for me, it loses its impact. Flugel sounds a little strained but plays musically and without error. Lots of time being given to this section—intonation in the cornets by the tam-tam could be better.

‘Freya’ starts nicely, good euphs. The full band sounds are so nice—and DD is given perhaps too much time but is played so well—bravo solo cornet. There is some excellent playing towards the close of ‘Freya’.

The storm is exciting if a little wild from trombone and baritone does well. Build towards the downward scales is good—but the scales seem to die rather than the sound carrying which makes the band seem weaker. A wonderful close and brilliant last note.

A strong performance to lead off the second half of the draw.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 14:48:18

Senior Cup:

James McLeod's halfway opinion and prediction

EYMS are the clear leader at halfway for us, but it has been tricky to judge as there have been so many promising performances that have not delivered fully for many different reasons.

Bands in the second half need to put in a complete performance to shine and stand out from what is a heavy 'middle of the pack' field so far.

4BR Prediction:
2. Oldham (Lees)
3. Goodwick
4. Blackburn & Darwen
5. Redbridge
6. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith)

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 14:19:19

Senior Cup:

10. Staffordshire (Steve Walsh)

Nice band sound to open. It doesn’t blend as well as other bands have, certain instruments sticking out of the sound. The build towards the solos works well and the rhythms are tight. Unlucky solo cornet, euphs do well. Lower horns and baritones at letter I are fantastic.

Storm takes off and is largely coped with by cornets, euphs and horns. Percussion and band ensemble isn’t always there. Build towards V works well and although it isn’t perfect, it fits well. Flugel does well.

‘Freya’ starts well, the occasional blemish but good dynamic and ensemble. Lovely euph solo, not over played but expressive as marked. It’s uncomfortable at times in the solo cornets on the larger intervals through the slow music. Lead to DD is controlled—DD itself is played with such intent—very well done.

The close of the slow music is delicate and trombone does very well, as does baritone, but I feel hi-hat rushing and it’s just pushing the rest of the band out of a comfortable tempo which is a shame.

It sounds tired towards the end and just a little ragged. Probably one of the performances that the band will say ‘not our best’ but still lots to admire.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 14:17:52

Senior Cup:

9. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)

Not the quietest start but the rhythms are all clear and fit together with precision. Bravo sop. The build into the cornet and euphs solos works well—the solos are a little uncomfortable and it doesn’t quite settle until the mp horn and euph tune. Build into the storm is effective.

Cornets are excellent here and euphs follow suit. It’s very well prepared — it fits together so well. By S it’s scrappier than before but the scale build is good.

V is well played, but just gets out of time a little at the tail end. Nice flugel and horn contributions before ‘Freya’—though it’s not correct in the cornet parts just before.

‘Freya’ starts well but it gets out between cornets and euph soloist, MD reigns it back in quickly—excellently done! Tempo, it’s not too slow so it feels laboured and isn’t rushed. Lead to DD is great and DD is controlled and measured, good attention to dynamics—I always like it when the soloists play at the dynamics printed rather than giving themselves some ‘breathing room’ especially on quieter dynamics. Nice end to Mov. 2—nice dynamics.

Storm starts well but trombone and baritone both struggle a little. It’s starting to race away a bit—not all of the details are heard especially in the lower band but it builds well towards the close.

Another performance with so much merit but some untidiness and some nerves don’t let it reach it’s potential.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 13:35:14

Senior Cup:

8. Newtongrange (Andrew Duncan)

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On Stage: Andrew Duncan with Newtongrange

Nervy opening, slow but atmospheric. The sixes and semiquavers match up well before the solos. Unlucky solo cornet, nice euph. It seems like it's right on the edge in the lead up to the storm section.

Storm section sits well, the bars between the cornet tune and euph tune are the best I've heard today. It's neat and tidy but it lacks the excitement that some of the other bands have had. It's not always clean on the upward scale before V and V itself is scrappy in the cornets. Flugel and horns do well before 'Freya'.

