
2022 National Championship of Great Britain
Adjudicator remarks

What the judges wrote about the top three performances of 'Hyperlink' from Foden's, Black Dyke and Cory on the weekend.

1. Foden’s 
Draw: 20

Majestic start. A – Great trombones. B – bit loud for mp.
Excellent transition into D. Great fugue (not overdone).
J – super sound. L – good. Last chord – dim yes!

Good start – excellent balance perc/brass. B – Beautiful flugel sound and horns to follow. Bass trom good. D – good horns. Eb bass solo – well played. E – so musical and expressive. 52 – super. F – such great feeling/into G – great
H- glorious sound.
The fade was really effective.

Great tempo and what a build to C.
G – full of detail. 58 – low band such a rich dark sound. J – K – super! L – superb solos!
Q – Majestic full rich big band sound. Presto super.
T – to end – what great pace,

A truly remarkable performance – technique, musicality and magic. 
Well done. Bravo!

Dr Robert Childs

Well shaped opening. A – accented troms – mp maybe a bit loud. Interesting detail in cornets at 15 and at C. 

Good matched modulation – and poise and pace in fugue. H – good shaping here and very articulated and considered. J – (tick) L – good – a well directed and constructed movement. 108 (tick)

Horns maybe a little loud for mp – but accurate and in tune. B – flugel (tick) – nicely balanced as a team – very good.
C – nicely shaped cornets – then soloistic baritone. D – horns good – bass solo well done. 
Excellent quality in ensemble and intonation, E – lovely sound and space at 48, 51/52 – okay – horns.
Really nice hold to F – all well thought out. Lovely into G – this is just transcendental. Big sound into H. Prominent lines carry through. Lovely fade. Minor scratch on  euph.

Great detail – spaced – into D – drives – all detail heard. Troms good. H – detail. I (tick) J-R detail all there but controlled – details from the cornets flawless – may have settled this. Huge drive through vivat – absolutely thrilling. Presto – wow.

What a performance – so musical and measured – lyrical, beautiful and exciting.

Rob Wiffin

Impressive opening
Well executed playing at A – troms – clarity on (triplet semis) too. – good transition into D.

D - Fugue – a brisk tempo. Clarity maintained though.
K – Dramatic. Risoluto – convincing ending.

Secure commencement. B – beautifully played by all.
C-D – gorgeous – well played Eb bass. E – haunting, beautiful – thank you. All the horn interludes well handled – just before F exquisite! Euph too – wonderful playing. 
H – ‘welcome home’ appropriately heard. I – worked.

Exciting – definition/clarity – great build up!
horn/sop – bravo at E – J just brilliant. J – unwavering quality too at J. Brave sop before K!!
L.M.N – soloists outstanding!! Breathtaking quality.
Q – majestic – noble – what a sound.
Presto – worked T – interesting clarity and excitement.
An absolutely brilliant performance – it had everything!
Exciting, musical – just breathtaking.
Congratulations conductor and band

Stephen Cobb


2. Black Dyke 
Draw: 16 

Majestic start. A – great trombone – clear cornets. 21-22 – very good. Transition? D – Great detail and a uniformed style throughout. 83 – great sound. L – super. Ending – dim great.

Great start/excellent balance perc/basses. B – super sound flugel – good horns. C – fine. Bass trom – yes! D – horns- yes, Eb bass solo expressive. E – so well shaped musically. 52 – small blip. F – 66 great. 70 – very effective. H – super sound
Effective fade

So well measured C-D – great. G – super. 
H – bravo cornets. J – super. K – great sop.
L - Excellent work from all soloists.
Just listening now – wow!

What a super show – in every way – musical, technical – spiritual.

Bravo to all.

Dr Robert Childs

Measured opening. Very sustained ground bass.

A - Db a little flat in trom – section phrases good – sense of poise and pace – stately – allows detail to come through. C – well shaped and a clear marked modulation. Fugue – well detailed and shaped. Good dynamic contrasts in to H. All detail significant - can hear the troms at I. J – (tick). L – so beautiful – well shaped. 108 – new chord. Good ending

Slight smudge – very restrained. B – fugel just a little sharp and B -intonation not quite tight through this passage. C – well shaped – good bari. 27 – good cornets and troms. D – good inner work from the horns. Bass solo good expression. 

