
2016 West of England Regional Championships
As it happened

All the action from the 2016 West of England Regional Championships — as it happened.

West of England • Sunday 13, 20:24:23

Result: First Section:
Test Piece: 'Essay' - Edward Gregson
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Alan Fernie

1. St Dennis (Darren Hawken)*
2. Brunel Brass (John Winterflood)*
3. Chalford (Steve Tubb)
4. Roche Brass (Garry Cutt)
5. Hyde (Jonathan Lush-Camps)
6. St Keverne (Gareth Churcher)
7. Sherborne Town (Steve Rogers)
8. Michelmarsh Silver (Major David Barringer)
9 Forest of Dean (Roger Phelps)
10. Otterbourne Brass (Melvin White)
11. A W Parker (Drybrook) (Josh Ruck)
12. Wooton-under-Edge & District (Ian Dickinson)
13. Pendennis Brass Falmouth (John Woodrow)
14. St Pinnock (Jane Whitehead)
15. Helston Town (David Johnson)

*Top two bands qualify for National Final

West of England • Sunday 13, 19:44:21

Section 1: Final thoughts and prediction

Although we heard a number of performances of merit in the second half, this was still a disappointing contest overall. There was one outstanding band - and St Dennis was outstanding by any account - a fantastic performance.

Behind them - and some distance behind came a fine effort from St Keverne, followed by decent ones from Forest of Dean and Chalford, with Michelmersh and Hyde just behind. Dark horse for us is Otterbourne. The rest though - some way behind. Essay just about beat everyone.

1. St Dennis
2. St Keverne
3. Forest of Dean
4. Chalford
5. Michelmersh
6. Hyde

Dark Horse: Otterbourne.

West of England • Sunday 13, 19:38:29

Section 1:

15. St Pinnock (Jane Whitehead)

Everyone gave of their all with this one - and the excellence of many of the individual contributions gave this 'Essay' overall substance. The MD kept the music flowing and the players added neat touches. Nothing overdone with sensible dynamics and tempos. Just got tired to close, but this was a determined effort that ended up very much in credit.

West of England • Sunday 13, 19:22:23

Section 1:

13. Chalford (Steve Tubb)

The third performance in a row now that has managed to produce a coherent, cohesive understanding and execution of the transparent score. Nothing spectacular, but good solid playing - a little scrappy in places, but overall it answered the questions posed - thanks to a MD keeping a cool head and an even hand on tempos and dynamics.

14. Forest of Dean Brass (Roger Phelps)

A nearly one this - some great stuff and some uneven playing. Great solo cornet and main solo lines but some of the ensemble playing was a little ragged. MD kept a tight leash on dynamics and the pace of the music and was rewarded by players who understood his musical intentions. Just those little errors may cost but a possible podium finish beckons?

West of England • Sunday 13, 18:59:04

Section 1:

11. St Keverne (Gareth Churcher)

We have waited for a long time for another performance to really get to grips with 'Essay' - and although not totally under the dish, this one was a fine effort.

Lots to enjoy with a lyrical approach by the MD and some fine solo interventions and ensemble work on display in all three movements. Had its moments of unease, but who hasn't today? Confident, coherent and perhso Cheltenham bound.

12. Michelmersh Silver (Major Dave Barringer)

The wait has been worth it - as we get another performance that ends well in the credit column. Again, much to admire about the reading - and the confidence of the soloists who stood for their major contributions. They were good too - especially the trombone, who was the best of the day. A fine close rounded off a performance that could well push for a podium spot.

West of England • Sunday 13, 18:14:05

Section 1:

9. A.W. Parker (Drybrook)

A brave effort on a difficult test piece, but another that ultimately failed to meet its challenges. MD once again gave the music space but found that it left it open to cruel exposure with the transparency of the inner detail.

Giving the cornet solo to the soprano was never going to work, but it was the poor ensemble precision that cost points. Fine euph and robust tubas give things a fine foundation to close, but it was a very hard examination this.

10. Hyde (Jonathan Lush-Camps)

A much more coherent, cohesive effort this - thanks to the MDs sensible and sensitive approach to the dynamic contrasts and the flow of the music. Not everything come off and the spliced cornet solo just about worked, but the ensemble playing was confident throughout. A fine close will surely help push this for a mention.

West of England • Sunday 13, 17:38:07

Section 1: Halfway opinion and prediction:

What started with one of the best performances of 'Essay' you could wish to hear has led to a series of underwhelming accounts to follow. MDs have given the music time and space, but the treacherous transparency of the writing has taken its toll.

That said some performances haven't been helped by a litany of wrong entries and wrong notes. Not a lot of others have played to form, or have just found Edward Gregson's set work too hard an ask.

St Dennis by a country mile at the moment - and then the rest headed by Otterbourne and Brunel.

1. St Dennis
2. Otterbourne
3. Brunel Brass

West of England • Sunday 13, 17:33:01

Section 1:

7. Brunel Brass (John Winterflood)

Another band who grafted hard but found this a difficult ask. That said, it was better than most today in what has been a very disappointing contest. MD gave the music space and time, but that treacherous transparency showed up the fragilities. Fine euph, tubas and spliced cornet solo led into a spirited final section.

8. Sherborne Town (Steve Rogers)

What a pity there were so many problems in the execution here - as the MD let the music flow in each of the movements. There was really good playing both in the ensemble and solo lines, but also some awful stuff too. The perc at times seemed lost - and meant the ensemble playing sounded so fractured and incoherent.

West of England • Sunday 13, 17:06:59

Section 1:

5. Otterbourne Brass (Melvin White)

MD draws a lovely interpretation of time and space - but it means that the transparent inner detail is on display. At its best it was so well played - with a great trom the pick and a bold solo cornet, but on other occassions it sounded uncomfortable. The final movement was neatly paced and came to fine conclusion, but it was still a performance of maybe or better.

