The Geneva Group has announced that their acclaimed Performance & Development Artists, Phillip McCann and Kirsty Abbotts will run an exclusive workshop for the finalists of the various sections of the 2021 Phillip McCann Slow Melody Competition that took place earlier in the year.
It will be held at the company's Geneva's Head Office in Stokesley, North Yorkshire on Saturday 6th November with close families and friends able to also enjoy the event as well by live-stream.
Taking part are Leo Stemp, Michael MacDonald, Annie Stuart, Isobell Walsh, Ciaran Rieff-Marganiec, Stephanie Jonas, Lia Teague, Megan Newberry and Luke Barker. Luke who was the overall winner of the event is now a Geneva Group Ambassador.
Amazing performances
Speaking about the initiative, Phillip McCann told 4BR: "Earlier this year, Kirsty and I enjoyed the great pleasure of listening to 80 or so amazing performances who entered the different sections of the competition.
The aim was to encourage the development the lyrical element of brass playing in our younger cornet players and it was wonderful to hear so many players developing their tonality through slow melody playing."
Phillip added: "I'm delighted we can now both work with these players first hand. I know we are looking forward to hearing them all play."
Those with a close association to the participants who wish to watch the workshop, can view the session remotely by contacting Brett Baker by email: