The identity of the players who will make up the Virtual All-Star Brass Band in aid of the COVID-10 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organisation has been revealed.
Star players
The initiative has been spearheaded by composer and journalist Andrew Wainwright, who at the time of the launch told 4BR: "It really is a who's who of players from around the banding world.
It's safe to say it would be nearly impossible to get this group of players altogether in one room ordinarily, but due to the wonders of technology this is being made possible."
He added: "I never imagined that so many of the players would agree to feature, so I'm very grateful to each of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to contribute."
Andrew cleverly ratcheted up the suspense in revealing the make-up of the band — with the identities unveiled by section.
Now the line-up, made up of 12 nationalities is complete with the proceeds of the project going towards the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, which is raising money on behalf of the United Nations Foundation to help fight the Coronavirus around the world.
I never imagined that so many of the players would agree to feature, so I'm very grateful to each of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to contributeAndrew Wainwright
The band's first performance of the famous showcase 'Hora Staccato' has now been released (so the Oi! shout halfway through is multi lingual!).
If you wish to donate to the project please go to: