The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators (AoBBA) will present a Regional Test Piece Workshop in Brighouse in January.
The event will focus on the set-works for the Second, Third and Fourth Sections, and will be held at Bailiff Bridge Community Centre, 1 Victoria Road, Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse (HD6 4DX) on Sunday 22nd January.
It will kick off at 1.30pm and it is hoped that players, conductors and any interested parties will attend to find out more about the works in what promises to be interesting and insightful sessions.
The opportunity will be given to explore each piece in detail and discuss aspects of rehearsal focus and preparation4BR
The opportunity will be given to explore each piece in detail and discuss aspects of rehearsal focus and preparation.
The pieces will be performed by the Unite the Union Band. The presenters for the day will be announced at a later date.