To celebrate what would have been the much missed composer and conductor Simon Kerwin's 58th birthday on 7th August, his wife and Director of Mode for…, Tabby Kerwin has announced the first CD on the new Mode for… recording label.
First album
Tabby told 4BR: "It had long since been a desire of both Simon and myself to produce some recordings in the Mode for… name, and I can't think of a better way to turn his birthday into a celebration than to announce the first album, which will be recorded later this month and released in November."
The recording will feature Simon's music, dating from his earliest works to the last ones he completed shortly before his death in November 2018, and which have not yet been performed. It will also include the 2020 Butlins Mineworkers Second Section test-piece 'Galdhøppigen'.
A donation from the sale of each CD will go towards the Bexley Wing, Yorkshire Cancer Centre where Simon was treated4BR
A donation from the sale of each CD will go towards the Bexley Wing, Yorkshire Cancer Centre where Simon was treated.
Tabby added: "The album will be entitled 'Lago' — reflective of Lake Trasimeno in Italy where we have our Italian home and office. I'm delighted that the music will be recorded by Rothwell Temperance Band under the baton of Dave Roberts. "
Pre-orders are now being taken with nothing payable until release in November. Each pre-order received before 1st November will also receive a free piece of music from the album.
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