
2017 National Championships of Great Britain
Section 4 - As it happened

All the action from the 2017 National Championships of Great Britain — Section 4 — As it happened.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 21:53:20

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Mike Marzella enjoys a long awaited Scottish triumph....

That's it for tonight folks...

What a great day of contesting we have enjoyed here in Cheltenham.

Two super test-pieces have brought the best out of all the bands — so congratulations go to the new Second and Fourth Section champions, Boarshurst and Newmains & District, as well as the Kapitol Music Panel.

It's been great to hear bands able to play with style and not be hampered by the obvious concerns over technical challenges.

Two great stories too with those winners.

Boarshurst only got an invitation to compete following the decision of third placed Cheshire Constabulary at the North West Area to decline their place as they had already booked themselves on a tour to Germany.

Then came the victory in memory of their long serving Band Secretary, Janet Payne, who died in February this year. The band wore roses on their jacket lapels for her today — so the tears were of joy and remembrance.

What a story for Newmains as well. The band folded in 1995 and was only resurrected less than two years ago. Now they are National Champions — and the first Scottish band to win a National title since the year 2000.

Even more special is that they also became the first Scotish band since Dundee in 1973 to win the Fourth Section. No wonder there will be celebrations tonight!

Just to top it all, their 20 year old rep player Megan Monkhouse was rushed to hospital earlier today from the hotel and had to miss the triumph.

Thankfully she has made a full recovery and will be back at the hotel to enjoy the celebrations with her fellow players.

Two brilliant stories of two great, hard working bands who can now call themselves National Champions.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 20:30:59

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The 2017 Champions: Newmains & District

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Best Soloist: John Stirling of Newmains & District

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2017 Champions: Newmains & District

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Runner-up: City of Norwich

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Third place: Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley

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Fourth place: Jayess Newbiggin

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Fifth place: Brindle

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Sixth place: Hatherleigh Silver


Saturday 16th September
Test Piece: 'Petite Suite de Ballet' — Eric Ball

Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and Mark Wilkinson

1. Newmains & District (Michael Marzella)
2. City of Norwich (Andrew Craze)
3. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Jones)
4. Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
5. Brindle (Keith Richmond)
6. Hatherleigh Silver (Matthew Green)
7. Dysart Colliery (Ross Brotherston)
8. Clifton & Lightcliffe B (John Clay)
9. Regent Community (Chris Bearman)
10. Allerton (Adam Taylor)
11. Thornton Cleveleys (Stephen Craig)
12. Saltash Town (Robert Julian)
13. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)
14. Huddersfield & Ripponden (Adam Bell)
15. Shanklin Town (Malcolm Lewis)
16. Watford (Ian Graves)
17. Corby Silver (Catherine Fountain)
18. Cleobury Mortimer Concert (Saphran Ali)
19. Fairfield (Buxton) (Charles Kitchen)
20. Trimdon Concert (Tina Mortimer)

Best Instrumentalist: John Stirling (euphonium): Newmains & District
Youngest Player: Matthew Earley (cornet): Saltash Town

Section 4

Saturday 16, 20:05:43

Malcolm Wood's final thoughts and prediction:

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An intriguing and highly enjoyable contest that has been enhanced by a terrific test-piece that has really sorted the bands out today.

A golden oldie it may be, but it has done its job superbly. Capturing the four sections in the right styles and manner has proved a right challenge though, but every band (and their MDs) has emerged with so much credit. Bravo to the Music Panel for the choice.

Our musical crystal ball though goes for...

1. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley
2. Allerton
3. Newmains & District
4. Thornton Cleveleys
5. City of Norwich
6. Corby

Dark Horse: Brindle

Section 4

Saturday 16, 19:44:35

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Last but not least....

20. Thornton Cleveleys (Stephen Craig)
(North West)

What a fine opening from the Lancashire outfit. It's full of purpose and intent without being too quick or too slow.

There is just the odd moment of un-tunefulness, but also one of the best openings to 'Pas Seul' of the contest. This is so well delivered, and such a quality show on display.

The 'Minuet' is well judged. There is so much quality on display, but touches of tuning are noticeable.

To close, a forthright, purposeful section with hints of light-heartedness sprinkled all around the stand.


It's right in the mix, but the tuning blemishes could just stop it from taking the big prize.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 19:32:16

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There is always one lucky cornet player at a contest...

19. Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
(North of England)

There's a lovely playful feel to the opening section. It's a touch Camberwick Green in military style than the guardsmen on duty outside Buckingham Palace though — but it works well.

The 'Pas Seul' is a joyful dance that brings a smile to the face. Nothing too melancholic here. The solo lines blend in nicely with the ensemble.

The 'Minuet' is delicate and fragile. It works so well and the climax makes an impact. As the piece reaches the end, bold, purposeful sounds are delivered with real character.


A real hard working account full of passion and endeavour. Great to see a band going on without a full compliment of players — and delivering with so much confidence. Well done all.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 19:18:43

18. Hatherleigh Silver (Matthew Green)
(West of England)

It's a cautious opening to start in the 'Parade', but the MD coerces every note from his players.

'Pas Seul' is an effective little dance that is a real joy to listen too as it is styled so well. The 'Minuet' is delicate in delivery but it builds nicely to the close with real purpose.

As the piece heads for home, its full of bold, purposeful elements with the right mix of light heartedness on display. It's a good close too.


Not a bad one from Hatherleigh — that built and built, but the opening cautious segment could just cost them.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 19:06:44

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Max, Matthew and Amber get ready for their ballet class with Saltash...

17. Saltash Town (Robert Julian)
(West of England)

It's a confident opening in an effective military style from the band in the 'Parade'. The 'single dance' section is well delivered, but there is a hint of uncertainty between the ensemble and solo lines at times.

The 'Minuet' is delicate, but again has tiny bits that create moments of uncertainty. As the piece heads for the close there is plenty of bold, purposeful music on display with hints of lightness. What a bold close.


One that had plenty to appreciate. There were just a few moments that perhaps could keep them out of the frame today though, but much to enjoy.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 18:51:54

16. Allerton (Adam Taylor)
(North West)

It's a touch cautious in the opening before the ensemble settles down with some good sounds and balance.

The 'Pas Seul' is very dance like and you can visualise the ballerinas on the stage. As we move into the 'Minuet' there are one or two tricky moments, but this is a good sounding ensemble who are rising to the challenge today.

The concluding 'Ensemble' is bold and at times a little harsh. They may just have over-egged it a touch, but my word they can play it.


A performance that was going so, so well, but the concluding section may cost them dear. Right in the top end mix though.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 18:45:56

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The Morris clan await their turn on stage....

15. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)

An opening full of Welsh passion. It's very bold in its delivery, but not as top heavy dynamically as some today. Neatly done.

The 'Pas Seul' is a tasteful dance, with compact solo lines that gel into the overall musical performance.

As we head into the 'Minuet' the style engages us and it closes with purpose. There is plenty of purpose about the closing 'Ensemble' section as well. There is certainly plenty to appreciate at the close too.


A performance that certainly made an impression and could sneak into the top 6? Who knows though? May surprise a few.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 18:28:26

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Shropshire lasses... with Cleobury Mortimer

14. Cleobury Mortimer Concert (Saphran Ali)

It's a steady and at times cautious military style opening that just needs a touch more impetus. There is a nod of appreciation from us to the handling of the 'Pas Seul'. The solo lines knit very well into the overall picture.

'The Minuet' works well for them too. It's so delicately styled with a fine climax. It leaves you wanting more. Lovely.

It's a real shame the inconsistencies get in the way in the 'Ensemble' — it just does not come off as they hoped.


A frustrating one, as it wasn't beyond the band by any means. Just had too many inconsistent moments today in what could have been a little cracker.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 18:14:03

13. Watford (Ian Graves)
(London & Southern Counties)

There are a few uncertain moments early on before the band finds it contesting feet and gets into a military step for a bold 'Parade'.

Nice melancholic sounds are heard in the 'Pas Seul'. The solo lines are very effective, but not everything falls into place. The 'Minuet' doesn't quite link all together. The concluding 'Ensemble' has the potential to work, but tiredness is very evident.


Full marks for musical endeavour from Watford. It wasn't a performance to take the title for us, but one full of hard graft and a great deal of merit.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 18:00:53

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The conductor is always right....!!

12. Corby Silver (Catherine Fountain)

There is purposeful intent right from the opening bars of this performance. The military style is captured with the right mix of fun and confidence builds through the ranks.

'Pas Seul' is one of the nicest of the contest so far. Well done all, and the solo contributions enhance the performance.

