
Live: 2008 English National Championship

Live coverage of the 2008 English National Championship from Preston's Guild Hall.

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David Read, Nigel Boddice, Chris Wormald

Test piece:
Infinity, Robert Redhead

Commences: 1030hrs

What do we think?

An enjoyable (and short) contest with some real highs and a few lows too. The top two were a fair old way ahead of the rest for us with a toss up between Black Dyke and Grimethorpe for the title.

It’s going to be a very close one, but we think Black Dyke may just pip Grimethorpe to the title and the trip to Ostend for the European next year.

Behind them its another close old scrap but Brighouse may get the nod over Fodens with Leyland in fifth and Hepworth in sixth. Mount Charles may be a bit of a dark horse on this one.

1. Black Dyke
2. Grimethorpe
3. Brighouse & Rastrick
4. Fodens Richardson
5. Leyland
6. Hepworth

Dark Horse: Mount Charles

Live comments:

Time: 1615hrs
Reg Vardy, Steve Malcolm, 15

Opening: Well managed start is a little lumpy in places with odd upper balance. Filigree work isn’t always precise. Lacks flow and warmth. Neat close.

Scherzando: Decent start but it soon rocks. Perc is wayward – xylo? Lacks vibrancy clarity and precision. Very scrappy this.

Larghetto: Sounds fragile this to open although the sense of lyrical warmth is evident. Chorale never quite touches the emotions. Latin dance is in need to vitality.

Brilliante to end: Has its moments – good and bad. Reprise is uncertain and untuneful. Subdued build to climax and slightly off key end.

Overall: A performance that really did vary in quality – both musically and technically.

Time: 1557hrs
Black Dyke, Dr Nicholas Childs, 14

Opening: Sung with real expression this – warm, lyrical and balanced. Filigree work is clear and distinct. Huge climax leads to neat closure.

Scherzando: Swiftly done but another dep job that doesn’t sound right to start. So much energy and detail is allied to clarity though. Tip top playing with fine xylo throughout and at close.

Larghetto: Lyrical lead from flugel develops into warmly controlled chorale. This really sings. Latin dance is colourful with the right hint of swagger.

Brilliante to end: Bang on! It’s brilliant in solo and ensemble. Sop is lovely reprise lead in cultured build to climax. We hear detail! Beautiful close.

Overall: Fabulous playing – so musically controlled and technically sparkling. It’s just got the edge for us.

Time: 1535hrs
Brighouse and Rastrick, Alan Morrison, 13

Opening: Confident opening is broad and lyrical if dynamically safe. Filigree work is evident and bold sounds are heard at climax. Neat close.

Scherzando: Swift and energetic. A little scrappy here and there though but it’s full of life and vitality. Perc hold onto the end with xylo!

Larghetto: Broad lyricism and real warm and emotive chorale. It’s persuasive stuff despite blips and blobs. Super Latin swagger – top notch.

Brilliante to end: Yes – it’s just what’s written. Quality ensemble and solo lines. Neat sop led refrain builds to huge climax and controlled close – if a little overlong.

Overall: A very fine performance this. Not without its errors but so full of life and lyrical musicality. Up there in the mix though.

Time: 1520hrs
PolySteel, Philip Harper, 12

Opening: Sedate opening is undermined by poor ensemble precision. Filigree work isn’t balanced and it sounds harsh. Not precise again to end.

Scherzando: So much better. Swift, neat, clean and vibrant. Stylish playing with neat motifs and fine perc. Xylo – nearly at end! Quality though.

Larghetto: Lacks warmth and flow. Chorale is spoilt by poor high tuning. Ouch sop! Great feel to Latin dance – neatly spiced with swagger.

Brilliante to end: More quality – fine ensemble and solo leads. Reprise lacks sweet expression though. Fine build and climax but ending falls away rather.

Overall: The louder stuff was top notch but the lyrical sweetness, warmth and emotion was not in the same league. Too varied unfortunately.

Time: 1500hrs
Rothwell Temperance, David Roberts, 11

Opening: Nicely understated opening is shaped with lyrical emotion and control. Filigree work is submerged somewhat – but there is a balanced warmth right to a neat close.

Scherzando: Another dep job which doesn’t work! Swift tempo leads to scrappy ensemble and strident sounds — perc is wayward. Lacks energy and vibrancy.

Larghetto: Workmanlike rather than lyrically inspired. Lacks emotion and warmth and chorale. Latin dance is neat but colourless.

Brilliante to end: Mixed bag of brilliance – at times stunning – and others, very mediocre. Fine sop in reprise leads to a fine climax and controlled repose.

Overall: Lacked consistency this — both musically and technically. Decent enough but nothing more.

Time: 1440hrs
Fodens Richardson, Garry Cutt, 10

Opening: Sonorous expression is full of warmth balance and lively filigree work. Tasteful stuff this. Great dynamic variance. Lovely close.

Scherzando: Solo cornet sub is all too obvious and it takes a while to settle into vibrant energetic groove. Great xylo – clean as a whistle. Style and sound rather than lively brilliance.

Larghetto: Super flugel lead develops into lyrical chorale. Great tuba sounds. Latin dance needs a little sparkle? A bit workmanlike this.

Brilliante to end: Yes and no. Obvious solo cornet dep again but well played. Great sounds and true sop is a lovely reprise lead. Superb build and climax leads to reflective repose.

Overall: A very high class performance. The ultimate sheen was perhaps messy at times but it will be right up there.

Time: 1420hrs
Mount Charles, Andrew Duncan, 9

Opening: Softly delivered opening has balance issues but is warmly lyrical. Filigree work is not 100 percent clear though and it soon gets a little strained at times. Neat close.