6. Pendennis Brass Falmouth (John Woodrow)

This is not a piece that sits comfortably with a lack of numbers, so hats off for a fine effort with only two troms. Euph was a lovely warm focal point and the other soloists did well, but the ensemble wasn't of the same quality at times. Another neat final movement - but it needed the same quality from the start.

West of England • Sunday 13, 16:26:14

Section 1:

3. Roche Brass (Garry Cutt)

You suspect the band and the MD won't look back on this rather sloppy performance too fondly. The number of unforced errors started to take the gloss off a fine reading almost from the start, and by the end the confidence was lost. Some good solo lines, but ensemble wrong notes and wrong entries didn't help. A bad day at the office for a good band.

Wotton under Edge (Ian Dickinson)

A hard working Essay this - that recovered from a rather inauspicious start. The detail in the transparent writing was on show and some fine solo contributions, but it always sounded slightly on edge. A fine last movement was well handled in a performance that was grafted.

West of England • Sunday 13, 16:13:52

Result: Second Section:
Test Piece: 'Mermaid of Zennor' - Philip Harper
Sunday 13th March
Adjudicators: Philip Littlemore and Richard Marshall

1. City of Bristol Brass (Bryn James)*
2. Sidmouth Town (Adrian Harvey)*
3. S W Communications (David Shead)
4. Soundhouse Brass (Lee Clayson)
5. Bodmin Town (John Maines)
6. Bream Silver (Philip Turner)
7. Andover Town (Steve Large)
8. Denmead Brass (Estelle Flood)
9. Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)
10. Swindon Pegasus (David Mace)
11. Ocean Brass (Edward March)
12. Poole Borough (Dr Chris Davis)
13. New Forest Brass (Ian Luxford)
14. Shrewton Silver (Michael Dunford)
15. Downton (Paul Williams)
16. Bugle Silver (Steve Osborne)

*Top two bands qualify for National Final

West of England • Sunday 13, 16:06:39

Section 1:

1. St Dennis (Darren Hawkin)

Well now - what a super maker off the number 1 draw that was. That was playing as good as we have heard on the piece. Lovely balance and textures in the ensemble, all the detail here in the transparent scoring and all topped off with artistic soloists.

Great reading of the score as well. Bravo everyone there. That was an outstanding playing.

2. Helston Town (David Johnson)

An engaging reading by the MD, but you couldn't get away from the fact that the technical aspects were not met at times - including the main cornet solo played entirely on soprano.

The outer movements had detail, but it was scrappy and it never quite gelled. MD had the ideas and the approach, but his band on this occasion could not meet them.

West of England • Sunday 13, 15:41:33

Draw: First Section:
Test Piece: 'Essay' - Edward Gregson
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 1.00pm
Commence: 2.30pm approx
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Alan Fernie

1. St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
2. Helston Town (David Johnson)
3. Roche Brass (Garry Cutt)
4. Wooton-under-Edge & District (Ian Dickinson)
5. Otterbourne Brass (Melvin White)
6. Pendennis Brass Falmouth (John Woodrow)
7. Brunel Brass (John Winterflood)
8. Sherborne Town (Steve Rogers)
9. A W Parker (Drybrook) (Josh Ruck)
10. Hyde (Jonathan Lush-Camps)
11. St Keverne (Gareth Churcher)
12. Michelmarsh Silver (Major David Barringer)
13. Chalford (Steve Tubb)
14. Forest of Dean (Gareth Ritter)
15. St Pinnock (Jane Whitehead)

West of England • Sunday 13, 14:42:27

Section 2: Final opinion and prediction:

A bit of a disappointing contest overall it must be said. Not the most technically difficult work, but so many bands came a cropper. Lots tried to paint bold, vivid pictures - and it nearly came off with most, but few really married both technical and musical together to bring the story thrillingly to life.

Bodmin, City of Bristol and Camborne Junior Contesting did it in their contrasting ways and it could be between them for the title and qualification places, with Sidmouth, SW Communications and Denmead behind with our dark horse of Poole.

1. Bodmin
2. City of Bristol
3. Camborne Junior Contesting
4. Sidmouth
5. SW Communications
6. Denmead

Dark Horse: Poole

West of England • Sunday 13, 14:37:26

Section 2:

15. Bodmin Town (John Maines)

The MD controlled this like Hemingway's 'Old Man of the Sea' - in what was a splendid performance of colour, texture, drama, pathos and excitement - all in the right places.

Some great individual playing (esp perc) and warm ensemble sounds throughout were a feature - but it was the way the narrative line made sense from start to finish. The mermaid caught hook, line and sinker here.

16. New Forest Brass (Ian Luxford)

A nearly one from New Forest - at times full of character, verve and spirit - but on occasion just spoils by too many unforced errors and some untunefulness. MD kept the music flowing and there was much to enjoy, but it just needed a touch more control to have really caught the mermaid in their net.

West of England • Sunday 13, 13:59:40

Section 2:

13. Denmead Brass (Estelle Flood)

What a pity that this was so inconsistent - as the MD laid out a fine reading of the score that had the four square industry as well as swelling of the waves in the opening, followed by a warm chorale feel to the church interlude. The final ride for home was well done as well - but it was a bit two steps forward one step back at times.

14. Ocean Brass (Edward March)

A decent one - that had some great moments. The euph was splendid as the warm hearted lead voice in the church and the sop and solo cornet was excellent. The ensemble was a little wayward though and some of the tuning was a bit off at times. Bravo to the one man perc team - a brilliant effort.

West of England • Sunday 13, 13:39:15

Section 2:

11. Poole Borough (Dr Chris Davies)

An interesting one this - and not just because the MD took some unexpected musical risks asking the solo euph to stand and then the sop and euph to stand at the back of the band at the end. It was more with the very broad, lyrical take on the music.

Lots of broad, warm sounds and lengthened phrases. Not all came off, but it was an enjoyable and engaging interpretation.

12. Andover (Steve Large)

A well managed account this one - neatly put together in a trio of nicely laid out movements. Not everything came off (with some notable missed entries) but what was played had a rich, balanced sound and an effective sense of drama and style.

