In the age of ever decreasing numbers of brass bands, there is news to celebrate in Yorkshire, with the birth of a new brass band.
Based in Northallerton, North Yorks, Alverton Brass has recently formed — all over a nice cup of best Yorkshire tea...
Formed over a cup of tea
Shane Hare from the band told 4BR: "This is what happens when you invite Jacquie (our conductor) over for a cup of tea……
After a chat it was discovered that Norman, Molly and Jacquie had always wanted to form a brass band in Northallerton. It was an ambition to bring back players to the Northallerton area who had previously had enjoyed part of their banding past here. These players for different reasons had found bands in other areas to fulfil their musical needs."
The players always have so much enthusiasm for the band. The concentration at practices is very intense, but everyone expresses their enjoyment at playing with Alverton BrassShane Hare
Shane added: "When we contacted our old banding friends to see if they were interested we were amazed to find how excited they all were at the idea. The result is that we now have a twenty strong band of players with a good musical ability."
Armed with their own instruments and music stands, everyone turned up to the first practice which was held on 11th October.
Shane continued: "The musical sound on that first practice was superb — and it felt like we had all been practising together for years. Jacquie, the conductor, says she wants results — and she usually does.
The players always have so much enthusiasm for the band. The concentration at practices is very intense, but everyone expresses their enjoyment at playing with Alverton Brass."
The Band was set up with no money, but everyone was asked to pay a joining fee and a weekly subscription, which helped Alverton to buy some music to start.
Looking forward
Shane concluded: "We have been lucky and are extremely grateful to sponsors who have donated money and music to help us on our way. We intend to publicise these sponsors, with their permission, on 4BR in the near future."
The Band is hoping to be involved in doing concerts, both for public events, and organising their own in the near future. The Band is looking forward to 23rd February, when they play at their first public concert!