
Live: 2010 British Open Championships

Draw and live coverage of the 2010 British Open Championships, Saturday 4 September from Symphony Hall, Birmingham.

Symphony Hall

Saturday 4th September
Test Piece: 'On the Shoulders of Giants' — Professor Peter Graham
Draw: 9.00am
Commence: 10.30am

Additional comments and thoughts on our twitter site:

4BR Comments by Iwan Fox
Judging Criteria Experiment marks (out of 200) by Steven Mead

Download criteria forms at: http://www.euphonium.net/home.php?newsID=206

William Relton, Nigel Boddice, Ronald Holz

It's been a very enjoyable and interesting day at Symphony Hall on a test pice that fully tested the bands.

It's nip and tuck between Black Dyke and Fairey for us — it could go either way.

Foden's should make it back on the podium, but after that it could be Cory, Grimethorpe and Brighouse to make up the top six.

The rest of our top ten are Tredegar, Desford, Rothwell and Leyland.

4BR Predition:

1. Black Dyke
2. Fairey (Geneva)
3. Foden's
4. Cory
5. Grimethorpe
6. Brighouse
7. Tredegar
8. Desford
9. Rothwell

Steven Mead's Judging Experiment

1. Black Dyke
2. Cory
3. Foden's
4. Fairey (Geneva)
5. Grimethorpe
6. Brighouse
7. Tredegar
8. Rothwell
9. Leyland

Band 17. Fodens (Howard Snell)
Time: 17.06hrs


Power! Superb opening Bruckner is so stylish and leads into a high pace ensemble tour de force. Not all there but so dramatic this. Tiny blips but great close.

A flowing lyricism is displayed with a safe dynamic. Jazz interlude features super flugel, trom and vibes man. There is a lovely simplicity to this that draws you in. Wonderful close.

Fantasie Brillante:
More powerhouse playing this. So well controlled and executed all with growng sense of direction. Great Sousa spots, a growing menace and an awesome close. Thrilling!

How we have missed Mr. Snell. inspired Fodens today. Right in with a huge shout of the title.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 16
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 18
Tempi: 18
Dynamic range: 19
Ensemble precision: 18
Tuning/Intonation: 18
Sound Quality: 18
Balance: 19
Quality of soloists: 19
Artistic expression/Musicality: 19

Penalty points: 0

Total: 182

Band 16. Co-operative Funeralcare (Michael Fowles)
Time: 16.45hrs


Big bold start is undermined by AWOL percussion. Pacy but harsh in places it recovers its dramatic poise but perc. is so far out of synch.

Starts well but soon loses focus amid litany of annoying slips. the return of the unwanted kitman means cool jazz feel is lost despite fine flugel and trom. fraught to close.

Fantasie Brillante:
Reprise is better but its untidy. Has its momets but far too few. Build to climax is OK and big close is well handled — but it's too late.

A disappointing showing this. Never settled almost from the word go. A struggler for us.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 11
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 12
Tempi: 14
Dynamic range: 12
Ensemble precision: 12
Tuning/Intonation: 11
Sound Quality: 12
Balance: 13
Quality of soloists: 12
Artistic expression/Musicality: 13

Penalty points: 0

Total: 122

Band 15. Grimethorpe Colliery (Allan Withington)
Time: 16.17hrs


Great Bruckner inspired opening has a real orchestral breadth in sound and style. Grimey hit the pedal and it's red hot playing and oh so dramatic despite the blips. Lumpy entry spoils pianissimo close.

Lovely stark lyricism captures mood but there are moments of unease. Flugel stands as does trom but does it really work? Not for us — they become too detached from the ensemble. Stylish though and ensemble holds form to the close.

Fantasie Brillante:
Overdrive is engaged. Great suff this. Bravo horn and great Sousa spotlights. Menacing build to an awesome Checkmate close — Wow!

A performance of high class technique and musicality — and a little risk taking too!

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 17
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 18
Tempi: 17
Dynamic range: 16
Ensemble precision: 17
Tuning/Intonation: 16
Sound Quality: 18
Balance: 16
Quality of soloists: 16
Artistic expression/Musicality: 18

Penalty points: 0

Total: 169

Band 14. Virtuosi GUS (John Berryman)
Time: 15.530hrs


A real old pacy one from GUS to start — real drive and purpose. Good stuff too. Just gets a little OTT but held its form right to a solid close.