West of England • Sunday 13, 12:52:31

Section 2:

9. Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)

What a snorter. MD and his band must have been feasting on fish finger sandwiches for two weeks before the contest day - as this couldn't have been a more colourful Picean love story even if it had been performed at Billingsgate Market.

Some question marks about the dynamics and intonation at times - but this mermaid had the energy output of an electric eel and the man eating habits of Jonah's whale. Great musical story telling in high-def output.

10. Swindon Pegasus (David Mace)

A very different approach but just as effective. Lots more dynamic contrast, a touch more mermaid reserve in the quiet church interlude, and a well paced splash down in the waves. Lovely sweet sop and fruity euph were tasty focal points as MD kept us engaged with a neatly packaged reading right to the end.

West of England • Sunday 13, 12:20:31

Halfway opinion and prediction:

This mermaid is proving to be a pretty difficult lass to land here in Torquay. Some hard working efforts and plenty of character in the music, but nobody has really served her up on a plate with chips and mushy peas - yet.

City of Bristol lead the way for us from Sidmouth with SW Communications and Shrewton close behind.

1. City of Bristol
2. Sidmouth
3. SW Communications

West of England • Sunday 13, 12:13:27

Section 2:

7. Sidmouth Town (Adrian Harvey)

Nicely, neatly done this. There was a lot of refinement about the playing throughout here - as if it was a mermaid's take written by Emily Bronte. MD kept things under control from the world go, and whilst we could have done with a little bit more passion it didn't suffer from not being a bodice ripper. Could surprise this.

8. Bugle Silver (Steve Osborne)

They may have taken to the stage with just 20 players - no percussion, just two tubas and two on the top end - but what a great effort.

There were problems and more holes than a fisherman's net - but what was played was balanced, tuneful and full of spirit. Hats off to the MD here - big style. Bravo to all the players too.

They could have chucked the beach towel in but didn't. Medals all round and well deserved pints in the bar. Fill the gaps and there is a good band here led by a MD with just the right attitude.

West of England • Sunday 13, 11:48:46

Section 2:

5. City of Bristol (Bryn James)

This one has upped the ante - and by a margin. MD leads like Captain Ahab on the bridge looking for the white whale - bringing a sea full of swells and drama, industry and intrigue in the opening movement. The Church section has a few atheist clips but it recovers for a spirited close that harpoons its prey before she disappears be at the waves. Really enjoyable stuff that.

6. South West Communications (David Shead)

Another well presented storyline that just needed a touch more colour to really come to life. Trio of tubas do a great job and the outer movements are really well played. That troublesome central section may just cost them a few points - but a fine effort and a neat, descriptive readin from the MD.

West of England • Sunday 13, 11:32:59

While we are waiting for the next band here, just a mention about the excellent organisation and the warm welcome for the press that is offered by the Regional Committee in Torquay - and elsewhere this year we must add.

Many thanks indeed - it is really appreciated.

Also - a mention for Brian Elliot - the great stalwart organiser and former Regional Secretary who is unable to attend the contest in Torquay today because of ill health. Hope he's enjoying the coverage - and he can rest easy as the event is in very safe hands with Sue Oldfield and here brilliant team. Get well soon.

West of England • Sunday 13, 11:06:33

Section 2:

3. Shrewton Silver (Michael Dunford)

A mature band gave a mature performance here - sensible and sonorous. Had its tricky moments or three though in some places as the fishy femme-fetale just wriggled from the grasp, but a fine euph and sweet sop caught her again.

4. Soundhouse Brass (Lee Clayson)

A performance that took a little while to get going, but then found its moorings and set sail. Some odd moments in places with wrong notes, but the church section was led by subtle euph and sweet cornet added an extra touch of class. The final section really hit the fishy spot.

West of England • Sunday 13, 10:33:34

Section 2:

1. Bream Silver (Philip Turner)

A slightly hit and miss one to open the proceedings. Some great robust playing in the outer movements but the middle section just found the cracks and the fragilities. A pity as it was a story filled with drama and excitement.

2. Downton (Paul Williams)

Another rendition that had its good and not so good parts - in a narrative story full of passion. The outer movements once again were played with vibrancy and energy, but the middle section didn't quite set the mermaid's heart racing with desire despite a wonderful lyrical euph lead.

West of England • Sunday 13, 10:06:41

Draw: Second Section:
Test Piece: 'Mermaid of Zennor' - Philip Harper
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 8.45am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Philip Littlemore and Richard Marshall

1. Bream Silver (Philip Turner)
2. Downton (Paul Williams)
3. Shrewton Silver (Michael Dunford)
4. Soundhouse Brass (Lee Clayson)
5. City of Bristol Brass (Bryn James)
6. S W Communications (David Shead)
7. Sidmouth Town (Adrian Harvey)
8. Bugle Silver (Steve Osborne)
9. Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)
10. Swindon Pegasus (David Mace)
11. Poole Borough (Dr Chris Davis)
12. Andover Town (Steve Large)
13. Denmead Brass (Estelle Flood)
14. Ocean Brass (Edward March)
15. Bodmin Town (John Maines)
16. New Forest Brass (Ian Luxford)

West of England • Sunday 13, 06:25:11

Today's action in Torquay is in the First and Second Sections

First Section:
Test Piece: 'Essay' - Edward Gregson
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 1.00pm
Commence: 2.30pm approx
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Alan Fernie

A W Parker (Drybrook) (Josh Ruck)
Brunel Brass (John Winterflood)
Chalford (Steve Tubb)
Forest of Dean (Gareth Ritter)
Helston Town (David Johnson)
Hyde (Jonathan Lush-Camps)
Michelmarsh Silver (Major David Barringer)
Otterbourne Brass (Melvin White)
Pendennis Brass Falmouth (John Woodrow)
Roche Brass (Garry Cutt)
Sherborne Town (Steve Rogers)
St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
St Keverne (Gareth Churcher)
St Pinnock (Jane Whitehead)
Wooton-under-Edge & District (Ian Dickinson)

