The seemingly never ending limited release of information concerning the the National Championships of Great Britain continued on its drip feed way today with the annoucnement of the judges for the Finals — at Harrogate at least.
No precise date
With no precise date for the release of the information through the press, Kapitol Promotions have taken the step to release the information in stages through its own website.
Harrogate line up
The latest announcement concerns the appointment of the adjudication teams for Harrogate, with an interesting mix of personnel in the boxes for each of the sections.
Section 1: Melvin White & Steve Sykes
Section 2: Peter Roberts & Jim Davies
Section 3: Kevin Wadsworth & Stan Lippeatt
Section 4: Richard Evans & Chris Wormald
As for the rumours of the test piece though — Kenneth Downie remains the favourite, although perhaps with a piece that may not have been played as often as some of his more famous other major works...4BR
Royal Albert Hall
As for the Nationals at the Royal Albert Hall?
No precise date for release of either test piece or the judges as yet, so you will have to keep having to log into the Kapitol site to find out more. Clever that...
As for the rumours of the test piece though — Kenneth Downie remains the favourite, although perhaps with a piece that may not have been played as often as some of his more famous other major works...
Interesting that...