With the fourth National Association of Brass Band Conductors (NABBC) Conducting Competition taking place on Saturday 8th June, the 2018 champion has been telling 4BR about what his success has brought.
Immediate boost
Josh Geddes from Australia claimed his victory amid difficult family circumstances. "It was really the Monday of that week I knew I was going for sure. My wife told me I wasn't allowed to call back with any further bad news, so luckily I was able to call with something to cheer us all up!"
In fact Josh enjoyed an immediate boost to his conducting career as one of the judges, Mark Heron, immediately invited him to a workshop with a Canadian group the very next day.
Many people want to know about the experience of either the competition or conducting Cory. Really that's been funJosh Geddes
Cory link
After returning home, Josh returned to the UK to take up the opportunity to realize a major part of his prize — and the chance to work with Cory Band.
He added; "Many people want to know about the experience of either the competition or conducting Cory. Really that's been fun. I've been able to meet a lot of fantastic musicians, really lovely people, and continue to work on the art and craft of being a conductor."
Esprit de corps
For Josh, the NABBC conducting competition was also very different to other competitions he had entered, as he explained: "The fact we were all locked in a room together fostered a very good esprit de corps.
Also receiving the one to one feedback between the rounds helped, so I would say to anyone hoping to have a conducting career, make sure you enter the competition, the opportunities it gives are tremendous."
2019 entry
Anyone interested in entering should email the association secretary James Holt on National.secretary@nabbc.org.uk and an application pack will be provided.
The closing date is Friday 26th April.