Second Section:
Test Piece: 'Mermaid of Zennor' - Philip Harper
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 8.45am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Philip Littlemore and Richard Marshall

Andover Town (Steve Large)
Bodmin Town (John Maines)
Bream Silver (Philip Turner)
Bugle Silver (Steve Osborne)
Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)
City of Bristol Brass (Bryn James)
Denmead Brass (Estelle Flood)
Downton (Paul Williams)
New Forest Brass (Ian Luxford)
Ocean Brass (Edward March)
Poole Borough (Dr Chris Davis)
Shrewton Silver (Michael Dunford)
Sidmouth Town (Adrian Harvey)
Soundhouse Brass (Lee Clayson)
S W Communications (David Shead)
Swindon Pegasus (David Mace)

West of England • Saturday 12, 21:14:04

embedded picture

Results: Championship Section:
Test Piece: 'Cambridge Variations' - Philip Sparke
Saturday 12th March
The Forum
Adjudicators: Jacob Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

embedded picture

1. Flowers (Paul Holland)**
2. Woodfalls (Dr Robert Childs)*
3. Aldbourne (David Johnson)*
4. Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
5. Lydbrook (Glyn Williams)
6. Camborne Town (Ian Porthouse)
7. Yeovil Town (Ian Holmes)
8. Lanner & District Silver (Leonard Adams)
9. Verwood Concert Brass (Kevin Smith)
10. Mount Charles (Nigel Seaman)
11. St Austell Town (Steve Sykes)
12. Bournemouth Concert Brass (Matthew Brown)
13. Alder Valley Brass (Roger Burke)

*Qualify for National Final
**Pre-qualified for National Final

West of England • Saturday 12, 20:34:44

Championship Section: Round up and prediction:

A contest of highs and lows and plenty in between today. It was also a contest with such a wide variety of interpretations too - some pretty left field.

Flowers showed their class - and took the decision to push themselves in the process. It wasn't perfect by any means but still had that authority about it to win. Woodfalls were inspired and should be close behind with Camborne, who had this contest in their grasp and just let it go.

Filton could be the band to watch out for though - and a qualification place is well withing reach, whilst a fine Lydbrook performance deserves a strong top six finish just ahead of Mount Charles. Our dark horse is Yeovil.

1. Flowers
2. Woodfalls
3. Camborne
4. Filton
5. Lydbrook
6. Mount Charles

Dark Horse: Yeovil

West of England • Saturday 12, 20:27:56

Championship Section:

13. St Austell (Steve Sykes)

A really ripper of an effort from St Austell. They really put heart and soul into that one - and very nearly had it under control from start to finish. It was like on old pike reluctant to give up the ghost on a tight line - pulling and dragging the band one way and the next.

The young players didn't give up though - and despite the inconsistencies and some fragile moments they kept on top of things all the way to the end. There were a few moments when the piece threatened to get away from them, but with the MDs excellent direction they reeled it in time and time again.


A battle that - but a battle won by guts determination and plenty of good playing led by an MD who knew how to make the most of his resources.

West of England • Saturday 12, 20:03:29

Championship Section:

12. Mount Charles (Nigel Seaman)

Not quite the sum of it parts - at times classy, solid, messy and poor: that lack of overall consistency was a bit of a bug bear - and a pity after such a fine start. Little gremlins started to appear and never went away. Nothing fatal, but irritating enough to scratch away at the end product.

The MDs reading was a model of refined malleability - and when things clicked there was a lovely warmth to the ensemble sound and a razor sharp precision to the execution - but too often it lost focus and it's way. The final ride home was a case in point - exciting but messy and with poor intonation.

The final thumping few bars were a reminder of what could have been.


A nearly one. So much good - but never quite consistent enough to make to really matter at the very top end of the results table today you fee.

West of England • Saturday 12, 19:41:46

Championship Section:

11. Camborne Town (Ian Porthouse)

Oh - just when you thought they had the title firmly in their grasp, just a few too many little unforced errors and a touch of tiredness may have seen it slip agonisingly away from them.

The opening was the best there has been today, and it carried on with great clarity of detail, subtle dynamics variances and great ensemble balances. The lyrical interlude caused the niggles though - ones that eventually to took a layer off the deep veneer polish of the cultured surface. Nothing nasty, but just a few too many tiny pockmarks.

A great ride for home brought it right back on track and forcing itself towards the title, but was it enough?


Had the makings of a title winning for a long period of time, but just fell away at a few too many vital moments. Superb close - but they may be pipped by half a length.

West of England • Saturday 12, 19:16:57

Championship Section:

10. Lanner & District (Leonard Adams)

This was a struggle at times, but thanks to some bold ensemble playing and an intuitive understanding of the score by the MD, it came through battered but unbowed. It was close at times in the more transparent sections - but some bravura solo efforts (and some sneaky, if noticeable splicing work) ensured that it didn't become fatally fractured.

There was a malleable feel to the music too - especially in the opening, whilst the long ride home was neatly judged in pace and dynamic increments - all the way to a resounding close.


Had its moments when it was on a sticky wicket, but that sense of ensemble, drive and the MDs ability to tailor his desires to the needs of his band made sure they were not bowled out.

West of England • Saturday 12, 18:55:16

Championship Section:

9. Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)

Well now - what an exciting, edgy, pulsating account. So much energy and drive about this - even at the beginning which was played with a level of confidence that never once wavered throughout.

Dynamically it got a little ripe in places and edged to the strident - but it certainly suited the approach to a tee. Some great individual contributions too - led by top cornet but also including a classy sop, great flugel and elegant euphs. It set out its very specific stall this and sold itself to the judges with total musical commitment.


A very different take - but one that caught you by the throat and didn't let go - all the way to the end. It was raw in places - but excitingly so. Lots to enjoy.

West of England • Saturday 12, 18:32:28

Championship Section:

8. Yeovil Town (Ian Holmes)

An edgy, error strewn account, but one that never lost its sense of musicality - thanks to the MDs intelligent approach to the resources at his disposal and his fine understanding of the score.

