
2017 Welsh Regional Championships
As it happened

All the action from the 2017 Welsh Regional Championships — as it happened.


Sunday 19, 20:15:20


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First Section: Winners Parc & Dare (Leftfield Environmental) (Capt Paul Collis-Smith)

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First Section: Winners Parc & Dare (Leftfield Environmental) (Capt Paul Collis-Smith)

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Second Section: Winner 1. Abergavenny Borough (Sean O'Neil)

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Third Section; Runner-Up Abertillery & District (Josh Ruck)


Sunday 19, 16:37:33

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Cory celebrate as they reclaim Welsh Area title


Championship Section:

Test Piece: 'Pageantry' (Herbert Howells)
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

1. Cory (Philip Harper)*
2. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)**
3. Tongwynlais Temperance (Michael Fowles)**
4. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
5. Llywdcoed (Chris Turner)
6. Burry Port Town (Tom Davoren)
7. Northop (Paul Hughes)
8. Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins)

Best Instrumentalist: Ailsa Russell (horn) — Cory
Best Basses: Cory

*Cory pre-qualified for National Final and will represent Wales at the 2018 European Championships
**Qualified for the National Finals


Sunday 19, 15:28:31

4BR Editor's final round up and prediction:

What a battle for the title — a brace of performances from Cory and Tredegar of such high quality, but cut from two very different pieces of Pageantry cloth.

If the judge's go with precise tradition it will be Tredegar, but if they go with one that brought a magnificent malleability it will be Cory. You can't fault either in their way — and it will just be down to personal preference surely. Both had tiny little clips, but the music making was of the very highest class.

Behind them it will be close — with Northop and Tongwynlais neck and neck, and then City of Cardiff and Llwydcoed.

Wouldn't want to be a judge after that...

4BR Prediction:

1. Cory
2. Tredegar
3. Tongwynlais Temperance
4. Northop
5. City of Cardiff (Melingriffth)
6. Llwydcoed


Sunday 19, 15:03:28

Championship Section:

8. Burry Port Town (Tom Davoren)

A bold bruiser at the door — John Prescott with a haymaker and a speech to be heard. No shortage of verve as MD allows the music to flow at pace. Not everything comes off, but it certainly has a touch heraldic spiff and splendour. Dynamically it is robust, but it gets your cockles warmed up in its brio.

Can't hide the trombone interloper on the baritone mourners. A bit like asking someone who never knew the deceased to jump in the immediate 'family-only' hearse. It's a pity as the music is full of passion as the MD captures the emotional core. It's also paced at Howell's right intentions too. Bravo sop, cornet and horn who close the final curtain with touching grace.

A bravura call to arms that leads to a spirited jousting match full excitement and edginess. The MD has done a splendid job here — giving the music drive and purpose even if it is very scrappy. The close motors at some lick — before a noble climax (topped by super banzai sop) and fizzing run for home.


Sunday 19, 14:48:21

Championship Section:

7. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)

A neat opening is a herald in a sharp suit and bespoke manners — and that stylish approach continues. Nothing overdone — and another MD who knows his Herman and Korngold 'men in tights' music. Some lovely little touches are revealed before the bold climax. Not sure about the ending — but it does work.

Not quite secure to open either, but lanquid horn has such a warm reflective sound. It's a bit Co-op funeral in places — no frills, but all the better for it. What a tasteful climax and the pulse of the music never wavers. Bravo sop and horn as the coffin slips behind the velvet curtain.

A formal call to arms and the MD once again allows the music to speak from the pages of the score. The light ensemble timbre suits — as does the style. Nice stuff — and always under the tip of the MDs baton. The flow continues to a solid climax and just enough gas to press the foot down to the close.


Sunday 19, 14:28:48

Championship Section:

6. Llwydcoed (Chris Turner)

A fine start — bold without being over presumptious — like Nicola Sturgeon demanding her views to be heard by those in power. Lots of quality here — detail and balance. Something does go wrong though — as euph and ensemble get way out of kilter. MD, does such a fine job in the triage station and it recovers. Great close — a touch of elan that.

Just a hint of mourning nerves but it recovers, led by lovely, plaintive horn. MD shapes this so persuasively again — nothing overdone or artificial — just leaving the music speak for itself. High quality stuff — led by super rep on cornet solo. That was like putting rice crispies on the tyres of the hearses to make them sound as if they were rolling over gravel on the road to the crem — a left field idea that worked so well. Bravo sop and horn again as it closes with a touch of the sublime.

A final movement of purpose and passion — led by solid cornet. The detail is still being shown and the power is there in reserve. Super climax and the music once again flows from the score. What a fine climax and the run for home is paced so well too — to round off a very engaging show.


Sunday 19, 14:11:48

Championship Section

5. Tongwynlais Temperance (Michael Fowles)

A fine start — with a herald of composure and confidence. That had a touch swagger and it continues in the same fine vein — controlled and considered by the MD, who has obviously heard some old Korngold scores to Errol Flynn movies. The percussion is loud though — and it just covers the obvious detail. Some super little elements on show though right to the close.

