Just the one little brain tickler for you to sort out before the celebrations begin — and so do the hang overs...
The identity of which brass band can be found by a tenuous link between a recently discovered 17th century baroque painting bought by a clergyman for £400 but now worth over £400,000, a hymn tune to safeguard those in danger on the high seas and a dancing chimney sweep with a dodgy cockney accent?
Get the identity of the band right — and explain why, and we will send you out the CD of your choice plus a special 4BR diary to keep all those important brass bands contest and concert dates in!
link between a recently discovered 17th century baroque painting bought by a clergyman for £400 but now worth over £400,000, a hymn tune to safeguard those in danger on the high seas and a dancing chimney sweep with a dodgy cockney accent?4BR
E-mail us the answer, before 2013 turns to 2014, with your contact telephone details at: quiz@4barsrest.com