2nd. Mov starts quietly and accurately, stylish euph solo and then duet, though perhaps a little buoyant in the louder dynamics. The full band sounds shine through until DD. Principal cornet makes up for the earlier nerviness with a no nonsense and incredibly dexterous cadenza. Build to the end of the movement the next storm section is controlled but full sounding.

Storm section and trombone impresses, but the baritone isn't quite as nimble on these larger interval. MD keeps a lid on the dynamics, which means it's never overblown but it doesn't sparkle like it can.

MD unleashes the full band sound at the end, bravo sop ' that last page is tough and is belted out. A band full of potential ' a strong performance overall but a few too many errors to contend at the top today

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 13:23:38

Senior Cup:

Pavilion Theatre
Test Piece: Fragile Oasis (Dr Peter Meechan)

Draws: 9.30am & 1.00pm
Commence: 10.30am
Adjudicators: John Doyle & Paul Holland


1. Redbridge (Jeremy Wise)
2. Fishburn (David Hirst)
3. Blackburn & Darwen (Neil Samuel)
4. Marsden Silver (Alan Widdop)
5. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)
6. Goodwick Brass (Matthew Jenkins)
7. Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)
8. Newtongrange Silver (Andrew Duncan)
9. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
10. Staffordshire (Steven Walsh)
11. St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
12. Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
13. Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)
14. Skelmanthorpe (Jim Davies)
15. Friary Guildford (Chris King)
16. Yorkshire Imperial Urquhart Travel (Dr David Thornton)
17. Co-operative Funeralcare (North West) (Jeff Sparkes)
18. Derwent Brass (Keith Leonard)
19. Kingdom Brass (Paul Drury)
20. Jackfield (Elcock Reisen) (Simon Platford)

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 13:13:21

Senior Cup:

7. Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)

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Ready to Play: Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)

Great opening from cornets and basses, the handover between cornets and sop wasn't in tune but sop has a great sound and makes a wonderful crescendo on the top A. Lots of time taken by solo cornet and euph — MD eeking the music out the band. Sop could do with flattening off a bit, it's a little cutting when he's playing up top.

A scrappy few bars before 'storm' but cornets are excellent. Transition between cornet tune and euph tune doesn't come off.

Some occasional ensemble issues in the lower band through the quavers but the build to fortissimo is well managed. V is good — bravo flugel, great sound and it sounds so confident.

A few clips in the lead into 'Freya'. Tuning in the cornets is poor, which spoils the excellent euph solo and consequent duet. Flugel doesn't balance with the middle of the band always through the slow music, it sticks out which is a shame. 'heart on his sleeve' stuff from soprano before DD. DD is given lots of space and is so well played — the best octave G's heard today.

2nd storm section is neat from the trombones but the boldness in character from the kit rocks the ensemble. But it settles. An excellent fortepiano before the end and the colourful last note closes a fine rendition.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 12:47:32

Senior Cup:

6. Goodwick Brass (Matthew Jenkins)

Strong opening, balanced in the cornets but probably not pp! It’s rhythmic in the band parts before good euph and cornet solos. Some top A tuning and some scrappy entries just after though. Bell effects in the middle of the band don’t quite match—bass trombone shines, what a sound!

The storm stutters and it nearly stops but MD has wound it back up it’s a little stately for me, but the band is playing it accurately and tidily. Lead into V is fine but V isn’t as accurate as they would hope. Flugel showing the most dynamic contrast we’ve heard through U. Some untidiness in entries before ‘Freya’.

Stylish euphs and probably the best ensemble between vibes and back row so far today in Mov. 2. It’s accurate and solid but it doesn’t sparkle in the lead into DD. A few blemishes in the cornet solo but what a lovely sound! It rocks a little between the downward scales before the 2nd storm passage.

Trombone is confident to open but baritone doesn’t quite match. Bass trombone is bells up for the pedals—MD obviously wanted to show him off! Dynamics are tempered before the closing section and the last note the MD let’s them off the leash.

