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2022 National Championships
Royal Albert Hall, Kensington
Saturday 15 October

Comments: Chris Thomas and John Ward
Images: Craig Chapman
Social Media & Production: Iwan Fox & Matthew Ruel

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  • Saturday 15, 19:29:05

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    Test Piece: Hyperlink (Peter Graham)
    Adjudicators: Dr Robert Childs, Dr Stephen Cobb, Prof Rob Wiffin OBE

    1. Foden's (Russell Gray)*
    2. Black Dyke (Prof. Nicholas Childs)*
    3. Cory (Philip Harper)*
    4. Flowers (Paul Holland)*
    5. Hammonds (Morgan Griffiths)
    6. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)
    7. Rothwell Temperance (David Roberts)
    8. Oldham Band (Lees) (John Collins)
    9. Desford Colliery (Michael Fowles)
    10. Redbridge (Chris Bearman)
    11. Whitburn (Garry Cutt)
    12. Aldbourne (Erik Janssen)
    13. Bon Accord Silver (Adam Cooke)
    14. Easington Colliery (Stephen Malcolm)
    15. Leyland (Thomas Wyss)
    16. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Christopher Bond)
    17. Ratby Co-operative (Mareika Gray)
    18. Northop Silver (Daniel Brooks)
    19. NASUWT Riverside (Dr. David Thornton)
    20. Haverhill Silver (Paul Filby)

    Best Instrumentalist: Richard Poole (soprano) — Foden's
    * Prequalified for 2023 National Final

  • Saturday 15, 18:30:28

    National Youth Brass Band entertain...

    We are now having a short concert from the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain conducted by Martyn Brabbins.

    It's a fine way to round off a day that has seen the action come quick and fast — literally so with the speed of the last movement of the test-piece. Great stuff and highly enjoyable for a very encouragingly sized audience.

    We await the results...

  • Saturday 15, 18:14:01

    That's it for the contesting...

    What an intriguing day — from start to finish. The obvious favourites in Foden's and Cory are taking the plauidts at the end of the contest, but there are so many fans for Flowers — and deservedly so.

    Those three for us should be the podium finishers with the defending champion pulling out all the stops to keep a grip on their crown — but it could head west from the Albert Hall up the M4.

    How far we will have to wait and see, but both Flowers and Cory would be the worthiest of champions too.

    Tredegar also made a huge impression of such an early draw whilst its between Desford, Rothwell, Black Dyke and Oldham Band (Lees) as our critic's pick for the top-six.

    Chris Thomas top-six

    1. Foden's
    2. Flowers
    3. Cory
    4. Tredegar
    5. Black Dyke
    6. Oldham Band (Lees)

    Dark Horse: Desford

    John Ward top-six

    1. Flowers
    2. Foden's
    3. Cory
    4. Tredegar
    5. Desford
    6. Rothwell Temperance

    Dark Horse: Black Dyke

  • Saturday 15, 17:57:51

    20. Foden's (Russell Gray)

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    The defending champion takes to the stage as the last band of the day and the opening is both arresting and polished. There is a cohesive energy about 'The Voice of Jupiter' that seems to unite the various strands and disparate elements of the opening movement together in satisfying fashion. The result is both musically satisfying and darkly compelling.

    'Remember Me' draws us into the depths of the musical picture. It's ghostly, emotionally powerful and drives deep into the psyche of the score. The warmth that penetrates at the centre of the movement is palpable' the sun momentarily penetrating the clouds' the effect is magical and one can sense the effect on the audience before the final fade seems to stop in mid air.

    The immediacy of the momentum in 'Vivat' is every bit as arresting as the opening movement, the masterful pacing to the conclusion and the cranking up of the detail and energy, so well measured and conceived. The ending is simply terrific.

    Overall: A performance of majestic stature by Foden's that traversed every emotion and every nuance of light and shade. Powerful and detailed in the outer movements and casting a spell of its own in Remember Me.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Mispitch in first bar distracts. Steady bass tread works but it's not fully in tune. Fine solo trom lead and their follows good sectional work too. Effective lead into a pacey fugue which becomes a little untidy as other voices join. H-I impressive semi-quaver figures. Imposing reprise of the Bach motif — really attention grabbing. Effective muted cornet close

    Movement 2:

    Fine horns. Hint of wrong note on 3rd of A (?) in glock. Well balanced flugel/horn trio Question mark over intonation in muted cornets just before D. Well done tuba, with good horn voicing towards the end of the solo. Super secure and 'singing' horns before F are just lovely. Restful atmosphere created throughout F, easy to sit back and enjoy. 'Welcome home' motif is always heard, fine work from solo horn and conductor for achieving that balance.