Nice work from horns and cornets. Obvious quality going to E and through to 48. 51/52 not quite. F – nice hold and forward – playing to us over lovely accompaniment. Beautiful into G. H (tick) – lovely quality here. Just a minor slip on top D in euph. Euphs drop out early – too obvious? Imaginative fade.

Lots of detail – splash on sop. Good into D and detail at E – maybe one knocked over. H – well shaped detail at J (tick). Good piano quality. K (tick) L – just brakes on slightly – good detail from cornets. P (tick) Q – big quality sound R (tick) Presto – lots of great detail and clarity – passionate and convincing.

Just a few minor flaws – but this was a very high quality performance that was hugely enjoyable.

Well done!

Rob Wiffin

A convincing start.
Very poised, allowing clarity throughout – quality!
Impressive into D
Fugue – character and space – great playing.
J – yes! Upper/lower brass impressive again.
Risoluto – lovey decay at the end.

A very atmospheric opening. This is beautiful!
D – ‘cold’ respected – delicate, musical tuba, despite a couple of blemishes. E – the shaping of the section is enthralling – F – ‘welcome home’ just enough.
Well executed euph – one before G – sublime control. 5 before H – yes! (vibe classy). What an atmosphere the MD and band have evoked here – stunning.

Controlled opening – real excitement into D. So much detail (H for example!) J – control! Fab.
L.M.N – fiendishly difficult – great effect created (a couple of blemishes but…)
Q – noble and majestic!!
Presto – well executed. Brave excitement!!
Fabulous percussion which is enhancing the overall band.
A breathtaking performance – really appreciated the reading of mvt 2 – very much. Thank you MD and band.

Stephen Cobb


3. Cory 
Draw: 19

Great – impressive. A – great trombone. B – great. 22 – unlucky trombone and rather loud for mf. Good transition into D.
D - I like the uniformity of style throughout this fugue. K – wow! What a sound. Last chord dim great.

Excellent start. B – super flugel. Small clip to follow. Bass trom good. D – good horns. EB bass – great solo.
E – beautiful. 51 – good super playing, so very musical. 66 – well done. 70 H – so well paced.

Great build to C. G – good trombones. H – great cornets. J-K super. L – cornet and euph great but sop just a bit uncomfortable. Q – what a glorious sound. What a band. Presto to end so well paced.

A performance of great musicianship and artistry. Great soloists and a great MD.
One or two minor blips – so what!

Dr Robert Childs

Good attack. Bright tempo A – trom solo – panache, big attack – but then control to mp (tick). Neat details under this line. C – good mp – troms catch one. D – fugue – bright and difficult for us to hear all the detail in this acoustic. H - why the hard beat accents on Side Drum? Troms strong at I. J (tick) – big sound. Lots of attack and panache in the movement. 108 – good cornet chord.

Horns very good. B – flugel nicely done. 18 – solo horn not quite. C – strong shape – good baritone. 2 before D – intonation not good in troms. D – just a little untidy in horns. Very good bass solo. Nice shape into E. 51/52 well done horns. Nice movement into F. Just a little slip in euphs 58. Lovely band tone – beautifully into G. Not sure about accented cornets. Inventive ending.

Strong – fast – just minor clips on some of the rising figures 2 J. So strong troms J – good and into K (tick). L – listless – great detailed work from first couple but second at N not so good. Q – huge sound. Presto – great technique.

Hugely exciting – just a very few minor flaws but overall a fantastic listen. Many congratulations. 

Rob Wiffin

Opening – nailed it! Bravo.
Appreciating the clarity and precision throughout.
A slight blemish before D
D – sfz’s acknowledged consistently – conviction – perhaps a shade loud?
L – risoluto – well extended.

Fabulous control revealed and at B – well played flugel and horns. D – ‘cold’ acknowledged – beautiful Eb bass motif. Gorgeous intonation at E and a very well shaped cresc. Fine baritone before D – horns – well played. F – ‘welcome home’ – just right. This is enthralling playing here at G. I – very effective.

Exciting start with real clarity and conviction evident. Incessant clarity! The mood change at J – well negotiated. Sop – excellent.
L – cornet/euph excellent N – couple of blemishes but the excitement – wow! Lead into Q – really wonderful…

Presto – great. T – bubbling away and developing to a brilliant conclusion! Bravo. Thank you conductor and band for some brilliant technical playing, but enthralling musicianship – particularly in mvt 2.

Stephen Cobb

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Chris Wormald

B.Mus (Hons), LTCL, PGCE
Conductor, adjudicator, arranger


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