Despite what they state as recent ‘disappointing events’, the working party charged with looking into the possibility of a United Kingdom Brass Band Alliance has reasserted its aim to make progress towards setting up the nationwide body.
We believe that our proposals are in the best interests of banding in the UK and the working group will meet again in Birmingham on 2nd September to discuss alternatives and make progress on re-convening Summit 3Working Party
Best interests
In a statement sent to 4BR, they outline their short term objectives for what they believe are proposals that are ‘in the best interests of banding in the UK’.
"At the summit meeting in July last year, the UKBBA working group were tasked to come forward with proposals for a body that would unite banding organisations in the UK and at the same time put in place building blocks for the future development of UK banding.
The working group formulated proposals and consulted on them for approval or otherwise at Summit 3 (the proposals can be viewed on the websites of BFBB, SBBA and BBL (NI) as well as the band media).
The responses to that consultation have generally been very positive, but the rather disappointing events of the past few weeks led to the postponement of Summit 3.
We believe that our proposals are in the best interests of banding in the UK and the working group will meet again in Birmingham on 2nd September to discuss alternatives and make progress on re-convening Summit 3."