The Brass Band Music Shop has announced that it has added more new suppliers to their already vast stockpile of brass band music.
Biggest suppliers
Already one of the biggest suppliers of brass band music to hundreds of bands across the world, Larch Music and the publisher of accomplished composer, Andrew Baker, Morthanveld Publishing, are just two of the latest publishing houses whose music will now be made available direct from the Brass Band Music Shop.
The Brass Band Music Shop aims to meet the needs of bands at all levels and above all, make finding and purchasing music as easy and as simple as possible.
With over 25,000 titles available, searching for the music you're after couldn't be simpler.
The Brass Band Music Shop aims to meet the needs of bands at all levels and above all, make finding and purchasing music as easy and as simple as possibleBrass Band Music Shop
If you've never used them before, here are just a few of the benefits you can expect when visiting
Quick search engine to find what you're after
See what other people are searching for too
Quick ordering and payment online, by phone, or email
Live stock control — see how long you music will take to arrive
Live tracking — you'll be emailed when your order is dispatched
International Shipping
Music from every major Brass Band Music Publisher
Database updated every 24hrs for the latest releases
Need help, no problem, call them on (0785) 251 9763
Their database is updated automatically overnight every 24hrs to ensure that the latest releases are always available.
Visit the Brass Band Music Shop now online at