Huge question mark on the opening here — with substitute euph mourner coming in to play a rather unconvincing baritone? It takes time to settle — like seeing an unwanted relative at the wake nicking sandwiches. When it does there is a richness to the sound that draws on the emotion to a fine climax. Just the odd blip as the sop nearly trips over the nearest wreath — and the close is not the tnderest goodbye.

A bold clarion call gets that swagger mode going once more — and the band seems much more comfortable in these dynamic and tempo levels. Careful perc!! MD has this flowing so well — just the odd hint of imprecision. Great climax shudders the timbers of the stage — and there is more than enough left in the tank for a vivacious close.


Sunday 19, 13:49:51

Championship Section:

4. Cory (Philip Harper)

Another lean, mean fighting machine comes a'calling — with a razor sharp scalpel in his mitt. So much detail on show — but MD is taking a few risks with the pull backs. The quality is undeniable though — just a little hint of unease — but it passes. The glorious sounds are something to behold, as is the build to the close. Yes Sireee — that sent a shiver. The last two notes are detached by a distance like the servant's quarters from the Queen's dining room.

A Cortege of Rolls Royce hearses. Such liquidity in the music here — rich, powerful and so emotional. Again, MD is in malleable mode — but without the hint of losing a single step to the grave. What a climax — the last time you heard an outpouring like that was when Churchill popped his clogs. What a close too — from elongated sop and touching horn. Class.

A fantastic call to arms — then we are off racing into the jousting sunset. It's turbo mode now — the power switch is on and so is overdrive. The clarity is not lost — and MD affords himself just a tap on the breaks for the climax. A tour de force close rounds things off.


Sunday 19, 13:28:44

Championship Section:

3. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)

Superb start is like seeing Marvellous Marvin Hagler outside in his armour and ready to rumble. There is such clarity and precision to the playing here. MD keeps control of the pace and the defined dynamics are so balanced. That had a touch of the wow factor.

The processional Cortege has a nobility too: Old Queen Liz wouldn't mind one of these for her own do. Tender and touching — but regal and reflective too. The climax is sumptious — so rich and catholic in its splendour. Just a clip on the final sweet sop opens an eyelid on a mourner or two, but the repose is sublime.

A clarion call to arms — and we joust with such artistry. We are hearing detail and poise to go with the excitement. Such a noble flow to the music and a regal climax. The finale is so dramatic — pulsating with energy and purpose. It's builds and builds and then just moves with such fleet footed verve to a magnificent close.

That threw down one heck of a gauntlet.


Sunday 19, 13:08:42

Championship Section:

2. Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins)

No shortage of confidence here — a real young buck of a herald that has a chest puffed like a rooster and the attitude of a bolshy teenager. It's bold and perhaps a touch raw in places, and whilst some of the detail is a little frantic and insecure, it has a real cockiness.

Not quite as assured to start here, and the Cortege is not one for melancholic reflection either — more a shrug of the shoulders signalling life's luck running out. MD shapes this so well — again, just a touch raw in emotional outpouring, but causing a heave of the shoulders around the grave. Sweet sop and sumptuous horn lead to the ossuary door.

Bravo bumper up — not a bad bloke to sub with such swagger. There is drive, passion and purpose about this, even if it is a little brittle in tonality. There are shifting too — like Shergar with Lancelot on board at the 2.30 at Foss Glas racecourse. Bravura ending is full of spirit.


Sunday 19, 12:53:15

Championship Section:

1. Northop Silver (Paul Hughes)

A nasty trip to open puts the herald on the back foot, but it recovers with boldness and bravura to the approach that has colour and a fair amount of punchy verve. The poise of the armour is scratched a little in places but it certainly has drive right to its close.

The 'Cortege' lays it on — but so well shaped by the MD. Some lovely little moments — like a BBC cameraman focusing on a single tear on the face of broken hearted child. The climax is a bold spasm of grief, but lovely horn and sweet sop lead the coffin to its final resting place.

A deliberate clarion call leads to a controlled jousting match — a touch 'Queensbury rules'. More control in tempo gives clarity before the gallop led by the euph. There is purpose to this, and the build to the noble climax and flowing close is so well done.


