Cory Band President Morgan Jones and MD Philip Harper are going the extra mile (or should that be miles and miles) to help the band retain the European title in Ostend later this month.
With no direct funding either from Welsh arts bodies or local or national government, Cory is having to raise the funds for their 17th consecutive trip to the event by themselves — with Morgan and Phil leading the way in saddle.
Keen cyclists
Both are keen cyclists — with Morgan racking up the miles over many years (above), whilst Phil has also been seen enjoying the Lycra lifestyle when he is not too busy with his conducting duties with the world's number 1 ranked band.
Phil also told 4BR that the idea to take to the saddle came as a bit of a surprise challenge after Morgan told him that he would like to help raise funds for the band by cycling from Wales to Belgium over three days to make it in time to hear them play.
"As that amounts to nearly 400 miles, I thought I had better do something myself!" Phil told 4BR. "I know Morgan takes his responsibilities as the Band President very seriously, but I must admit I felt a bit inadequate to start with!"
However, Phil has been out training over the past few weeks and so he will now make his contribution to the mammoth fund raising ride by cycling from his home in Gloucester to a Cory rehearsal on Tuesday 25th April — a total of 84 miles in the saddle.
He added: "I couldn't commit to cycle all the way to Belgium over the course of three days due to our rehearsal schedule, but I will do the 'prologue' which will see me hand over the fund raising baton to Morgan who will take off for Ostend the following morning. We hope to meet up again just before the draw for the own choice contest!"
Phil also revealed a little about his own training methods — and some of the music that keeps him going as he racks up the miles.
"I like to catch up with my favourite podcasts like Desert Island Discs, and listening to some classic albums like Revolver by the Beatles and The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. Brass band test pieces can be a bit more diffuclt to ride in a rhythm to!"
We know we have amazing supporters all around the banding world, so if they can help us in a different way to that of bands from others countries, we will be delightedCory MD, Philip Harper
And will all the effort be worthwhile?
"I hope so," he added. "It's great to have a President like Morgan who shows such leadership and determination to help the band, and hopefully we can repay his efforts with another victory.
We know we have amazing supporters all around the banding world, so if they can help us in a different way to that of bands from others countries, we will be delighted.
We have taken the decision to put our legs where our lips are so to speak — so if anyone can help us achieve our goal we will do it through through musical talent and sheer cycling guts and determination."
You can make a donation by visiting