4BR has been informed that the 2019 Welsh Regional Championships will take place in Wrexham.
The event will be held at the 1200 seat William Aston Hall (above), part of the Glyndwr University, on the weekend of the 16th & 17th March.
The decision was made by the Welsh Regional Council, made up of representatives from South East Wales, West Wales and North Wales, and sees the Championships return to North Wales for the first time since 2014.
Fine venue
Speaking to 4BR, Regional Secretary Philip Morris said: "We are delighted to be able to bring the event back to North Wales and look forward to welcoming the nation's bands to a fine venue with excellent facilities.
Welsh banding is facing a number of challenges, but we continue to work together to provide a foundation for long term growth and development. A return to North Wales was planned and we are sure the William Aston Hall will provide a fine venue for an outstanding weekend of competition."
The event will be held at the 1200 seat William Aston Hall, part of the Glyndwr University, on the weekend of the 16th & 17th March4BR
Different locations
The Welsh Regional contest has taken place in a number of different locations since 1945 — including venues in all three association areas. The Brangwyn Hall in Swansea has been its main location since 1957, although it has also been held in Abertridwr, Treorchy, Aberystwyth and Llandudno.
It is understood that different venues throughout Wales for 2020 are to be explored.