He never asked his players to give what they cod not deliver, and whilst it was teetering at times very uncomfortably it was another that didn't succumb. Fine solo cornet was a classy focal point and the euphs the same. It did sound tired and strained in the final ride for home, but it had enough left in the tank to close with authority.


A band that knew it was up against it today but still managed to deliver a cohesive account thanks to the MD and some splendid individual efforts.

West of England • Saturday 12, 18:18:10

Championship Section: Halfway point opinion and prediction:

We ok that's been an interesting one. Flowers pushing themselves hard made a few noticeable errors - but it was good to hear them testing themselves and not going for the safety first approach.

Woodfalls were inspired - and whilst they didn't quite have the depth of polish of their rivals they delivere a high class account. Then there was Lydbrook off the number 1 draw with a performance of great merit.

After that it fell away sharply - but perhaps that was understandable despite brave efforts.

It's still up for grabs this.....

1. Flowers
2. Woodfalls
3. Lydbrook

West of England • Saturday 12, 18:04:32

Championship Section:

7. Woodfalls (Dr Robert Childs)

A performance rich in detail - clear detail, purpose, momentum and musicality. There were moments of unease and a few little fragilities, but the solo playing was artistic and the ensemble technicalities were overcome with more than a notch of nonchalance.

The MDs take on the score had a great deal to do with this - malleable yet precise with emphasis given to dynamic and stylistic contrasts. He also shaped the lyrical phrases with a caring hand - much like he did with Grimethorpe last week in Bradford.

There was an air of confidence and bravura determination about this - especially in the long drive for home which increased in momentum to a thumping close.


What a difference a year makes - everything came together here just as the band and the MD would have really hoped for. High quality stuff that and right in the title mix.

West of England • Saturday 12, 17:43:21

Championship Section:

6. Alder Valley Brass (Dave Barringer)

A performance that never managed to meet the technical or musical challenges of Philip Sparke's severe set work. Plenty of brave efforts - and an MD tried his damnest to help and assist, but this was simply beyond the capabilities on the day.

At this level sheer guts, commitment and determination is not enough - although there was plenty of it on show. Wrong entries, missed entries, struggles and fragilities littered the performance from start to finish. The players never gave up, but the piece beat them comprehensively.


A performance that never managed to meet the challenges imposed by the test piece. Brave efforts and tons of determination and commitment - but that is not enough at this level to master pieces like this.

West of England • Saturday 12, 17:32:16

Results: Fourth Section:
Test Piece: 'The Journal of Phileas Fogg' - Peter Graham
Saturday 12th March
Adjudicators: Alan Fernie and Phillip Littlemore

1. Hatherleigh Silver (Matt Green)*
2. Cheltenham Silver (Nigel Galliott)*
3. Lydney Town (Kevin Ford)*
4. Indian Queens (Mark Arnold)
5. Verwood Town (Emma Button)
6. Pendeen Silver (Darren Jenkin)
7. Nailsworth Silver (Paul McLaughlin)
8. Bideford Town (Mark Durham)
9. Saltash Town (Bob Julian)
10. Pillowell Silver (Ian Whitburn)
11. Totnes (Phil Cleave)
12. Okehampton Excelsior Silver (Richard Beardon)
13. Launceston Town (Colin Gay)
14. Test Valley Brass (Matt Pithers)
15. Gosport Silver Brass (Colin Garner)
16. Shanklin Town (IoW) (Malcolm Lewis)
17. Shaftesbury Town Silver (Martin Hill)
18. Tiverton Town (Colin Dance)
19. Redruth Town (Sara Munns)
20. Newquay (Ben Martin)
21. Lostwithiel Town (Norman Pendray)

*Top three bands qualify for National Final

West of England • Saturday 12, 17:18:16

Championship Section:

5. Bournemouth Concert Brass (Matthew Brown)

An uncomfortable one that teetered on the brink at times, but bravely never succumbed to the severe challenges that it faced.

MD and players worked hard throughout, but the unforced error count was uncomfortably high and some of the technical challenges were out of their grasp. Fine euphs, baris, troms and tubas give a bold foundation that allowed the music to be played confident dynamics, and MD always let the music flow with momentum and intent.

The final ride for home saw them catch a second breath for a passionate drive for home - but it was a little too late to recover lost ground.


Never sounded at ease but never succumbed either. Hard graft and good leadership helped this through what was a very stern test of character.

West of England • Saturday 12, 16:57:47

Championship Section:

4. Aldbourne (David Johnson)

An exciting, scruffy, energetic, engaging, inconsistent, but enjoyable account. If only they could have rid themselves of the high rate of unforced errors it would have really hit the judges between the eyes: It never quite sounded as if it was going to reach those heights, despite the heart on sleeve musicality that seeped from the MD.

Some fine individual playing but those severe technical challenges were never tamed completely. Lots to enjoy though - all the way to a crunching close.


Bold, brash and exciting - it just cried out for a little more control and refinement - but then again that may have lost it some of its raw energy and passion.

West of England • Saturday 12, 16:30:21

Championship Section:

3. Flowers (Paul Holland)

As we have come to expect of late, this was a high-class, polished performance that at times really hit the heights.

However, it also had noticeable moments when the ensemble playing was somewhat strident and untidy. MD was asking his players to give that bit extra here - and from himself - with some interesting interpretative phrases and motifs brought into the spotlight (a very elongated bass trom opening note for instance).

They were not resting on their considerable laurels that's for sure, and it did make for discomfort in places. When they were hot they were roasting though - basting in some superb technique and a ride for home that was a model of controlled excellence.


A high class performance from a high class band - pushed admirably by the MD to play out of their comfort zone. That was heard at times, but so was the polish.

West of England • Saturday 12, 16:06:27

Championship Section:

2. Verwood Concert Brass (Kevin Smith)

An interesting one this. Never really at ease, but always engaging nonetheless. Much of that was down to the intelligent direction and cultured phrasing offered by the MD - plus some sterling efforts from all around the stands.

