4BR has been informed that the final preparations have been put in place to ensure that the forthcoming Bolsover International Brass Band Summer School (BIBBSS) will take place between July 25th and July 30th at Shirebrook Academy in North Derbyshire.
Extensive consultations
It is understood that extensive consultations and adherence to the full scope of Covid-19 regulations and guidelines has enabled the course management team to provide a safe and inclusive environment for musical and social activities to take place.
A spokesperson told 4BR: "We are delighted to report that the event will go ahead and that we have been able to undertake it with the complete support of our venue, staff and volunteers.
We have taken professional advice and will implement all guidelines and regulations to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Great response
They added: "We have already enjoyed a great response from delegates, and we hope this will enable everyone to enjoy a brilliant event even more."
Led by Course Director Steven Mead and a world class team of tutors, BIBBSS delegates can participate in a full week of brass band music making, tuition and inspiration linked to a highly enjoyable social activity."
Be a part
The course is still accepting enrolment for the course at Shirebrook Academy, Derbyshire commencing Sunday July 25th through to Friday July 30th.
If you are interested in participating on the course, please contact: info@bibbss.org.uk
or visit: www.bibbss.org.uk