During the week, guests both from Australia and overseas, run master classes, workshops, seminars, recitals and concerts. It’s a chance to get up close and personal with and learn from the world’s best.
Artists attending the MIFB include Wayne Bergeron (jazz trumpeter), Wycliffe Gordon (trombone), Gail Williams (French horn) and Jon Sass (tuba), Jens Lindemann (trumpet), Professor David King (conductor/clinician), Ensembles in Residence – National Australia Brass and The Australian Brass Quintet, as well as, as always, the leading local players.
For more detailed biographies see the MIFB website www.mifb.com.au.
The jazz players will play two concerts with Melbourne’s B# Big Band, one at the Corner Hotel, Richmond, to kick off the festival on Sunday September 28th and the finale at the Forum Theatre on Saturday October 4th.
All other MIFB recitals and concerts this year are at Melba Hall in Royal Parade, Melbourne.
Conducting Workshops
The MIFB week will also include conducting workshops by Professor King working with NAB, and rehearsals with three Victorian community bands and their conductors.
Barry Tuckwell Brass Award
This year, the Barry Tuckwell Brass Award competition is for cornet players. The preliminary rounds and final of that should be well worth hearing too. It’s not yet too late to enter, though closing date for audition tapes is August 15th.
For all details of the 6th Melbourne International Festival of Brass, go to www.mifb.com.au