Starts well but errors tarnish the flow of the music. Solid flugel leads jazz interlude but not everything is as cool as it should be. Errors are hurthing this. Recovers but damage done.

Fantasie Brillante:
The drive has just lost its edge. still decent work with fine but not precise enough elsewhere. Has its classy moments but siunds workmanlike in build to bold ending.

The proverbial 4br curate's egg! Great in parts no so good in others.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 13
Tempi: 14
Dynamic range: 14
Ensemble precision: 15
Tuning/Intonation: 14
Sound Quality: 13
Balance: 12
Quality of soloists: 11
Artistic expression/Musicality: 13

Penalty points: 0

Total: 131

Band 13. Black Dyke (Dr Nicholas Childs)
Time: 15.280hrs


Huge Bruckner fanfares have enhanced depth? Great sounds and razor sharp style. Powerhouse playing this but you hear all the layers — top to bottom. Super close.

Beautiful build to stark, lyrical opening. So well shaped and leads to the coolest of jazz interludes to follow. Great flugel is almost sub zero but elsewhere there are little clips and an ensemble loss of flow. Recovers to a sensitive close.

Fantasie Brillante:
A little untidy to open but soon hits overdrive. There is so much detail on offer here and quality playing. Great Sousa spotlights. What a build (great troms) and finale is a knockout.

A performance of such rich musicality and technical prowess. One hand on the Trophy — Checkmate Dyke?

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 18
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 20
Tempi: 19
Dynamic range: 19
Ensemble precision: 19
Tuning/Intonation: 19
Sound Quality: 20
Balance: 19
Quality of soloists: 19
Artistic expression/Musicality: 19

Penalty points: -1

Total: 190

Band 12. Fairey (Geneva) (Russell Gray)
Time: 15.03hrs


A highly impressive opening is follwed by detailed pacy ensemble with razor sharp technical work. Careful! It loses focus and becomes scrappy but soon recovers to classy close.

This is fine playing. There is lyrical starkness to this which leads into high class jazz interlude. Cool!! Great solo lines. MD captures a touch of magic here.

Fantasie Brillante:
More quality follows — so much detail and style. Great sop and Sousa spotlights not far behind. Brilliant build and a breathless . Checkmate close.

What a tremendous perfromance Playing of highest quality and a reading of true understanding by MD. The leader for us.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 18
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 18
Tempi: 17
Dynamic range: 18
Ensemble precision: 8
Tuning/Intonation: 17
Sound Quality: 18
Balance: 18
Quality of soloists: 18
Artistic expression/Musicality: 19

Penalty points: 0

Total: 179

Band 11. Carlton Main Frickley Colliery (Philip McCann)
Time: 14.40hrs


Stylish plying but not always precise with perc. It's certainly bold and brightly balanced. The odd accent does stand out and poor tuning just tarnishes a fine close.

a simple elegiac approach is persuasive and engaging. Just that odd rub of intonation. Flowing jazz interlude is enhanced by class flugel and trom. Plenty to admire despite odd blips and clips.

Fantasie Brillante:
Not quite all in synch but once more it is stylish and interesting. Superb horn leads the way but it gets scrappy in places. Perc. is out in build up to climax and the fine finish.

A nearly one — close to being a cracker but may have just missed out today.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 14
Tempi: 16
Dynamic range: 15
Ensemble precision: 13
Tuning/Intonation: 11
Sound Quality: 15
Balance: 14
Quality of soloists: 12
Artistic expression/Musicality: 16

Penalty points: 0

Total: 138

Band 10. Kirkintilloch (Garry Cutt)
Time: 14.18hrs


The odd bit of tuning tarnishes an impressive opening. This has drive and purpose but also the odd nasty moment too. Ending just lacks touch of focus

Confident start has a flowing elegiac feel but some lines sound a little fraught and forced. Fine flugel and side drum. This doesn't quite sit as relexed as it should through to the end.

Fantasie Brillante:
Not quite as impressive second time around but it is stylish. Gets scrappy despite some fine ensemble sounds. Big old finish rounds things off.