Sunday 19, 12:47:25

Draw: Championship Section:

Test Piece: Test Piece: 'Pageantry' (Herbert Howells)
Sunday 19th March
Draw: 11.00am
Commence: After Fourth Section results
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

1. Northop (Paul Hughes)
2. Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins)
3. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)
4. Cory (Philip Harper)
5. Tongwynlais Temperance (Michael Fowles)
6. Llwydcoed (Chris Turner)
7. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
8. Burry Port Town (Tom Davoren)


Sunday 19, 12:40:27


Fourth Section:

Test Piece: 'St Andrews Variations' — Alan Fernie
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

1. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)*
2. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Glyn-Jones)*
3. Gwaen-cae-Gurwen (Jeff Hutcherson)
4. Upper Rhondda (Jayne Thomas)
5. Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick)
6. Vale of Glamorgan (David Short)
7. Buckley (Steve Pugh-Jones)
8. Oakdale Silver (Keri Bowden)

Best Instrumentalist: Lordi Williams (euphonium) — Cwmtawe Youth
Youngest Player: Brenden Diamond (aged 11) — Upper Rhondda

*Top two bands qualify for National Final

Best Instrumentalist: Euphonium, Cwmtawe Youth


Sunday 19, 12:16:30

4BR Editor's round up and prediction:

What an enjoyable contest that was — full enthusiasm, verve, colour, character and some cracking perofrmcnes.

The best for us came from Upper Rhondda with their fine control and musicality, with Cwmtawe's sheer brio just behind. A super show from Oakeley may just push into the qualification places, with RAF St Athan and Buckley making up our top six with Oakdale.

4BR Prediction:

1. Upper Rhondda
2. Cwmtawe
3. Oakeley
4. RAF St Athan
5. Buckley
6. Oakdale


Sunday 19, 12:04:21

Fourth Section:

8. Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick)

The contest is rounded off with a full blooded account from Cwmtawe that recovered brilliantly after a hesitant start.

MD does so well: Love the swish of the baton arm at the major climaxes that was like an irate till girl at ASDA ripping out a bag for life in disgust from under counter after you had forgotten yours. He has really brought this to life — a bit in technicolor in places but with such verve and brio.

The confidence on show from around the stands is admirable — led by euph, sop and cornet. A full bore sound to close too. One for the judges to think about.


Sunday 19, 11:55:12

Fourth Section:

7. Buckley (Steve Pugh-Jones)

What a highly engaging and encouraging show from the debutants. Like their north Walian brethren it was full of passion and lyricism, even if the intonation just went a touch pee-tong in places.

MD kept the music flowing — and his players responded — led by a cracking solo cornet who had a tone like Katherine Jenkins singing a lullaby. The chapels must be packed in Buckley on a Sunday — as the hymn playing was authentically Methodist in its morose, minor musicality. Super close too — all Mussorgsky nobility and a touch of fizz to boot.


Sunday 19, 11:31:47

Fourth Section:

6. Upper Rhondda (Jayne Thomas)

Bob on! Great stuff this from the MD and her band — and especially the excellent main soloists.

This was full of character, style and musicality — backed with the common sense appreciation of the basics needing to be in just the right place. The music flowed with nuance and phrasing. Just the odd moments of unease, but it didn't tarnish. Bravo young sop — sweet as a nut.

The finale was bubbling like a pint of Prosecco in a Porth pub — and just the right tipple you suspect to celebrate, as this may be heading to Cheltenham.


Sunday 19, 11:17:52

Fourth Section:

5. Oakdale Silver (Keri Bowden)

A very deliberately set out and performed interpretation. It was a touch variable in execution, but the MD certainly used his experience to ensure that his band wasn't overstretched in terms of tempo and dynamic.

Like a good outside half directing his troops — the pack was moved around the stylistic pitch at his command, with some neat touches from each of his main soloists. Just in need of a little brio in places, but this was considered stuff.


Sunday 19, 10:54:50

Fourth Section:

4. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Glyn Jones)

What a splendid performance — with the MD giving this the full malleable Monty. There were more drag backs than Gareth Bale could manage — especially in the lyrical sections that were built on such a rich, balanced foundation.

We really were in 'O! Iesu mawr' hymnal territory — great Sunday service stuff — all posh hats and guttural vowels. It was rounded off with verve and a nod to Mussorgsky that almost had us waving the Red Flag. Bravo — a little gem.


Sunday 19, 10:37:15

Fourth Section:

3. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)

A performance rich in character and style — from the neat touches of bombast to slow burning lyrical passion. It's like a musical cross between Guy Gibson in the Dambusters film and a loquaciously morose Methodist hymnal sing song.

Not everything quite comes off — but three pips on the lapels for the MD for taking the risks. Just the little scruffy elements in the quicker sections may cost, but overall that was one that had a bit of creative verve.


Sunday 19, 10:19:41

Fourth Section:

2. Vale of Glamorgan (David Short)

An engaging musical take — although it did come with quite a few mistakes and errors. MD certainly kept the music flowing and there were some neatly styled themes and motifs.

Bravo to the solo cornet — tasty as a Welsh cake, although the ensemble playing was a bit like the Welsh rugby pack in Paris yesterday — not always moving in the right direction. Warm hymnal sounds and a well paced close rounded off a spirited performance.


Sunday 19, 10:00:06

Fourth Section:

1. Gwaun-Cae Gurwen (Jeff Hutcherson)

It's a bright and breezy start from GCG (the Welsh like referring to things and people just by their initials — think JPR Williams etc!) — and this one has plenty of gusto and enthusiasm from the word go.

