4BR has been informed that the organisers of the 2012 Flemish Open Brass Band Championships are looking to welcome bands from all over the globe to their event in Mechelen next year.
And with a large field of competitors already booking their places at one of the fastest growing band contests in Europe, they have told 4BR that they would especially like to see contenders make the short trip across the English Channel from the UK.
Every two years
The competition takes place every two years at Mechelen’s wonderful City Theatre, will be held on the weekend of the 14th/15th April 2012 and is open to bands in four sections graded A – D.
We have already enjoyed a great deal of interest form bands in Europe, but would love to see interest from the BritishSpokesperson
"We have already enjoyed a great deal of interest form bands in Europe, but would love to see interest from the British," a spokesperson told 4BR. "The contest is known for its professional organisation and very pleasant atmosphere."
Every band performs a 25-minute entertainment programme (30 minutes for section A) including a set work.
More details are available at: www.vobk.org as well as entry forms at office@vobk.org.