The Scottish Brass Band Association (SBBA) has unveiled its new logo which now incorporates the Gaelic translation of the Association’s title.
SBBA has informed 4BR that they believe the new logo with the wording Comann Comhlain Ionnramaidean Praiseach na h-Alba, provides additional recognition of Scottish culture, especially for the Highland & Island areas in which they are due to focus their ongoing youth development programme.
Andrew Duncan, Development Manager for SBBA told 4BR: "The addition of the Gaelic translation is an effective way for us to demonstrate our involvement in Scottish society at all levels. It shows SBBA's awareness of the parliamentary guidelines and the recently passed Gaelic Bill to encourage the use of the language throughout the country."
Andy added: "It’s interesting to note that whilst Gaelic has traditionally been linked with the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, the 2001 census showed significant Gaelic communities in urban and lowland Scotland.
Therefore, whilst we predominantly wish to indicate our commitment to the outreaching areas of Scotland in which we hope to expand our youth development programme, this step will also touch on many other areas of Scotland at the same time."
It shows SBBA's awareness of the parliamentary guidelines and the recently passed Gaelic Bill to encourage the use of the language throughout the countryAndy Duncan
The logo was launched at the recent 2011 SBBA Conference in Livingston where the Association announced it will now begin incorporating the new design throughout its website, stationery and online advertising.