    Movement 3:

    Huge amount of quality in evidence with a super build to C. Real cat and mouse with dynamics, so effective. Such impressive lower band sounds from I-J. J is very clean and balanced, so hard to achieve. Progresses with detail really jumping out the score, very impressive. Excellent sop noted throughout. Pacey presto has detail and contrast. This really has been some last movement, fabulous.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 17:42:45

    19. Cory (Philip Harper)

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    A finely judged opening flourish and there's a dark, almost grim tread about the Risoluto that follows. This is purposeful and hewn from granite in its character and atmosphere. There's a nasty moment in the trombones but the detail and clarity of the ensemble are without question, rock solid.

    'Remember Me' seems to reach what is the very personal heart of the music for the composer. There are the tiniest of slips evident but there is also a ghostly presence that seems to be ever present' we get that sense of release when sudden warmth penetrates the darkness and the balance and colours are exploited to telling effect as the movement fades away into silence so effectively.

    The jazzy elements of 'Vivat' in the trombones are so well pulled off and the sheer drive created through the precision and clarity of the ensemble is exhilarating, nowhere more so than in the build up to the close which is so well measured and allows the detail and excitement to build to a conclusion of crackling energy.

    Overall: A performance of energy and intensity from Cory. There are slips for sure but the sheer visceral drive of this was mightily impressive.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Very bright and marked opening. Excellent troms and xylophone (in triplets). Fugue has huge detail but maybe over accented between G and H. Huge reprise section at K with such a well balanced cornet close.

    Movement 2:

    Well done — just right. Not all vibraphone notes are speaking. Gorgeous flugel, slip on solo horn and balance not 100% towards the back end of the trio. D is great with a very lovely tuba solo. Lovely atmosphere from full band all unfolds very naturally. Gorgeous sound, just band and tuned percussion triplet lines not together is a distraction.

    Movement 3:

    Breathtaking drive and technique on show. Progesses well as we go. Tiniest of slips between J-K on upper cornet. Duet section starts out well but errors do creep in. Huge dynamic range on show. Super close to performance, which had its occasional bumps but a overall aura of very very high quality playing.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 17:17:39

    18. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Christopher Bond)

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    A competent opening and the Risoluto progresses well, if lacking the last ounce of penetrating clarity and balance that underpins the movement's structure.

    There are some lovely touches in 'Remember Me' and although there are also lapses and slips that threaten to unsettle the musical picture, the underlying atmosphere and musicality is handled well, including a deft close that fades nicely.

    'Vivat' sometimes struggles to maintain its momentum as the performance takes its toll, but there is also careful attention to balance that displays an awareness of what is trying to be achieved.

    Overall: A creditable show from City of Cardiff flying the flag for Wales with pride ahead of their compatriots Cory taking to the stage.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Slightly untidy opening and progresses steadily and confidently. Robust fugue, progressively loses focus. Good xyo noted J-K. Reprise of Bach motif is effective and leads to a tidy close.

    Movement 2:

    Horn section not completely balanced but the trio just after works well. Well managed tuba solo and pleasing band sound. Minor clips in next horn trio and can't ignore several slips in the solo cornets.

    Movement 3:

    Sensible tempo adopted, unfortunately the pitch of bass trom and basses doesn't match on low long notes. J-K very well balanced cornets and horns. Duet section just about comes off and followed by focused and confident ensemble. Grandiose full band sound and 'I can hear the bells!' too! Admirable presto with real drive to close a very committed showing.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 16:56:33

    17. Rothwell Temperance (David Roberts)

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    The opening flourish flies by in something of a torrent, with the Risoluto purposeful and solid in its delivery. Perhaps just a touch too solid at times as its heavy tread sometimes masks that all important inner detail.

    'Remember Me' is dark but with a richly emotional heart. This doesn't quite have that last ounce of magic that would make it truly special, but that isn't to say that it doesn't speak with emotion. The close is nicely done, concluding the movement in style. This has been the highlight of Rothwell's performance so far without a doubt.

    The final movement is at times untidy in its execution, never lacking in drive or purpose, but not quite leaving that satisfying sense of a finale that has been delivered with absolute procession and clarity. Yet it also never let up on its excitement.

    Overall: At its best, Rothwell delivered a fine account today, the highlight of which was a luminous central movement.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Arresting start with the hint of 'improvisation' suggested in the score. Progesses with definition and purpose. Very robust fugue, loses some clarity as we progress. So committed — very little out of place. Good close.

    Movement 2:

    Well done horns to open. Flug/horn trio works led by a lovely plaintive flugel sound. 'Cold' horns slightly detached approach works. Great warm band sounds, so much care being taken, which has generated a great atmosphere.

    Movement 3:

    Pacey opening works well. Superb sop noted before C. Little splashes on the way but nothing major. Duet section hangs in there but great sop noted again. Powerful band sounds in the grandiose section and leads to a positive and high quality close to a performance which had plenty to admire. Well done.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 16:35:00

    16. Black Dyke (Prof. Nicholas Childs)

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    The opening flourish is kept in check dynamically and is secure and in tune as a result. The Risoluto engages in its atmosphere of darkness and although the balance is not always entirely perfect to allow the detail to penetrate, the security and cohesion of the ensemble is evident throughout.

