The 2nd Annual British Trombone Society Solo & Quartet Competition is fast approaching, and the deadline for applications is fast approaching.
The BTS are delighted with the huge amount of interest shown in the competition in terms of enquiries, but as yet only a small number of completed application forms have managed to make it back to the organisers.
If you are one of the many interested parties to have emailed the BTS regarding the contest you should return your completed application form as a matter of urgencyBTS
If you are one of the many interested parties to have emailed the BTS regarding the contest you should return your completed application form as a matter of urgency.
Due to the problems associated with the recent Postal Strike the Society is willing to take application form returns via email with the payment being received on the day of the contest.
More details
If you have not yet registered your interest and wish to take part in the competition to be held at Salford University on the 6th December, please email: Gareth Westwood at