Bravo to the main soloists — especially the trom and the young girl on bumper-up who was excellent. The music flowed and all the familiar themes were heard. Just some tuning issues and some untidiness, but the MD ensured it wasn't overblown or the tempos wavered too much.


Sunday 19, 09:50:14

Draw: Fourth Section:

Test Piece: 'St Andrews Variations' (Alan Fernie)
Sunday 19th March
Draw: 9.00am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

1. Gwaun-cae-Gurwen (Jeff Hutcherson)
2. Vale of Glamorgan (Dave Short)
3. RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)
4. Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Glyn-Jones)
5. Oakdale Silver (Kerry Bowden)
6. Upper Rhondda (Jayne Thomas)
7. Buckley Town (Steve Pugh-Jones)
8. Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick)


Saturday 18, 20:36:34

One more day to go

So with Parc & Dare and Llanrug securing the qualification slots in Cheltenham, it brings to an end our day in both Swansea and Stevenage.

We will be back though tomorrow from 10.00am with the Fourth Section in Swansea and the First Section in Stevenage.

The Fourth Section takes place at 11.30am in Stevenage and then during the afternoon the final battles on Pageantry take place.

We hope you have enjoyed the coverage today. See you tomorrow.


Saturday 18, 20:27:13


First Section:

Test Piece: 'Land of the Long White Cloud' (Philip Sparke)
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

1. Parc & Dare (Leftfield Environmental) (Capt Paul Collis-Smith)*
2. Llanrug (Paul Hughes)*
3. Ebbw Valley (Gareth Ritter)
4. BTM (Jeff Hutcherson)
5. Tylorstown (Gary Davies)
6. Markham & District (Matthew Rowe)
7. Lewis Merthyr (Craig Roberts)
8. Mid Rhondda (Thomas Coaches) (Alan Gibbs)
9. Deiniolen (Lois Eifion)
10. Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins)

Top two bands qualify for National Final in Cheltenham


Saturday 18, 20:17:30

First Section Prediction:

4BR Prediction:

1. Ebbw Valley
2. Markham
3. Tylorstown
4. Deiniolen


Saturday 18, 20:08:12

First Section:

10. Tylorstown (Gary Davies)

Bold and triumphant opening that continued its intensity throughout the performance till the very end.
Horns try and be too heroic in moments. Really effective bell effects in cornets and perc and great pp dynamics and clarity in the first Vivace. Great mute effects brought out.

Fine flugel, unlucky on the last two notes. Great basses and troms in the Fugue and what a confident ending. A few blemishes throughout, but a very strong performance.


Saturday 18, 19:43:38

First Section:

9. Parc & Dare (Paul Collis Smith)

A neat opening and organised opening. Some internation problems in middle of the band.

The larghettto section looses flow and becomes very stagnent. Very refined and classy flugel soloist.

2/4+ 5/8 section could 'dance' a bit more. Nervous backrow cornet chord. Great glock playing to introduce the soprano. Some quiet dynamics loose the 'light feel'

Over all a ok performance with some scrappyness towards the end


Saturday 18, 19:36:01

First Section:

8. Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins)

Louder dynamics are too harsh sounding and a bit to loud for hall. The tempo does not settle between snare drum and baritones at the vivace.

Very clean and classy solo cornet interludes though a Sop missed a entry is noted whilst trying to take to much of a dynamic risk.

There are a few to many splits before the larghetto but beautifully played soprano and solo cornet solos.
Crash cymbals to loud throughout.

Overall a loud performance that lacked some subtlety but with great soloists.


Saturday 18, 19:29:57

First Section:

7. Deiniolen (Lois Eifion)

A band with a wonderfully warm and vibrant sound and the matching vibrato throughout the band blends really well.

Flugel player has a big singing sound. Crescendo before vivace is a bit over done resulting in some tuning issues.

3/8 bars rush in vivace resulting in some slight ensemble issues but there is vibrant and exciting playing throughout. However some intonation issues crop up in louder dynamics.

A triumphant ending. A performance that was exciting with a vibrant and full bodied band sound.


Saturday 18, 19:25:33

First Section:

6. Mid Rhondda (Thomas Coaches) (Alan Gibbs)

An untidy start but recovered well and there is a great bass section during the beginning.

Quieter dynamics are well graded and the Vivace is to long in semiquavers, and as a result completely looses the dictation.

Some scrappy tutti cornet playing when it increases with range and perhaps the Solo cornet diminuendo is to much in the solo line.

Percussion drowned out band in a couple of moments in the end before nervous unsure entry in the reprise of opening is noted.

Overall a musically quite accurate and secure performance but lacking that next level of detail and class.


Saturday 18, 19:19:43

First Section:

5. BTM (Jeff Hutcherson)

Confident start with a nice contrast of timbres and colours at the beginning. Crescendos have a tendency to make the notes raise in pitch. The beginning section gets very lethargic.