A strong contender here, if the adjudicators were after absolute balance and blend it perhaps won’t be their cup of tea. I liked it!

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 12:20:05

Senior Cup:

5. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)

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On Stage: Stig Maersk with East Yorkshire Motor Services

Great opening ' confident and quiet. Sop is great! Rhythmic section is confident and cornet and euph solos are given space. An uncomfortable articulation or two takes the shine off a little. Band tutti is excellent, wide dynamic contrasts and accuracy isn't lost.

The 'storm' is confident from cornets and euphs. The band plays so together ' bravo MD ' it's exciting and controlled ' great band playing. V is excellent from cornets. A few clips in the middle of the band towards the end of the movement ' cornets are excellent throughout.

'Freya' starts quietly and euph does well. There is so much space given to the lead lines it allows for the most expressive playing so far. Great bass trombone!! Big and round full band sound before DD ' which is played so effortlessly ' fantastic playing. Unlucky tuba at the close of the movement.

The 2nd storm passage is a little scrappy between trombone and baritone but once the whole band join it is back to business as usual, lots of detail. MD wants more snare drum ' and gets it!

The early band to beat today is EYMS ' for me, the clear winner at the quarter mark. Bravo.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 12:02:21

Senior Cup:

4. Marsden Silver Prize (Alan Widdop)

Not the most confident opening but sop does well over the top. Muted cornets are very loud! Solo cornet and Euph extremely good.

The band isn’t really playing together in the lead up to the storm. Storm is fast and frantic but accuracy is lost. It’s so frenetic it’s tricky to hear the detail towards U. It’s clean into V and V itself is well played into ‘Freya’.

Some intonation issues in the cornets detracts from the opening of the slow section, but euph does very well. Well played cornets at BB. DD is great, bravo solo cornet.

A few uncomfortable moments towards the 2nd ‘storm’ passage. Ensemble really suffers here. Great xylophone before NN. The closing pasaage through the scales is tidy and the last note is big.

Not Marsden's day here, a few too many errors to make a run at the prizes today.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 11:38:12

Senior Cup:

3. Blackburn & Darwen (Neil Samuel)

Great opening section; controlled and accurate. Bravo sop. It’s a little nervy in the solo cornet and euph. Good attention to dynamics, the most convincing so far. It lacks a little energy towards the end of the first section but what a neat opening to the ‘storm’ section.

Well done cornets and euphs on the tricky quaver passages. Doesn’t always sit between snare drum and band here. A couple of wrong entries which won’t go unheard in the box.

End of the storm into V works well and V is well played — quite a different interpretation from towards ‘Freya’.

‘Freya’ accompaniments are quite healthy but balanced. A few clips in the euph but the duet is well balanced over the accompaniment and ensemble together throughout including the rubato moments. Good full band sounds before DD. DD feels hurried—a shame because with a bit more time I think it would have been better executed. A nice close to the movement.

HH starts confidently, good trombone, very detailed. Baritone also good. It’s not quite together between band and percussion through LL and it’s tiring a little. The biggest crescendo onto the last note and the best last note so far!

Lots of positives, and the most complete performance so far, but some incorrect entries and some scratchy moments did take the shine away. A tough one to place that!

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 11:23:44

Senior Cup:

2. Fishburn (David Hirst)

Fishburn has an excellent first few bars but there are some scrapes and nervy entries that detract. Solo cornet does well and solo euph sings but the accompanying parts don't line up.

Strong band sounds in the tutti are excellent ' I wish it all sounded this great!

The 'storm' takes its toll here, percussion parts in this piece are fiendish to fit together and it doesn't quite sit with the band. V is steady but so well put together. Flugel and horns do well, though not without bruises.

'Freya' is a little healthy in the accompaniment but solo euph sours over the top. Lots of rubato in this section, perhaps a little too much 'stealing'.

Band tutti in Freya is lovely. DD is excellent. Close of the movement is great.