There were noticeable technical inconsistencies and fragilities, but the music never became fatally fractured and the lead lines never prosaic. The lyrical sections were shaped with a caring hand too - even if it did sound a little strained at times and the final ride for home was was powered by fumes by its close.


MD the very most of resources here - and was rewarded with a performance from a band, that although tested greatly, still produced a coherent, engaging account.

West of England • Saturday 12, 15:44:17

Championship Section:

1. Lydbrook (Glyn Williams)

A performance that grew in substance, confidence and stature. Not without it moments of unease, but there was an underlying solidity about the technical playing, even if some lead lines wavered and intonation was not always completley spot on.

MD kept the music flowing and shaped the phrasing with a knowing hand and a clear vista for detail. Euph (Robbert Vos from Schoonhoven) was a lovely mature focal point and led a bold lower end to give a fine foundation for a free flowing ride for home that held its nerve and stamina to a bold denouement.

A well worked marker this - played with confidence by a band following the lead of an MD who certainly knew how the piece was constructed.

West of England • Saturday 12, 15:32:19

Draw: Championship Section:
Test Piece: 'Cambridge Variations' - Philip Sparke
Saturday 12th March
The Forum
Draw: 1.00pm
Commence: 3.30pm
Adjudicators: Jacob Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

1. Lydbrook (Glyn Williams)
2. Verwood Concert Brass (Kevin Smith)
3. Flowers (Paul Holland)
4. Aldbourne (David Johnson)
5. Bournemouth Concert Brass (Matthew Brown)
6. Alder Valley Brass (Roger Burke)
7. Woodfalls (Dr Robert Childs)
8. Yeovil Town (Ian Holmes)
9. Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
10. Lanner & District Silver (Leonard Adams)
11. Camborne Town (Ian Porthouse)
12. Mount Charles (Nigel Seaman)
13. St Austell Town (Steve Sykes)

West of England • Saturday 12, 15:26:35

Section 4:

21. Lydney Town (Kevin Ford)

The contest is rounded off with a cracker from Lydney - not without its errors and clips, but so full of life, style and a touch of classiness in the right places.


What a great time we've had listening to the bands here - and to tell you the truth there could be anyone of eight or nine winners. It's been that good at times - full of well led bands playing with style and sheer verve.

We are going for Cheltenham though from Bideford, Lydney, Hatherleigh, Pillowell and Pendeen with a dark horse of

1. Cheltenham
2. Bideford
3. Lydney
4. Hatherleigh
5. Pillowell
6. Pendeen

Dark Horse: Nailsworth

West of England • Saturday 12, 15:16:10

Section 4:

19. Gosport Solent Brass (Colin Garner)

A performance that didn't quite live up to its promise after a bold start. It's was the more lyrical sections that just found them out, but in the more energetic stop-offs it was great - full of spirit, colour and energy.

20. Shanklin Town (IoW) (Malcolm Lewis)

A little uneven this one - at times it bubbled along with such a fine sense of style and some cracking ensemble and solo playing, and then it just lost its focus and went off track. A pity as it could have been one to savour if all this elements had clicked.

West of England • Saturday 12, 15:12:02

Result: Third Section:
Test Piece:'A Cambrian Suite' - Michael Ball
Saturday 12th March
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

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Winners - Phoenix Brass (Crewkerne) (David Boorer)

1. Phoenix Brass (Crewkerne) (David Boorer)*
2. Weston Brass (Bryn James)*
3. Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver (Joanne Sykes)*
4. Gillingham Imperial Silver (Jim Bennett)
5. Cinderford (David Hayward)
6. Wilton & District (Colin Herbert)
7. St Stythians (James Burns)
8. Swindon Brass (Francis Cowley)
9. Porthleven Town (Tom Bassett)
10. Bratton Silver (Simon Carr)
11. Corsham (Colin Hogg)
12. Bath Spa (Martin Perry)
13. South Molton Town (Gil Taylor)
14. Spinnaker Brass (Ted Howard)
15. Weymouth Concert Brass (Kevin Goodwin)
16. Tewkesbury Town (Nigel Morgan)
17. Chalford Academy (Steve Tubb)
18. Heyl Town (Shaun Marsden)

*Top three bands qualify for National Final

West of England • Saturday 12, 14:52:18

Section 4:

17. Saltash Town (Bob Julien)

What a bravura account - full spice and spirit from the world go. It's got a bit mix and match in places, but the sheer verve and energy got the feeling tapping and sent us into a spin. An enjoyable old romp.

18. Hatherleigh Silver (Matt Green)

All the stops pulled out on this one - with a sheen of confidence and class about the playing in terms of style and execution. Bold picture postcard these on every stop of the trip. Very enjoyable.

West of England • Saturday 12, 14:48:55

Section 3:

17. Porthleven Town (Tom Bassett)

Another young band that had the measure of the deceptively tricky opening section. Excellent direction from the conductor keeps it in the best of shape, all safe and well-balanced.

Good lead into 2nd mvt where the euphonium gets us off to a lovely start, but the accompaniment needs to stay confident. A lapse or two from soloists threatens to remove some of the shine but top marks for the endeavour in going for the quiet dynamics.

3. Bright and breezy tempo but it needs to stay rhythmic. Muted sounds can be untuneful too. A lot to commend though in a performance that just needed to stay focussed later after an excellent start.

18. Heyl Town (Shaun Marsden)

19 brass players and one percussionist but they still make a good sound and it's all in tune and together in the opening section. Frailties begin to emerge later in the movement and they lose precision at times. 2. Understated opening and the accompaniment is untuneful at times.

MD does his best to shape the phrases but the depleted forces don't aid him in his task. Steady approach to 3rd mvt but again we lose the melodic line at times. Another with top marks for endeavour but the piece just got the better of them.

West of England • Saturday 12, 14:12:39

Section 4:

15. Okehampton Excelsior Silver (Richard Beardon)

A little bit of a struggle at times, but still plenty to write home about on the postcards from each of the tourist stop offs. Great solo lines and and purposeful energy about this - just let down by the errors and little mistakes.