    There is an ethereal, haunting aura that hovers over 'Remember Me'' ghostly, captivating and at times chilling. A lovely Eb bass solo as the VW Tuba Concerto is sung over the band and the echoes from the back row cornets are beautifully done. Fine colours from percussion and the fading away at the close is magical in its effect.

    Dynamic work from euphoniums and baritones to open 'Vivat' and the front row cornets turn out to the audience (or the box!) to allow the running detail to be heard with clarity. Soprano is not entirely 'clean' but the pacing of the approach to the conclusion is exceptionally well handled. This is impressive stuff.

    Overall: A very fine show from Dyke. Not flawless but this had technical detail that went hand in hand with drama and emotion. Yet there's a feeling that the door is still ajar with Cory and Fodens to come.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Slight restrained opening perhaps, but there follows ultra broad bass line, impressive. Triplet figures between band at xylophone aren't fully settled. Fugue understated but it works for the most part. Imposing lead into risoluto. Effective muted close with bass drum creeping in to usher in movement 2.

    Movement 2:

    Slip in bar 2 in horn. Effective tuned percussion and lovely atmosphere created by muted cornets and trombones. Lots of care taken over the horn trio and tuba plays with a beautiful sound. High quality sound scape at 'E' but a little slip in the ensuing horn trio. Rep has a lovely sound at 'F', but perhaps a little over prominent in the mix. Great efforts to create a big dynamic reduction to close but the vibraphone and band aren't together on the triplet movements.

    Movement 3:

    Terrific semi-quaver work, all so clear. Lots of this playing is so smart and well delivered. Duet section, some minor discomfort but nothing major. Full band sound is a joy, it feels like this is the first time we've heard the band at full tilt. Fine close to performance with lots of very classy touches.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 16:12:24

    15. Aldbourne (Erik Janssen)

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    The opening is not totally secure and 'The Voice of Jupiter' ebbs and flows somewhat as concentration levels seem to falter at times. Perhaps most importantly, there are moments when the detail is all too clearly obscured.

    'Remember Me' is touching in its simplicity of expression' there is much about this musically that does engage although there are also those little lapses and slips here and there that threaten to undermine the overall musical picture. The fading out of the closing bars is nicely done.

    'Vivat' powers away, although there are moments that don't gel as the ensemble is again inconsistent in execution, and despite a powerful conclusion, this has been a performance that veered somewhat in its musical and technical trajectory.

    Overall: After the band's terrific result at the Open, this wasn't the best of Aldbourne, at times competent but insecure at others.

    Chris Thomas

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    Movement 1:

    Bold opening with some mispitches audible. Bass tread eventually settles after being untidy. The pace is steady but quite a lot of the ensemble is unsettled. Recovers with a bright and breezy fugue. The full band sounds clearly has quality but ensemble isn't matching. Good shimmering cornet to finish.

    Movement 2:

    Effective start from horns and tuned percussion. Lovely flugel and plenty of care taken to try and shape the trio. Tuba takes a very spacious approach and it just about comes across. A few knocks on the way to the close but this has moved up a gear from the first movement.

    Movement 3:

    Very pacey opening with effective use of accents to create the 'chatter'. H-J is very untidy, unfortunately. Drop in tempo into duet section which isn't very cohesive. Full throated band sound up the ante and a pacey presto leads to a thumping finish.

    John Ward

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  • Saturday 15, 15:58:06

    Into the last quarter...

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    It's been an intriguing day — the more so due to the draw. There has almost been a sense of expectancy as soon as the draw was made at 8.00am this morning that the title will be won or lost in the last quarter with the big beasts of Black Dyke, Cory and Foden's prowling the stage.

    You can't discount Aldbourne either to make another significant mark at a major championship given their recent form, whilst you get the feeling that there could be a few unfamiliar name or two that could make their way into the prizes today — so what odds on City of Cardiff?

    The audience numbers will get another boost for sure — although it has been hugely encouraging to look around the great old auditorium and see it decently filled.

Regent Hall Concerts - Fulham Band & Regent Hall Band

Tuesday 8 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Regent Hall Concerts - Band of the RAF Regiment

Wednesday 9 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Regent Hall Concerts - The Band of The Irish Guards

Thursday 10 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal College of Music Brass Ensemble

Friday 11 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Regent Hall Concerts - Band of the RAF Regiment Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Friday 11 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Uppermill Band

October 8 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play varied genre's of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

Uppermill Band

October 7 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play varied genre's of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

Boarshurst Silver Band

October 6 • Boarshurst Silver Band (NW Area) require a FRONT ROW CORNET (4 th seat) to join our. team as we return to the Championship Section. Under MD Jamie Prophet we are a band. with high ambition, motivated to perform at the highest level.

Ian Porthouse

Cornet soloist, clinician, conductor and adjudicator


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