Last weekend, Test Valley Brass Youth Band raised the roof at their local Overton Church.
Having been invited to take part in the Remembrance Service they performed before, during and after the event.
A spokesperson for St Mary’s at Overton told 4BR: "We were thrilled that the band was able to join us this year. This is the first time a band has taken part and they brought a whole new dimension to our service of remembrance.
The standard of playing was quite phenomenal for such a young group of people. They were quite simply fantastic."
The standard of playing was quite phenomenal for such a young group of people. They were quite simply fantasticSt Mary's Church
The band played hymns before and after the service together with ‘As the Deer’ by Martin Nystrom. During the service they played the ‘Last Post’ and ‘Reveille’ on the stroke of eleven and along with the church organ accompanied the choir and congregation singing ‘O God our Help in Ages Past’ and ‘Lord of the Years’.
The National Anthem was played with a rousing drum roll by Gavin Brewer at the start which really raised the roof.
Alec Grimsey of Test Valley Brass told 4BR: "The young people couldn’t have given any more. They were outstanding, we are so proud of them.
The acoustics within the church are very good and the band took full advantage of them! The Remembrance Service is an incredibly important occasion when we remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and taking part in it is the very least we can do. We are very proud to have supported Overton."