The Brisbane Brass Music Association's annual Christmas Party was held on Sunday 7 December 2008.
Farewell, Greg
Over 100 of its members attended the presentation of service and attendance awards, to thank the Association’s many helpers and to farewell the Musical Director of the A Grade band, Greg Aitken.
This momentous occasion was also tinged with sadness as the band hall of over 23 years was farewelled. The hall on Stafford Road, Kedron has been resumed by the Queensland Government for the new Airport Link project, so the Association is currently looking for a new home.
The band hall has played a very big role in the lives of Brisbane Brass and its demolition is heartbreaking for all concerned. With four bands frequently rehearsing, the hall is always a hive of activity and for some, it is a second home.
History to be made
The Association boasts 4 competing bands in A, B, D and Junior Grade and with memberships of close to 150, it is in a very healthy position.
In 2009, history will be made with all four groups competing at a National level in Sydney. This will be the third occasion the Association has fielded 4 Bands at an Australian National Band Championship but the first time outside Brisbane.
This mammoth task will be handled by the three Musical Directors, Jon Christodoulides (BB), Josh McKechie (BB2) and Bill Barker (BB3 and BB Juniors).
By all accounts, things are looking very strong for the year ahead.