Scherzando: Untidy. Never quite knits together despite emphasis on detail. Wayward perc detracts. Just holds to close.

Larghetto: Nicely shaped but lacks a touch of expression and warmth. Latin dance is a little straight laced – needs more exotic colour.

Brilliante to end: Some great moments spoilt by scrappy ensemble. Top notch sop leads in fine reprise and bold to well paced climax.

Overall: A well shaped performance just let down by the error count and occasional need for more lyrical expression.

Time: 1400hrs
Grimethorpe Colliery, Allan Withington, 8

Opening: Delicately exposed opening has texture, detail and shape. Filigree work is clear because of correct balances. Lovely end.

Scherzando: Slightly below 168 but this gives crystal clear detail. It’s so articulate and there is such control on display. High class stuff this.

Larghetto: Fine lyrical lead develops into broad and majestic chorale. Great Latin dance – real swagger and colour.

Brilliante to end: Wow! True brilliance – both ensemble and solos. Top class sop throughout. Great build to magnificent climax and exquisite resolve.

Overall: A performance of musical and technical brilliance this. Hard to beat!

So far then?

We don’t think we’ve heard the winner so far – but are current top three bands for us are:

1. Leyland
2. Hepworth
3. Fairey

Time: 1225hrs
Carlton Main Frickley Colliery, Russell Gray, 7

Opening: Full of expression and lyrical style this. A lot is made of a little in places perhaps? Filigree work is evident and closes with neat repose.

Scherzando: Untidy. Takes time to find balance and consistency. Too swift for some this – has energy but far too scrappy. Fine xylo closes expertly though.

Larghetto: Passionate delivery is very expressive and lyrical and leads to well shaped Latin dance with touch of swagger.

Brilliante to end: Variable. Good and poor stuff – messy ensemble control. Refrain is well shaped to fine climax and calm ending.

Overall: The quality of the lyricism outweighed the technical deficiencies on this one. Musically very well delivered but technically never fully secure.

Time: 1205hrs
YBS Band, Morgan Griffiths, 6

Opening: Confident start and is dynamically on the safe side. It’s neatly shaped and the filigree work comes through too. Delicate stuff.

Scherzando: Swift but not always accurate. Well done xylo – spot on! There is plenty of energy and sparkle on display but also scrappiness too.

Larghetto: Seems a little non descript but has flow. Latin dance is overwrought at times though. – a little too colourful perhaps?

Brilliante to end: A real mix of brilliance and misplaced enthusiasm. Refrain cried for restraint – especially dynamically. Huge climax leads to an untuneful close.

Overall: Very confident but a little over wrought this and in need of dynamic restraint to really give warmth to the musical picture.

Time: 1145hrs
Leyland, Jason Katsikaris, 5

Opening: True expression and cantabile style backed with filigree and dynamic control.

Scherzando: Deliberate tempo is below 168 but we hear detail and clarity. Perhaps a bit more energy and brilliance needed but it has been well handled.

Larghetto: Emotion laid on a bit thick but it’s persuasive stuff. Stylish Latin dance has real control of dynamics and lots of detail.

Brilliante to end: Very nearly spot on brilliance but where has the tenderness gone with refrain – a real pity. Fine build to climax and well shaped close.

Overall: Emotionally charged but also with a great deal of control too. A fine account – just in need of a touch of extra sparkle.

Time: 1125hrs
Hepworth (Cookson Homes), Ian Porthouse, 4

Opening: Confident opening is on the bold side but has shape and filigree detail. Gets a little harsh at times but neatly closed.

Scherzando: Solo cornet sub for sop is too obvious! Full of life this and detail if not always accurate at times. Xylo ending is wayward.

Larghetto: Confident is a little strident at times. Some lovely little touches and a true Latin dance feel.

Brilliante to end: True brilliance at times but also odd scrappy moments too. Refrain not always secure in build to climax – just a little strident but a fine ending.

Overall: A confident and well delivered performance – just lacking a little warmth. There was lots of quality though.

Time: 1107hrs
Redbridge, Jeremy Wise, 3

Opening: Poor opening takes time to find shape and expression. Filigree detail comes through, but it is inconsistent in execution.

Scherzando: Delivery is inconsistent – perc especially – xylo? Lacks coherent flow and detail. Not really vibrant.

Larghetto: Too many errors blight the picture. It sounds strained. Latin dance is better and now it has panache.

Brilliante to end: Tempo destroys clarity. Messy technical episodes. Refrain lacks warmth but builds to good climax. Ending rather peters out.

Overall: Error strewn performance that never really settled. Too inconsistent in execution to capture the musical essence for us.

Time: 1047hrs
Fairey, Philip Chalk, 2

Opening: Expressive opening is warmly developed with texture and filigree detail.

Scherzando: Neat start from sop and well chosen tempo allows clarity. Perc is wayward throughout though — xylo? Just loses sheen to end.

Larghetto: Well shaped this and moves into latin dance with style and clarity.

Brilliante to end: Stylish is a little messy at times — but full of verve. Lacks expression in refrain but builds to climax. Perc once again wayward though. Just tailed off in tuning to end.

Overall: A performance that had real hallmarks of quality but a few too many inconsistencies too.

Time: 1030hrs
Fishburn, Ray Farr, 1

Opening: Decent stuff is well expressed but later filigree detail is messy. Builds to climax and repose.

Scherzando: Heavy — very messy at times. 168 is the limit here. Good perc but it's scratchy.

Larghetto: Develops well but needs expression and touch of pathos.

Brilliante to end: Again messy and scrappy. Lacks detail and clarity for us. Huge climax leads to a well shaped end.

Overall: Not a great premiere this and not one that left a lasting impression.

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