Bolsover District Council are looking forward to this weekend’s Bolsover Brass Band Entertainment Contest, at its new venue, the Post Mill Centre, Market Street in South Normanton, which is situated close to M1 Junction 28.
Great day
The contest commences at 9.00am with the Un-Registered Section followed by the 3rd/4th Section, 1st/2nd Section and finishing with the Championship Section 'Inter-County Challenge'.
The new venue is the Post Mill Centre, Market Street in South Normantonorganisers
Great day out
The contest will be a great day’s entertainment all for £3 for the day. There are bar and catering facilites all day and 23 bands for adjudicator Ian Porthouse — a record.
Carole Crompton told 4BR: "There are more competitive sections than last year and more developments planned for next year’s competition."