Storm starts well with trombone and baritone. Balance could be a little better, I can hear lots of the long notes but as much of the detail. It sounds tired at the end and ensemble becomes loose. Like the opposite of Redbridge here, the band playing was excellent but soloists were a little nervous.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 11:02:49

Senior Cup:

1. Redbridge (Jeremy Wise)

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On Stage: Redbridge (Jeremy Wise)

Redbridge start tentatively and straight away there are some tuning issues but it settles quickly and sop is excellent. The rhythms are accurate in this opening section and cornet and euph solos are good.

Lots of contrasting dynamics and attention to crescendo and diminuendo starting and end points, very good.

Transition into the 'storm' is clean but the quaver tempos don't quite line up in the changes. Letter R slows down but it's cleaner this way. V is played well individually, especially the cornets, but it doesn't link together which is a real shame as it's so well played on their own! 'Freya' overall is played with appropriate feeling but I would have liked a bit more space through what is the most expressive part of the piece ' it seems a little hurried. DD cornet solo is excellent. Bravo Eb bass too.

Trombone and baritone is a scrappy but once more of the instruments join it settles down. Great band sounds toward the close but it doesn't sit between band and percussion.

Solid showing from Redbridge, just a few niggles and an unlucky draw for them today.

Senior Cup

Saturday 13, 10:16:01

Senior Cup:

Pavilion Theatre
Test Piece: Fragile Oasis (Dr Peter Meechan)

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Draws: 9.30am & 1.00pm
Commence: 10.30am
Adjudicators: John Doyle & Paul Holland


1. Redbridge (Jeremy Wise)
2. Fishburn (David Hirst)
3. Blackburn & Darwen (Neil Samuel)
4. Marsden Silver (Alan Widdop)
5. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)
6. Goodwick Brass (Matthew Jenkins)
7. Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)
8. Newtongrange Silver (Andrew Duncan)
9. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
10. Staffordshire (Steven Walsh)

Other competing bands

Co-operative Funeralcare (North West) (Jeff Sparkes)
Derwent Brass (Keith Leonard)
Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
Friary Guildford (Chris King)
Jackfield (Elcock Reisen) (Simon Platford)
Kingdom Brass (Paul Drury)
Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)
Skelmanthorpe (Jim Davies)
St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
Yorkshire Imperial Urquhart Travel (Dr David Thornton)

Senior Cup

Friday 12, 14:18:08

Senior Cup: Competing bands

Pavilion Theatre
Test Piece: Fragile Oasis (Dr Peter Meechan)

Draws: 9.30am & 1.00pm
Commence: 10.30am

Blackburn & Darwen (Neil Samuel)
City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
Co-operative Funeralcare (North West) (Jeff Sparkes)
Derwent Brass (Keith Leonard)
East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)
Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
Fishburn (David Hirst)
Friary Guildford (Chris King)
Goodwick Brass (Matthew Jenkins)
Jackfield (Elcock Reisen) (Simon Platford)
Kingdom Brass (Paul Drury)
Marsden Silver (Alan Widdop)
Newtongrange Silver (Andrew Duncan)
Oldham (Lees) (John Collins)
Ratby Co-operative (Howard Evans)
Redbridge (Jeremy Wise)
Skelmanthorpe (Jim Davies)
St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
Staffordshire (Steven Walsh)
Yorkshire Imperial Urquhart Travel (Dr David Thornton)

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

Uppermill Band

October 23 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play a varied genre of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

wantage silver band

October 23 • Wantage Band (L&SC Championship) have a rare vacancy for REPIANO CORNET following longstanding member Michael Kennett relocating to Australia in January. Rehearsals takes place on Sunday's 7:30pm and Wednesday's 8pm at Wantage Silver Band, OX12 8FR.

Golborne Brass

October 23 • Golborne band, near Warrington NW area, just promoted to 2nd section and current 3rd section National Champions are recruiting the following to complete our lineup: Basses (either kind), 2nd horn and Front Row cornet.

Alan Duguid

BA (Hons), PGDipMus, PGCE
Conductor, Composer, Adjudicator (ABBA)


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