The 162nd British Open Championship organisers have announced that due to the amount of errata needed to be amended into the original score and parts of ‘Vita Aeterna Variations’ by Alexander Comitas, competing bands will now be sent brand new parts and conductor’s score in the next week.
A spokesperson told 4BR: "We fully appreciate the problems the competing bands have faced with the extensive list of errata, and are grateful to them for their understanding on this matter.
We have worked closely with the composer to ensure that the new parts and score have been checked and updated to incorporate all the errata to what is universally seen as a wonderful work for the contest."
They added: "Our thanks go to Ed de Boer (composer) for working with us and to the bands themselves. The cost of reprinting and postage of the new parts and score will be fully taken by the contest organisers."
We have worked closely with the composer to ensure that the new parts and score have been checked and updated to incorporate all the errata to what is universally seen as a wonderful work for the contestorganisers
4BR understands that new parts and score will be sent to the appropriate band contacts as soon as possible, but if any band has any further queries please contact:
Bands are also reminded to send their updated photo images and band pen portraits (350 words maximum) to the organises as soon as possible.
Frank Hodges
39, Broxton Avenue
Telephone: 01942 212418
Mobile: 07930 562 768