Never quite bulit on the promise it showed early doors but should hold its own.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 13
Tempi: 16
Dynamic range: 13
Ensemble precision: 14
Tuning/Intonation: 13
Sound Quality: 14
Balance: 13
Quality of soloists: 13
Artistic expression/Musicality: 14

Penalty points: 0

Total: 135

At the half way point 4BR opts for a top six of:

1. Cory
2. Brighouse
3. Tredegar
4. Desford
5. Rothwell
6. Leyland

Steven Mead goes for:

1. Cory
2. Brighouse
3. Tredegar
4. Rothwell
5. Leyland
6. Desford

There is plenty to play for and lots of differeing opinions we have come across too!!

Band 9. Rothwell Temperance (David Roberts)
Time: 13.40hrs


Bold but balanced. Bruckner is followed by neat, pacy ensemble. This is well executed playing. There was a touch of polish about this.

Just takes time to settle before it finds its flow. Never quite seems at ease despite fine flugel. Rep dep' does well. Uneven right to close.

Fantasie Brillante:
The real quality returns now. Neat, balanced and flowing. Just little blips in some lines but build to close and thumping 'checkmate' ends things well.

Two high class movements but the elegy never quite matched. Just off the pace.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 15
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 16
Tempi: 16
Dynamic range: 15
Ensemble precision: 16
Tuning/Intonation: 15
Sound Quality: 15
Balance: 16
Quality of soloists: 15
Artistic expression/Musicality: 17

Penalty points: -1

Total: 155

Band 8. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)
Time: 13.20hrs


Bold opening just has a hint of imprecise perc to start. Super xylo leads pacy playing but it's not always precise.

Fine opening and this has a lovely sparse feeling to this. What a flugel and trom in the coolest of jazz interludes. Tiniest of blips but this was so well played.

Fantasie Brillante:
Great pacy opening and the detail is crystal clear. Horn excels and ensemble is not behind. Impresive playing this. Little blips but agreat build and thumping close.

Got over an untidy opening to produce a superb second movementand corkign close. In the mix for us.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 16
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 16
Tempi: 15
Dynamic range: 16
Ensemble precision: 16
Tuning/Intonation: 17
Sound Quality: 17
Balance: 16
Quality of soloists: 17
Artistic expression/Musicality: 17

Penalty points: 0

Total: 163

Band 7. Desford Colliery (Martin Winter)
Time: 12.53hrs


Controlled Bruckner to open — it's all in place and has ensemble balance. Little clips but this is very stylish playing. Poor tuning spoils the ending.

Niceley judged sense of spareseness to open despite oddtuning moment. Cool jazz feel is enhanced by classy flugel and trom. So stylish this. litle blips bit this was great stuff right to a 'vibby' end.

Fantasie Brillante:
More control and balance. plenty to sit back and admire. Little slips heard but also plenty of class too. Huge build to checkmate that really resonated.

A cracking show this — so stylish in execution despite clips. Persuasive and totally engaging.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 15
Tempi: 14
Dynamic range: 13
Ensemble precision: 14
Tuning/Intonation: 14
Sound Quality: 15
Balance: 15
Quality of soloists: 14
Artistic expression/Musicality: 14

Penalty points: 0

Total: 140

Band 6. Leyland (Philip Harper)
Time: 12.30hrs


Wowee! Tubas tank it out a bit! Broad style takes time to settle — then it motors. Now it's up and running — great stuff (esp. xylo) . It's on the edge at times and nervous to close.

Takes time to settle and lines sound a little fraught and nervous. Doesn't have that languid cool jazz feel despite good flugel and trom. That feel of nervousness remains despite the musicality.

Fantasie Brillante:
More like it. Boppy if a little untidy. Has some tremendous moments but also lots of cracks. Great drive to huge climax to close.

One that perhaps just failed to live up to its early promise. Just too many cips ad signs of nerves.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 14
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 15
Tempi: 17
Dynamic range: 16
Ensemble precision: 16
Tuning/Intonation: 15
Sound Quality: 16
Balance: 16
Quality of soloists: 11
Artistic expression/Musicality: 16

Penalty points: 0

Total: 152

Band 5. Hepworth (Cookson Homes) (Brian Grant)
Time: 12.07hrs


Bold and pacy to open but at times it doesn't quite hang together. It's a quick one this! Again everything links (side drum) & it's very loud — It's only fortissimo. Neat close.

Lanquid flow allows players time to shine to open. Another kitman takes the field — why? Uneven execution this and lumpy. Poor ensemble and rep sub. Tuning to close! Not great this.

Fantasie Brillante:
Lack of dynamic contrast makes the playing monochrome. Pace lacks precision despite high adrenaline levels. Big thumping close.