Poco puio mosso ends up being slower than previous unfortunately. Some very sharp lines in euphs and Baritones but strong band playing.

Playful side to the melody is lost and muted cornets before Larghetto is to quiet. Some intonation issues in solo lines which detract from accurate playing and the Flug is very sharp. The ensemble between cornets not always spot on.

A OK ending but throughout ther were inconsistent tempos.


Saturday 18, 19:09:27

First Section:

4. Llanrug (Paul Hughes)

The opening is far more broader and more lyrical that the previous bands, but it works well for them .

Euphs take a chance with the quiet dynamic in the poco pio mosso. Really well balanced flug and trom trio melody.

They do not make it through the vivache unscathed but some impressive sounding tutti solo cornet lines come through in the technical passages.

Beautiful and classy solo contributions from young sop and solo cornet player. Great flugel solo as well.

Some ensemble issues in the stringendo after the larghetto.

The last note was over blown but overall it was a tidy performance with some great solo contributions that did not have the power of some of the previous bands.


Saturday 18, 18:00:47

First Section:

3. Markham and District (Matthew Rowe)

Effective and well graded crescendos in opening bars. Full and warm band sound. MD achieves a majestic sound to the opening through the use of well chosen tempo and bringing out details.

Fantastic Euph lines at the beginning poco pui mosso section. Climax in first vivace shows up some intonation problems between sop and top solo cornets.

Strong band sound throughout just a slight blip in sop solo but nice sound. Great dynamic detail brought out in euph line during the flug solo. Flug does well... but starts to drop in pitch on the long middle D .

In the vivace the semi quavers are getting lost in this lively acoustic. Great bass trom in the accel at the end completes a strong ending.


Saturday 18, 17:55:31

First Section:

2. Lewis Merthyr (Craig Roberts)

Well organised opening but some intonation issues creep in, through the middle band. More clarity needed in muted cornet feature and in the vivace a few splits detract from the excitement. The melody cannon could be better balanced dynamically.

Solo cornet line missing before the larghetto? Sop does OK but just needed to watch intonation down the bottom of the register.

Unlucky split in flug, but recovers well with a lovely soaring top A. Great passing of solo lines between horn, flug and baritone before the reprise of the vivace.

Something falters in final Maestoso, a wrong entry puts players off and causes confusion. Well saved before closing bars. One very annoyed MD we think!


Saturday 18, 17:49:56

First Section

1. Ebbw Valley (Gareth Ritter)

Confident and stylish opening, Powerful playing.
Great bass sound and clean and effective cornet bell effects.

Baritone semiquaver start could have more clarity and unlucky 3rd cornets falling of chord before sop solo.
Brilliant sop and flugel solos with a warm flugel sound. Blends well in slow interweaving passages.

Great soaring euph line in the climax of middle section and a fantastic close.
Performance detailed and really well delivered. Top class playing.


Saturday 18, 17:46:37


First Section

Test Piece: 'Land of the Long White Cloud' — Philip Sparke

Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

1. Ebbw Valley (Gareth Ritter)
2. Lewis Merthyr (Craig Roberts)
3. Markham and District (Matthew Rowe)
4. Llanrug (Paul Hughes)
5. BTM (Jeff Hutcherson)
6. Mid Rhondda (Thomas Coaches) (Alan Gibbs)
7. Deiniolen (Lois Eifion)
8. Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins)
9. Parc and Dare (Leftfield Environmental) (Capt Paul Collis-Smith)
10. Tylorstown (Gary Davies)


Saturday 18, 17:30:59


Second Section:

Test Piece: 'Rhapsody in Brass' (Dean Goffin)
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

1. Abergavenny Borough (Sean O'Neil)*
2. Penclawdd (Tony Small)*
3. Mellingriffith 2 (Andrew Wareham)
4. Royal Buckley Town (Brett Baker)
5. Blaenavon Town (Lynne Turner)
6. Seindorf Arian Crwbin (Craig Roberts)
7. Ammanford Town (Andrew Jones)

Top two bands qualify for the National Finals in Cheltenham


Saturday 18, 15:59:50

Second Section:

7. Penclawdd (Tony Small)

Another band that has a good start although it's a little rushed in the strong top end. Solo cornet does well — again another classy contribution. Unlucky Perc — but so well recovered. MD is using all his experience here — so well directed. The second movemt features a fine solo horn and euph excels.

Last movement is taken at a splendid temp. Perc is a tad heavy but the music flows and sop excels. It's rounded off with a tidy finish.


Saturday 18, 15:47:30

Second Section:

Seindorf Arian Crwbin (Craig Roberts)

Good start gets things going with a touch poise although the runs are a little smudged in places. Solo cornet does well though — classy. A little untidy in closing the first movement.

Second movement starts well — but will the judges notice the cup muted sop? Euphs do well again — playing of dark reflectiveness. Perhaps a little under-powered in the climaxes but it is refined and the movement ends so well. There is a jaunty feel to the tempo of the last movemet. Tuning slightly goes astray and little clips are noticeable as the band tires — but this was well.


