We will keep posting regular quiz questions to win prizes over the coming weeks — some harder than others — but all a bit of fun to keep you in a good musical mood at home.
We have another trio of great brass band CDs up for grabs today from our selection box.
All you have to do is come up with the link between the following... and explain why.
What today links the name of a 'Major' British Open and National Championship winning conductor of Black Dyke, a European Championship test-piece by Philip Sparke, William Shakespeare and a quirky 1963 pop song by the trio Peter, Paul and Mary?
Answers with explanation to be sent to: quiz@4barsrest.com
Closing date for answers: 12.00 (midnight) on Thursday 23rd April.
What today links the name of a 'Major' British Open and National Championship winning conductor of Black Dyke, a European Championship test-piece by Philip Sparke, William Shakespeare and a quirky 1963 pop song by the trio Peter, Paul and Mary?4BR
Spartacus winner
Geoffrey Nield, who plays euphonium with Easingwold Band and is a huge Black Dyke fan knew that the link between the actor Issur Danielovitch Demsky, the Marathon chocolate bar and the brass band test pieces 'A Comedy of Errors' and 'A Matter of Seconds' was that they all changed their original names — to Kirk Douglas, the Snickers chocolate bar, 'Life Divine' and 'Triumphant Rhapsody'.