16. Pillowell Silver (Ian Whitburn)

No stone left unturned here - great detail, confidence and bold styling all the way through. Got a little over wrought in places, but what classy soloists and a sense of adventure the Star Trek Enterpirse would envy.

West of England • Saturday 12, 13:50:38

Section 3:
15. Bratton Silver (Simon Carr)

Sedate opening, which works well when the accuracy level is high. One or two bars threaten to run away very briefly but it is generally very tidy.

2. One or two nervy sounds in the solos but the conductor has the measure of this. Continues nicely through the minefield of the closing section, which has claimed a few casualties today. 3. A lively opening but the players are up to the challenge.

Detail not 100% around the stand and we hear the occasional imbalance, but the big picture is very good. One to watch!

16. Weston Brass (Bryn James)

A confident and secure opening and it develops nicely through the more intricate passages, if slightly 'safe' dynamically at times. Secure all the way to 2nd mvt, which gets of to a nice start with a lovely euphonium sound.

All other soloists contribute and but for brief moments of over-enthusiasm from individuals it is very good indeed. A hint of nerves here and there but they all dig deep to keep it on track, although the tuning is affected.

3. Tight and energetic to open and it stays that way, with a lot of attention paid to markings on the score. The most secure performance so far for us, but one that could have benefitted had the quieter sections been less robust.

West of England • Saturday 12, 13:25:41

Section 4:

13. Newquay (Ben Martin)

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The next English front row - Newquay's lads

What a pity this got a bit over excited at time, as the MD had this one by the scruff of the stylish neck and his players responded with vibrant enthusiasm. There were some great moments along the way, but it just a little ragged in places.

14. Pendeen Silver (Darren Jenkin)

A bold, exciting rendition this - full of sparkle and lots of vibrant life. The perc team in particular was excellent and added so much to the style. Well and well played - it may make a mark today, although not sure about the Scottish check waistcoats...

West of England • Saturday 12, 13:20:41

Section 3:
13. St. Stythians (James Burns)

One of the more bold approaches to the opening movement but it is still well balanced. Some of the intricate sections suffer loss of accuracy but it is well measured from the conductor.

Lovely euphonium sound opens 2nd movement and the music has nice shape and well controlled dynamics. 3. has energy and vibrancy created by a conductor who brings the score to life. There are odd moments where the intonation isn't great but this is certainly one to look out for come the results.

14. Gillingham Imperial Silver (Jim Bennett)

Nice relaxed style in the opening movement and all sections contribute to one of the few really consistent openings we've heard so far.

Excellent lead into 2nd mvt where soloists all play with a touch of panache. Best moment of the day so far from the lovely, delicate solo horn, but soprano and flugel don't let her down at all!

3. Very secure opening and but for a moment of poor tuning in the horn section it is very good indeed. Continues in similar vein through a well-controlled return of the main theme. We liked this one, a lot!

West of England • Saturday 12, 12:57:29

Section 3:

11. Chalford Academy (Steve Tubb)

This very young band gives us a nicely-paced opening with only the occasional moment where the melodic line loses its focus. Mainly neat and tidy all the way through to 2. Where the euphoniums get us off to a nice start.

All other soloists contribute with style and it's all well put together through to 3.

Some players in a bit of a hurry at times but the conductor brings it all back into shape and it stays strong through the finale. An excellent effort from a band bustling with fine young talent.

12. Tewkesbury Town (Nigel Morgan)

Full range of ages in this band and the first movement has rhythm and excellent balance. Just a pity about a handful of slips in solo lines.

Safe and secure young euphonium opens 2nd mvt and they just need to keep an ear on the tuning. The band sounds very good but soloists just need to support the sound at times.

3. Cornets just lose the main line in the opening but it's well organised by the conductor who works hard to get the best out of his young stars. One of the better ones overall for us, if only it had fewer minor accidents.

West of England • Saturday 12, 12:53:41

Section 4:

11. Nailsworth Silver (Paul McLaughlin)

Good stuff this from start to finish - especially with the contrasts in dynamics and the balance between the section despite being a few short. Some lovely playing in the slower sections - it just ran out of steam to close.

12. Indian Queens (Mark Arnold)

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Enjoyed this. MD had a sparkling waistcoat on and it inspired his young band so well! Lots of great playing from all around the stands, despite some intonation issues. Bravo solo cornet and euph - and what a warm sound the ensemble made.

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West of England • Saturday 12, 12:27:36

Section 3:
9. South Molton Town (Gil Taylor)

Light on numbers in cornets and basses but the sound is robust nevertheless. Just the odd moment where the precision drops takes the shine off a well-measured opening movement.

2. More insecurity and intonation worries in the accompaniment but soloists all do well. Fine sounding solo cornet in the part that has troubled a few today but there are some inconsistent sounds around the band later. 3. Robust and lively, but just needs to maintain its rhythmic accuracy at times.

A strong finish to a good reading that just needed more consistency around the stand to figure at the top.

10. Wilton and District (Colin Herbert)

Tight and rhythmic to open and only occasional small blips remove some of the polish in an excellent first movement. Fine control all round at the start of 2nd mvt and we especially like the delicate bass figure.

Pity about the tuning in the closing bars. 3. Another that starts well but some over-enthusiastic moments become slightly scrappy as it progresses.

Stays strong to finish in a performance that had much to commend but perhaps needed more focus for the entire piece.

West of England • Saturday 12, 12:14:34

Section 4:

9. Redruth Town (Sara Munns)

The band certainly enjoyed themselves here - well led by the MD too, who brought the different styles of the music to the fore. What a belting solo cornet though - a bullfighting trumpet call with additional hoops jumped through for good measure. The man was like Zorro.

10. Bideford Town (Mark Durham)

A well planned and well paced account this. Lots to enjoy with the musical approach even if the tuning just lost its focus in places. There was a vibrancy about this that could well make its mark today.