Big, bold and brash in outer movements. Poor second movement will cost though. Very uneven.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 11
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 12
Tempi: 14
Dynamic range: 13
Ensemble precision: 13
Tuning/Intonation: 11
Sound Quality: 10
Balance: 10
Quality of soloists: 12
Artistic expression/Musicality: 12

Penalty points: 0

Total: 118

Band 4. Tongwynlais Temperance (Nigel Seaman)
Time: 11.45hrs


A pacy Bruckner opening has a pointed style. The adrenaline is flowing. Top sop. It gets harsh and scrappy though. A very deliberate style could hit or miss. Not quite to close

More confident playing — but it needs a touch more of an elegiac feel for us. Super flugel and trom lead a flowing jazz interlude. Just a little forced to close.

Fantasie Brillante:
More pace but it starts to sound tired and a little forced. Neat moments and bravura Sousa spotlights. Just runs out of steam to end but its the full hog!

A lot of character from the band. Bold and confident — it just lost its way through tiredness to close.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 12
Tempi: 14
Dynamic range: 12
Ensemble precision: 14
Tuning/Intonation: 12
Sound Quality: 13
Balance: 14
Quality of soloists: 14
Artistic expression/Musicality: 09

Penalty points: 0

Total: 126

Band 3. Whitburn (Frank Renton)
Time: 11.25hrs


Very 'V-Shaped' formation- almost big band line-up. It's bold but untidy. Exiting stuff but it is clippy which tarnishes the broad sense of style. Not quie 100% to close.

Lumpy start but has a fine liquid feel. The huge question mark is the style — flowing jazz with super flugel and trom but the drum accomp'? Odd or inspired? Not really elegiac to close

Fantasie Brillante:
Loses impetus and precision. Some great stuff but it's untidy too. Loses pace. Huge sounds to close.

An uneven one that had its moments great, good, messy and slightly odd. A bit of a maverick one this but may struggle.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 12
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 11
Tempi: 12
Dynamic range: 10
Ensemble precision: 13
Tuning/Intonation: 13
Sound Quality: 14
Balance: 12
Quality of soloists: 12
Artistic expression/Musicality: 14

Penalty points: 0

Total: 123

Band 2. Brighouse and Rastrick (Professor David King)
Time: 11.00hrs


Huge bold Bruckner to start but so well balanced too. There is a classy sheen to this playing. Quality just wanes at the close, but what an attempt at the dynamics.

Just takes time to settle — but tubas spot on. Flugel is more Clark Terry inspired than Miles Davis?? Very bluesy. Lovely trom and rep. It's very engaging and confident this depite poort tuning to close.

Fantasie Brillante:
More balance, control and polish. Super horn and xylo. The lid is kept on without losing panache. Great thumping close.

A very polished, classy controlled and at times quite individula take this but oh so engaging. The King is back.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 16
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 17
Tempi: 15
Dynamic range: 16
Ensemble precision: 17
Tuning/Intonation: 15
Sound Quality: 17
Balance: 16
Quality of soloists: 18
Artistic expression/Musicality 18

Penalty points: 0

Total: 165

Band 1. Cory (Dr Robert Childs)
Time: 10.30hrs


Huge knife edged opening. Xylo is a wizard. Great technique on show and this is played with crystal cut clarity. A huge statement of intent.

Fine start but not a Bb tuba solo? The odd noticeable clip detracts but fine flugel and languid trom are classy. Again little blips and sop sobs at the end.

Fantasie Brillante:
Real Cory strength. Epic horn. Steamroller stuff this. Sousa spots and top notch. Immense build to huge ending. Some close!

A high class marker — but the 2nd movement may just see them overtaken today.

Judging Criteria Experiment:

Pitch/Correct notes: 18
Rhythmic accuracy and clarity: 19
Tempi: 19
Dynamic range: 19
Ensemble precision: 19
Tuning/Intonation: 18
Sound Quality: 19
Balance: 19
Quality of Soloists: 18
Artistic expression/Musicality 18

Penalty points: -1

Total: 185

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Rushden Town Band

March 12 • 2nd Trombone - due to work relocation of previous player. A fun loving band who have many regular jobs throughout the year as well as competing in at least two contests each year.

David Frame

Bass/Tenor Trombone Player, Adjudicator (Member of AoBBA) Occasional Conductor


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