The Kapitol Music Selection Panel has issued notification of changes to 'Three Part Invention', the Second Section Regional set work by Kenneth Downie
The Panel draws the attention of all competing bands to the following:
1. For the purposes of the Regional Contests 2008, the xylophone part will NOT be played.
2. Score and parts of this work have been re-printed since the announcement of the use of the work.
To help identify the original from the new:
Score Check: Original printed score – BBb Bass – bar 3, first quaver Bb is not accented.
New score shows this accented.
Parts Check: Original printed parts – glockenspiel part has 15 printed at beginning of every line.
New parts do not have this and are correctly numbered.
Other errors have occurred in score and parts, these examples are just identifiers. Errors have been corrected on the re-print of score and parts.
The publisher has agreed to replace scores and parts. Bands should contact their suppliers should they wish to do so. All adjudicators have been informed of the above.
A. Hope.
Music Panel Secretary.