A month after the death of Ryan Anthony, 1400 performers, aged 6 to 93 and from 93 countries have been brought together for a remarkable performance of Peter Meechan's 'Song for Hope' which pays and anthem tribute the great American trumpet player.
Ryan passed away following a near decade battle against cancer. He was just 51.
Cancer Blows
In response to his diagnoses he set up the foundation charity, 'Cancer Blows'which championed music as the way to give people everywhere hope in their own battles against the illness.
His story is now the subject of an upcoming documentary feature film, although his own final ambitious project was to appeal to musicians everywhere, of every standard, to come together and form this incredible virtual ensemble, playing the beautiful 'Song of Hope'.
Such was the regard Ryan was held in that the likes of legendary performers Doc Severinsen, Arturo Sandoval and Allen Vizzutti all took part, whilst Ryan recorded his own contribution just a well before he died4BR
His great friend Chris Haigh told 4BR: "This was an anthem for Ryan and all he stood for. Now, this video, containing all performers aged 6 to 93 and Grammy-winning recording artists alongside those just beginning their musical journey, will immortalize him and his mission to show Music=Hope.
Such was the regard Ryan was held in that the likes of legendary performers Doc Severinsen, Arturo Sandoval and Allen Vizzutti all took part, whilst Ryan recorded his own contribution just a well before he died.
Contributors came from Australia to Vietnam with all stops in between, whilst the list of trumpet performers reads like the best 'who's who' in the musical world.
To listen
Go to: https://www.songforhopemovie.com/song-of-hope-world-band
More about the project
To find out more about how the project came about go to: