4BR has been informed that former Association of Brass Band Adjudicators Chairman, Stan Lippeatt and ABBA member Graham O’Connor have accepted the recommendations of the organisation’s recent disciplinary procedures over their actions at the recent Bolsover Festival of Brass contest.
It is understood that in doing so both will undertake appropriate equality and diversity training offered by ABBA before their membership is restored after a 12 month period of suspension.
In a press statement it was also confirmed that the organisation has accepted unreserved apologies from Stan Lippeatt and Graham O’Connor and that the organisation was pleased to report that both men were fully aware of the adverse publicity that had ensued.
Stan and Graham are fully aware of the impact of the adverse publicity that ensued and have wholeheartedly agreed to accept the recommendations as previously stated by ABBAABBA Executive Committee
The statement reads as follows:
“Recent dialogue between representatives of ABBA’s Executive, Stan Lippeatt and Graham O'Connor has confirmed that there was no malicious intent by them that influenced their recent actions at the Bolsover Festival contest.
ABBA have accepted their unreserved apologies for those actions and are pleased to report that both Stan and Graham are fully aware of the impact of the adverse publicity that ensued and have wholeheartedly agreed to accept the recommendations as previously stated by ABBA.
ABBA firmly believes that it has exercised its responsibility to the brass band community by using a definitive framework of both punitive and restorative measures to offer support to two long serving and dedicated founder members; thereby achieving its fundamental aims to maintain and, as appropriate, improve the professional standards of the membership to move forward purposefully and with dignity.”
The ABBA Executive Committee