Saturday 18, 15:25:24

Second Section:

5. Royal Buckley Town (Brett Baker)

Good start and such a stylish solo cornet sets the scene for what has been one of the cleanest and most compact opening movements.

The central section doesn't quite match though — what a pity as the musical intent was dark and reflective. Lovely Euph stood out with confidence. Last movement was a perhso a bit too fast to show joyful release, but the band cope — just losing a little control to finish. An intersting one that.


Saturday 18, 15:21:29

Second Section:

4. Abergavenny Borough (Sean O'Neill)

Fast, bold start is a little surprising! but the little untidy moments are not severe and it recovers its poise so well. Good solo cornet and want a wonderful horn in the second movement are real features as the music shows a more lyrical approach. Big bold sounds on the climax — but this was passionate stuff.

Last movement is again quick — perhaps a bit too much, although the band holds its form to the close.


Saturday 18, 15:17:20

Second Section:

3. Melingriffith 2 (Andrew Wareham)

A steady tempo for the opening gives poise and the little clips don't detract form the well laid out music — which has sense of style and stature. The intonation in the troms is also good to end the movement and the central section is so well played too.

Solid horn and lyrical euph do well and sweet sop to end is something to admire. Steady tempo in third movement again has poise but may just have needed a touch more joyful life, but the sense of stature and nobility before the pace close was so good.


Saturday 18, 14:37:25

Second Section:

2. Ammanford Town (Andrew Jones)

A lighter sound and dynamic, but it is good compact playing. Just a tad unlucky in places and the trom balance raises a question mark. It isn't as precise as it should be in places but it has that sense of anxious optimism.

Second movement features a beautiful solo horn, but again a question mark arises about some of the ensemble balance. Good tempo in last movement gives the music such a great lift, but it just fails in stamina to close.


Saturday 18, 14:28:46

Second Section:

1. Blaenavon Town (Lynne Turner)

Good start, that has such a lovely lilt and great cornet solo. Just a little sticky in runs in places but what a authentic style and the changes of dynamic are noticeable.

Slight blip at start of 2nd movement, but the rich horn and great euphonium solo make this come to melancholic life. Last movement just rushes slightly, but is quickly kept under control by MD who has shaped this so well. The big, warm lyrical sound suits the music, and the sop absolutely nails the top Bb! Good lad! Slightly loose quavers to end, but what a good marker.


Saturday 18, 14:16:53

Draw: Second Section:

Test Piece: 'Rhapsody in Brass' (Dean Goffin)
Saturday 18th March
Draw: 12 noon
Commence: At conclusion of Section Three
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

1. Blaenavon Town (Lynne Turner)
2. Ammanford Town (Andrew Jones)
3. Mellingriffith 2 (Andrew Wareham)
4. Abergavenny Borough (Sean O'Neil)
5. Royal Buckley Town (Brett Baker)
6. Seindorf Arian Crwbin (Craig Roberts)
7. Penclawdd (Tony Small)


Saturday 18, 13:48:30


Third Section:

Test Piece:'Darkwood' — Dan Price

Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

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Newport share a picture of their success online

1. Newport Borough (Robin Hackett)*
2. Abertillery & District (Josh Ruck)*
3. Newtown Silver (Steve Edwards)
4. Phoenix (Luke Jenkins)
5. Ynyshir (Garry Davies)
6. Severn Tunnel (Grant Jameson)

Instrumentalist (Euphonium) Abertillery & District

*Top two bands qualify for National Final at Cheltenham


Saturday 18, 13:43:24

Welsh round-up and opinion:

We have enjoyed a cracking contest here this morning — with each band bringing something out the score with some intelligent interpretations from the MDs. The level of euph playing has been brilliant — as have other soloists, but for general cohesiveness, musicality and ensemble solidity a couple of bands have stood out.

4BR Prediction:

1. Phoenix Goodwick
2. Newport Borough
3. Abertillery & District


Saturday 18, 13:41:30

Third Section:

10. Crosskeys (Mike Davies)

Scrappy to start, and do we hear some wrong entries? Every player works hard to recover — and it does thanks to the excllent work of the MD. There is a lovely start to the slow central section, but. A few moments of intonation just detract. Euoh does well after a nasty blip.

The finale is well played with warm, vibrant sounds and joyfulness right to the finish.


Saturday 18, 13:10:43

Third Section:

9. Usk (Jeff Jones)

Another performance that just takes a while to settle, but it recovers quickly and well. Odd moment of intonation in inner band at the start of slow section raises an eyebrow.

That may have put the band off a little, as it doesn't quite engage in terms of precision, but what a good euph. Big warm sounds to finish show those powers of recovery again. The finale starts well — with best balanced percussion of the day and it builds to an excellent finish. Another euph from the Bryn Terfel school — great.