Hats off for the 'Minuet' — just the odd moment along the way, but so musical in its delivery. We close with an 'Ensemble' that just faded away at the end despite that robust few final bars.


An account that had a lot to admire in terms of musical character. It just faded at the end, which was a real pity.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 17:49:13

11. Fairfield (Buxton) (Charles Kitchen)

The contest restarts with Fairfield really going for it right from the opening bars. Military in style and just the right mix of light hearted playfulness. Lovely stuff.

The dance is very well-delivered with the solo lines blending in without overpowering the ensemble. The 'Minuet' is another segment that is well styled and climaxes with bold musical intent.

There's a hint of tiredness in the ranks though as the bold 'Ensemble' comes to an end.


A performance from Fairfield that had a lot to appreciate, but it just tired and got a little scrappy to close.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 17:30:02

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Where will this important silverware dance away to?

Malcolm Wood's Halfway thoughts

What a cracking contest this is turning out to be, and what a gem of a piece the Music Panel has picked. Putting four sections together here in the right balletic style has proved to be a real challenge.

It's certainly all to play for, but close at the top. Stan Lippeatt and Mark Wilkinson will make the only decision that counts, but so far for 4BR:

1. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley
2. Newmains & District
3. City of Norwich

Section 4

Saturday 16, 17:15:45

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un, dau, tri .... One, two, three in a bar (in about 25 mins)

10, Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Jones)

The opening is compact and very effective with just the right amount of militaristic character coming through.

'Pas Seul' has a great deal of good attention to detail and the single dance segment works. This is a good sounding ensemble.

The 'Minuet' is so delicately done, that one false move it could break. Well done all.

To close a nice little 'Ensemble', full of musical character that really shines through the music.


The Welsh certainly give the judges one to think about as they head for the comfort break.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 17:01:40

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The Shanklin Five — ready for the ballet

9. Shanklin Town (Malcolm Lewis)
(West of England)

It's a really playful opening and not too heavy in style for the 'Prelude'. The second movement is melancholic and very enjoyable — a real singular step dance. There is lots to appreciate here.

The 'Minuet' is delicately styled but catches the ensemble out every now and again. To conclude, the 'Ensemble' is full of musical character and brings a fine end to the dream.


A neat performance from the Isle of Wight outfit, but it just had a few musical flaws which could detract today.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 16:48:12

8. Trimdon Concert (Tina Mortimer)
(North of England)

The opening 'Parade' is certainly military in style, but just needs a little bit more impact. The 'Pas Seul' is an effective little dance. Bravo one and all. That works so well.

The 'Minuet' is delicately styled and displays the right mood. What a good climax at the end. To close, the 'Ensemble' is full of vibrant colours and playful lightness and brings a smile to the face even when the dram is ended abruptly.


One of those renditions that had plenty to admire, and an account that got stronger as it went along.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 16:34:26

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Hair today — a brilliant beard tomorrow.... Facial hair defines a Regent player...

7. Regent Community (Chris Bearman)
(London & Southern Counties)

A neat bit of military precision from the London contender leads into an effective 'Pas Seul', that captures the dance style.

The 'Minuet' is delicate, but there are a couple of rough edges around some of the corners. As the players strive for home in 'Ensemble' there are lots of good bold sounds to be heard along with a lightness of touch and it's a good close.


A performance that improved as it went along from the Londoners today. They got the character of the piece, but it didn't quite all knit together.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 16:21:21

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Mike 'Nehru' Marzella sports a very trendy conducting combo....

6. Newmains & District (Michael Marzella)

It's a well judged military style opening 'Parade' that sets the Scots on their way. Not as heavy in sound as some so far today. 'Less is more' as they say.

The 'Pas Seul' is very melancholic with the solo lines blending into the piece well. It's a little different in approach but so engaging this.

What a delicate 'Minuet'. So much to admire here and the band in good form. We hear more impressive musical sounds in the concluding 'Ensemble'. It's bold, purposeful with just the right mix of lightness to tickle the musical taste buds.


Now then. That was a little left field in its approach, but the best sounding band of the contest so far. Well done all and MD.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 16:08:24

5. Clifton & Lightcliffe 'B' (John Clay)

The opening 'Parade' is delivered with compact precision. There is a lot to appreciate in the melancholic second segment with the solo lines blending into the music so well.

