As England prepares to go into lockdown mode on Thursday 5th November, with the result that all brass band activity is to stop until Wednesday 2nd December and possibly beyond, different rules have been confirmed by the devolved Welsh Government.
Wales in currently in lockdown 'firebreak' mode until 9th November.
Safety measures
From that date it has been announced that up to 15 people can meet for organised activities indoors, rising to 30 outdoors, providing all social distancing, hand hygiene and other Covid-19 safety measures are followed.
However, although there will be no travel restrictions within Wales, people are advised that they should avoid non-essential travel as much as possible.
The Welsh Government First Minister Mark Drakeford stated in his most recent announcement: "Rather than us asking what we can or can't do, we need to ask ourselves what should we be doing to keep our families safe. Government rules and regulations are here to help.
But the real strength we have is in the choices we make and the actions we take together."
This was later reinforced in a further statement given in response to First Minister questions on health protection measures after the current 'firebreak' period, where he again stated; "Organised activities for groups of up to 15 people indoors and 30 people outdoors will be allowed once the firebreak period ends.
But, once again, risk assessments will be needed to be carried out in advance, and all reasonable measures taken to minimise the risk of contracting or spreading the virus."
He further added: "People will be able to travel anywhere within Wales, but, once again, we ask people to approach the issue of travel responsibly, to stay close to home and continue to limit their contact with others.
Permission to travel is not an instruction to travel, and the way in which we behave in this area of our lives too will be reviewed in the weeks that follow the firebreak period.
While the English lockdown is in place, travel to and from England will be prohibited by the English regulations unless that is for an essential reason such as work or education and, recognising that Wales will come out of the firebreak as a high prevalence area of the UK, we will also place travel restrictions on people leaving or entering Wales until those rates come down."
Rather than us asking what we can or can't do, we need to ask ourselves what should we be doing to keep our families safe. Government rules and regulations are here to helpWelsh Government First Minister Mark Drakeford
National body seeks guidance
The new national brass band body Bandiau Pres Cymru/Brass Bands Wales has taken a proactive lead in making contact with the Welsh Government to seek further detailed information and guidance for brass bands.
A spokesperson told 4BR: "This is the type of issue in which Welsh banding needs to be able to gain clear, direct information and guidance, and we have already contacted appropriate people within the Welsh Government to gain this as soon as possible.
Our enquiries have been welcomed and treated with understanding. We will now await a formal response through official announcements for the arts sector in Wales and we will continue to represent the interests of Welsh brass banding with appropriate sources."