Saturday 18, 12:51:35

Third Section:

8. Phoenix (Goodwick) (Luke Jenkins)

What a good start — full of style and mischief. Perc not 100% with band always — as acoustic does play the odd trick, and the ending is a little fragile. Slow music in the chapel on the hill is the best today — so warm and lyrical — topped by the stunning euphonium.

This is also so well directed and the band gets in full flow to finish — with such a spring in its step, brio in its bones and vibrancy in the veins. Super stuff. Euph may have a promising future ahead of him as well!!


Saturday 18, 12:50:45

Third Section:

7. Briton Ferry (Jeff Pearce)

Just a little untidy to start, but it settled quickly and caught the right atmosphere. A few fragile moments and some intonation issues just tarnish the neatly laid account approach and the middle section takes a while to settle. Well directed this and euph solo was superb. A performance which grew and grew as the last movement was such a vibrant joy.


Saturday 18, 12:28:14

Third Section:

6. Ynyshir (Garry Davies)

Best start of the day — full of detail. It immediately makes you sit up. Odd bits of intonation in upper cornets but this has been good playing — although the end of the first section into slow movement is a little untidy.

Tuning issues creep in here — but the musical intention is so well displayed. Gets a little untidy in the finale too, but but recovers with a sense of spirit and optimism to build to such a good finish. Tuba section laid the foundation here — unsung heroes the lot of them.


Saturday 18, 12:10:09

Third Section:

5. Newport Borough (Robin Hackett)

A steady start in terms of pace and dynamic, but it is full of detail. Nothing overdone and there is a great flow to the slow music in the central chapel section. Real old Methodist warbling so that! Odd untidy chord just raises an eyebrow, but nothing serious.

Big sounding band times in the finale and it gets a little harsh, but it builds to a super finish. Star player was a top class solo cornet. Take a bow.


Saturday 18, 11:55:45

Third Section:

4. Abertillery & District (Josh Ruck)

What a pity about the scrappy start as the big, dark ensemble sounds are full of character and the odd clip doesn't detract. Tuning in basses does though — careful! Some lovely playing on show here — MD enjoying the chapel stuff — it's so warm and the climax was super.

Good build to end with the detail on show with precision to round off an account that got better and better the longer it went on. Star player was another super euphonium. What do they feed them on in these parts of Wales?


Saturday 18, 11:47:43

Third Section:

3. Ogmore Valley Silver (Alice Jones)

A real characterful opening all knots together well. Good control of dynamics too and there is a nice flow to the slow section despite the odd little ugly tuning issue in cornets.

Percussion just gets a little heavy in places and loses its way a little in slow waltz section. Big warm full band sounds bring things back on track splendidly. Steady last movement shows the tight ensemble playing off well. Star player for us was the sonorous solo euphonium.


Saturday 18, 11:36:40

Third Section:

2. Newtown Silver (Steve Edwards)

Safe opening with some intonation issues in horns just takes the gloss off a little — and slightly more purpose to the direction needed for the big dynamic contrasts to really work in this acoustic. Unlucky euph, but recovers so well, and the MD is really trying to bring out the lyrical contrasts here.

Faster detail lost momentarily with over zealous percussion in the finale, but it builds to a good finish.

Star player was the excellent solo cornet. Bravo.


Saturday 18, 11:21:11

Third Section:

1. Severn Tunnel (Grant Jameson)

Safe opening with some little tuning issues, but it doesn't detract the nice laid back feel to the middle section in particular.

Well directed this and nothing overdone. Nice warm lower band sounds and the balance to the end was very good. Good start to contest. Star player was the soprano — such a sweet sound.


Saturday 18, 10:55:37

Third Section:

A tasty battle to start the weekend off here in Wales, with ten well matched contenders looking to claim one of the two qualification places up for grabs for Cheltenham.

Two recent Fourth Section National Champions are in the field in Usk and Phoenix (Goodwick) alongside some nifty opposition. Plenty for Stan Lippeatt and John Maines to enjoy then.


Saturday 18, 10:50:19

Draw: Third Section:

Test Piece:'Darkwood' (Dan Price)
Saturday 19th March
Draw: 10.00am
Commence: 11.00am
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

1. Severn Tunnel (Grant Jameson)
2. Newtown Silver (Steve Edwards)
3. Ogmore Valley Silver (Alice Jones)
4. Abertillery Youth and District (Josh Ruck)
5. Newport Borough (Robin Hackett)
6. Ynyshir (Gary Davies)
7. Briton Ferry (Jeff Pearce)
8. Phoenix (Goodwick)
9. Usk (Jeff Jones)
10. Crosskeys Silver (Mike Davies)


Saturday 18, 09:03:47

The battle in Wales

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The battle of old and new architecture in Swansea

The first of three sections in the Brangwyn Hall today commences at 11.00am. We are looking forward to a great weekend where the pride of the Welsh dragon will be roaring once more.

How many National Champions could come from the Principality this year we wonder....


