Entries are well down on past years for the Best of Brass competition being held in Maryborough, Queensland, over the Queens Birthday weekend, 7-9 June.
Only 12 bands will compete in the graded competition with no bands entered in the A Grade section. The contest organisers have received 43 solo entries.
However, A Grade bands Brisbane Brass and Brisbane Excelsior will feature in the Best of Brass Gala Concert on the Saturday evening.
Bands to compete include:
B Grade: Brisbane Brass #2, Windsor Brass, Toowoomba Municipal #1
C Grade: Yellow Cabs Bayside Brass, Toowoomba Municipal #2, Maryborough Brass, Rockhamption City
D Grade: Brisbane Brass #3, Bundaberg Municipal #2, Nambour & Maroochy District "Sunshine Brass", Maryborough Excelsior City Band
Junior Grade: Brisbane Brass Juniors
The adjudicator for the weekend is Edward Kennedy.