The Scottish Brass Band Association’s Event Manager Peter Fraser MBE is recovering well in hospital following an operation.
Rest and recuperation
Development Officer Alan Edmond told 4BR that despite being told to enjoy a bit of rest and recuperation, Peter couldn’t wait to get back to work.
"We know lots of people have tried to get in touch with Peter over the last week or so, but we can assure everyone that he will be back and in charge of things as soon as he gets some well earned rest."
Scottish Championship
In the meantime, if there are any enquiries in regard to the forthcoming Scottish Championships to be held in Perth, bands are advised to contact Tom Allan or Alan Edmond direct.
Tom Allan,
71 Tantallon Drive,
Tel: 01505 81 4502 (H)
0788 1920 361(M)
or Alan Edmond on: 07867 540435