Saturday 18, 07:42:24

The final lap...

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Statue of Dylan Thomas at Swansea Marina

After stops in Blackpool, Huddersfield, Perth, Bedworth, Torquay and Durham, the Area Championship roadshow reaches the terminal stations of Stevenage and Swansea this weekend.

Two contrasting places they are to — one home to Dylan Thomas, well known poet and bon-viveur, the other a certain radical town-planner called Dr Monica Felton who helped change the urban face of Stevenage and went on to be awarded the Stalin Peace Prize for her efforts.

They don't make them like that pair anymore...

Still, plenty of great action at both the Brangwyn Hall — named after the bloke who painted the rather racy murals on the wall, and the more prosaic Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre and the Gordon Craig Theatre, named after the modernist theatre actor born in the town.

But you didn't think you were going to know that this morning did you now...


Friday 17, 18:54:13

Welsh titles up for grabs

There is sure to be plenty of great contesting passion on show at the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea tomorrow and Sunday, as the various Welsh titles and qualification for Cheltenham, London and the European Championships in Utrecht in 2018 are decided.

The second smallest region in terms of numbers can boast no less than 14 National Champions since 2010 — and in every section too — Fourth to Championship. No wonder there will be high expectations and a little strut of confidence in the step as the 43 contenders take to the stage.

Plenty to look forward to then with the Third, Second and First on Saturday and the Fourth and Championship events on Sunday.


Thursday 16, 11:37:40

Wales line-up

Championship Section:

Test Piece: Test Piece: 'Pageantry' — Herbert Howells
Sunday 19th March
Draw: 11.00am
Commence: After Fourth Section results
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

Burry Port Town (Tom Davoren)
City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Nigel Seaman)
Cory (Philip Harper)
Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins)
Llwydcoed (Chris Turner)
Northop (Paul Hughes)
Tongwynlais Temperance (Michael Fowles)
Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)

First Section:

Test Piece: 'Land of the Long White Cloud' — Philip Sparke
Saturday 18th March
Draw: 2.30pm
Commence: at conclusion of Second Section results
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

BTM (Jeff Hutcherson)
Deiniolen (Lois Eifion)
Ebbw Valley (Gareth Ritter)
Lewis Merthyr (Craig Roberts)
Llanrug (Paul Hughes)
Markham and District (Matthew Rowe)
Mid Rhondda (Thomas Coaches) (Alan Gibbs)
Parc and Dare (Leftfield Environmental) (Capt Paul Collis-Smith)
Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins)
Tylorstown (Gary Davies)

Second Section:

Test Piece: 'Rhapsody in Brass' — Dean Goffin
Saturday 18th March
Draw: 12 noon
Commence: At conclusion of Section Three
Adjudicators: Derek Broadbent and Mike Kilroy

Abergavenny Borough (Sean O'Neil)
Ammanford Town (Andrew Jones)
Blaenavon Town (Lynne Turner)
Mellingriffith 2 (Andrew Wareham)
Penclawdd (Tony Small)
Royal Buckley Town (Brett Baker)
Seindorf Arian Crwbin (Craig Roberts)

Third Section:

Test Piece:'Darkwood' — Dan Price
Saturday 19th March
Draw: 10.00am
Commence: 11.00am
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

Abertillery Youth and District (Josh Ruck)
Briton Ferry (Jeff Pearce)
Crosskeys Silver (Mike Davies)
Newport Borough (Robin Hackett)
Newtown Silver (Steve Edwards)
Ogmore Valley Silver (Alice Jones)
Phoenix (Luke Jenkins)
Severn Tunnel (Grant Jameson)
Usk (Jeff Jones)
Ynyshir (Gary Davies)

Fourth Section:

Test Piece: 'St Andrews Variations' — Alan Fernie
Sunday 19th March
Draw: 9.00am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Stan Lippeatt and John Maines

Buckley Town (Steve Pugh-Jones)
Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick)
Gwaen-cae-Gurwen (Jeff Hutcherson)
Oakdale Silver (Kerry Bowden)
RAF St Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne)
Seindorf Arian yr Oakeley (John Glyn-Jones)
Upper Rhondda (Jayne Thomas)
Vale of Glamorgan (Dave Short)

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

Uppermill Band

October 23 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play a varied genre of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

wantage silver band

October 23 • Wantage Band (L&SC Championship) have a rare vacancy for REPIANO CORNET following longstanding member Michael Kennett relocating to Australia in January. Rehearsals takes place on Sunday's 7:30pm and Wednesday's 8pm at Wantage Silver Band, OX12 8FR.

Golborne Brass

October 23 • Golborne band, near Warrington NW area, just promoted to 2nd section and current 3rd section National Champions are recruiting the following to complete our lineup: Basses (either kind), 2nd horn and Front Row cornet.

Phillip Littlemore

GGSM, AoBBA Member
Conductor, Band Trainer, Adjudicator, Arranger, Teacher and Publisher


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