The 'Minuet' could perhaps just be a touch more on the delicate side, but it closes so well. The confidence on display in the concluding section is there for all to hear. So bold, purposeful and stylistic.


Not a bad one at all from Clifton. They certainly brought out the ballet characteristics in each movement.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 15:53:36

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What's in a name — a trombone player that's what...

4. City of Norwich (Andrew Craze)
(London & Southern Counties)

What a fine start from the ensemble. It's so full of colour and in musical step that it engages right from the off in the 'Parade'.

There's a lovely dance feel to 'Pas Seul' that is styled with confidence from the MD. The 'Minuet' is as a delicate as a ballerina on stage — so light and effortless.

The concluding 'Ensemble' is bold and has purpose — bringing a wee smile to the face. The dream ends so sweetly even with a touch of forcefulness.


A fine all round show this full of musical character. Well done all. The leader at the early stages.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 15:42:22

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Brown Bear and Poppy Abbott aged 11 get ready for ballet action!

3. Brindle (Keith Richmond)
(North West)

There's no shortage of confidence to open from the ensemble. Neatly packaged they really are in a military mode.

The 'Pas Seul' allows for solo lines to come through and the dance style is evident. The 'Minuet' is a joy: So delicate in its delivery and a tasty little climax.

As we head to the end, its great to hear bold, purposeful musical sounds and a lightness of touch in equal measure.


The ensemble certain captures the style of the ballet music, although not everything linked together within the four sections at times.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 15:27:41

2. Dysart Colliery (Ross Brotherston)

It's a nifty bit of military work from the Scots to open — almost as though they'd been marching at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

The 'Pas Seul' is very melancholic. We like this folks — well done. The singular dance style really does comes off. There's a nice delicacy of touch on show in the third section and a tasty climax too.

As we head for the end, we hear lots of bold, purposeful playing with plenty of musical character.


A fine effort this. They really pulled the different characteristics of the ballet out of the hat.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 15:26:11

1. Huddersfield & Ripponden (Adam Bell)

What a bright opening we have from Huddersfield. Very military in style you can almost see the players marching across the stage. The solo lines are evident in the dance Pas Seul. It is given time and space by the MD. Well done.

The Minuet has lots to admire. Nice and delicate whilst the closing Ensemble section has lots to appreciate. Both bold and light in equal measure.


An impressive opening account from the Yorkshire contender that was nicely styled and delivered.

Section 4

Saturday 16, 15:12:48


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Saturday 16th September
Draw: 1pm
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 2
Test Piece: 'Petite Suite de Ballet' — Eric Ball

Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and Mark Wilkinson

1. Huddersfield & Ripponden (Adam Bell)
2. Dysart Colliery (Ross Brotherston)
3. Brindle (Keith Richmond)
4. City of Norwich (Andrew Craze)
5. Clifton & Lightcliffe B (John Clay)
6. Newmains & District (Michael Marzella)
7. Regent Community (Chris Bearman)
8. Trimdon Concert (Tina Mortimer)
9. Shanklin Town (Malcolm Lewis)
10. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Jones)
11. Fairfield (Buxton) (Charles Kitchen)
12. Corby Silver (Catherine Fountain)
13. Watford (Ian Graves)
14. Cleobury Mortimer (Saphran Ali)
15. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)
16. Allerton (Adam Taylor)
17. Saltash Town (Robert Julian)
18. Hatherleigh Silver (Matthew Green)
19. Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
20. Thornton Cleveleys (Stephen Craig)

Section 4

Saturday 16, 06:03:26

Fourth Section preview & prediction

An imaginary ballet from the pen of a master craftsman will keep 20 contenders on their 'en pointe' toes on Saturday afternoon.


Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

Hathersage Band

October 25 • Hathersage Brass Band is a thriving community band. We enjoy making music and have a good gig schedule. An opportunity has arisen for the right person to join our Principal Cornet Ed as co-principal. Are you up for the challenge? This is our only vacancy.

Besses o'th' Barn Band

October 24 • Besses o'th' Barn Band require the services of one front row Cornet, one 2nd Cornet, a Bb Bass player and 3 Percussionists to move forward to the North West Area Contest. Rehearsals Tuesday & Thursday 8pm to 10pm. Under the direction of the very experience

Uppermill Band

October 23 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play a varied genre of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

David Hirst

MA, B.Ed (Hons), LTCL
Conductor, adjudicator and arranger


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