West of England • Saturday 12, 11:51:47

Section 3:

7. Corsham (Colin Hogg)

Another excellent opening and it's all neat and tidy with appropriate dynamics. Classy work from soprano and it all continues in a similar vein to until a few bars before the close.

2. Soloists all do their job well, including the stylish flugel, but there is more than a hint of poor intonation in the cornets at times. Good overall in this movement but the odd clip takes the shine off it.

3. Starts securely but there is a feeling that it starts to rush at times and the ensemble becomes less tidy as it progresses. Well shaped finale to a performance that was excellent at times but just lacked consistency.

8. Spinnaker Brass (Ted Howard)

Some clipped semiquavers mar a well measured opening but we start to lose detail around the band and it becomes quite untidy at times.

2. Cornet intonation poor in the accompaniment to the excellent euphonium, while other soloists all contribute well. Phrasing is inconsistent and there are a few insecure entries, but it closes better than some.

3. Cornets and horns suffer further tuning problems and the inconsistent ensemble continues until the melody returns. Some promise around the stand but not the band at their best today.

West of England • Saturday 12, 11:31:51

Section 4:

7. Launceston Town (Colin Gay)

A bold one this - sparkling as white as their newly pressed shirts in places. Lots of energy and colour from start to finish with some fine warm sounds. Just got a little wayward in places, but a real tour de force.

8. Test Valley Brass (Matt Pither)

You wouldn't have guessed the band was low on numbers with this fine effort. Great bit of make do and mend from the MD and plenty of spirited and stylish playing from the band. Cracking effort.

West of England • Saturday 12, 11:23:32

Section 3:
5. Phoenix Brass (Crewkerne) (David Boorer)

Only one tenor horn! Very tidy and well balanced to open. First band we've heard real detail and a proper balanced sound from. And they have a bass section that actually plays the notes. Slight insecurity on sop to close.

2. Soloists all play the notes but it sounds a bit on edge at times. More comfortable when full band plays but close is untuneful and untogether. 3. Best we've heard so far but still just prone to the odd insecure ensemble.

Not 100% consistent but more quality about it than any others so far. A bit rushed to close.

6. Weymouth Concert Brass (Kevin Goodwin)

Gets off to a good start but there are one or two extraneous sounds in the cornets. Conductor gets it all back on track and it leads well into

2. All soloists do their job well and it's only the occasional moment of poor intonation that detracts from the overall picture. Excellent control at the end of the movement. 3. Well-measured opening and we hear all the lines coming through as it progresses.

Undemonstrative conductor but he has it all under control as it builds to an excellent finale.

West of England • Saturday 12, 11:10:28

Section 4:

5. Lostwithiel (Norman Pendray)

A passionate heart on sleeve account this - from start to finish. A pity the intonation just grated at times as there was plenty of character and excitement to the playing - led by a super young lady on solo cornet.

6. Tiverton Town (Colin Dance)

What a brave effort - despite being down on numbers in places. MD kept the music driving along with dynamic contrast and stylish character until the lactic just kicked in at the close.

West of England • Saturday 12, 10:56:56

Section 3:

3. Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver (Joanne Sykes)

Steve Sykes on tuba (playing BBb part in Eb). Nice light opening and its very well controlled. Sop and cornet get into a tangle in semis.

2. Well shaped but just a bit fragile sounding from soloists at times. 3. Well shaped again but there are just too messy entries. Not a bad band, but just a bit of an off day for the soloists

4. Cinderford (David Hayward)

Women in black dresses and band jackets - Just looks odd! Steady and mainly secure opening. Conductor tries to bring a bit of life to it but the semiquavers often lack rhythm. Still one of the safest so far and the full band sound is strong.

2. Excellent euphonium sound but other soloists not quite so cultured! Well shaped again with only minor tuning issues. A proper last note for once! 3. Cornets prone to rushing, but overall it's pretty tight and well controlled.

Closing melody has character and overall it's a strong show to the end..

West of England • Saturday 12, 10:43:12

Section 4:

Cheltenham Silver (Nigel Galliott)

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Cheltenham MD Nigel Galliott and his cuffs....

West of England • Saturday 12, 10:41:31

Section 4:

3. Shaftesbury Town Silver (Martin Hill)

Another well led performance full of life and vibrant colour. Just got a little raw in places, but the principal cornet was top notch and the MD kept the music flowing with purpose right to the close.

4. Cheltenham Silver (Nigel Galliott)

What a cracking show - full of character and great ensemble and solo playing. The intonation was spot on too - and the MD really brought the different styles out in full. That was almost as colourful as the MDs wonderful shirt collar and cuffs, which must have been bought from Ali Babas Cheltenham clothing bazaar... great.

West of England • Saturday 12, 10:26:59

Section 3:
1. Swindon Brass (Francis Cowley)

Lively start. Remains mainly tidy through 1st movement

There are some intonation issues - euphonium especially in second - what a pity. All pretty safe dynamically but some shaky soloists. 3rd movement has some insecurity in the more intricate playing.

Not all together but it stays on track to the end without major mishaps.

2. Bath Spa (Martin Perry)

Steadier opening and it's tight and bold. Just the odd moment where it becomes imbalanced. 2. All soloists in good shape to open. Veteran euphonium the pick of them. A bit raw sounding when the band is in full flight.

3. Quick and loud but it's mainly in good shape but for the odd strident sound.

West of England • Saturday 12, 10:09:11

Section 4:

1. Verwood Town (Emma Button)

What a cracking marker to start off the day - full of spirit, verve, colour and players all giving their all.

Principal cornet was great as the bravura bullfighter and the MD gave the piece so much contrast and energy.

2. Totnes (Phil Cleave)

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Totnes band in mirror formation

What an interesting set-up from the band - a Leonardo da Vinci mirror image with cornets where troms should be and with flugel on principal cornet seat.

It works though - with plenty of spirited playing and the MD really being ambitious with tempos in places to create colour and excitement.

West of England • Saturday 12, 09:52:39

Hello from Torquay where we have just kicked off in the Fourth Section.

21 bands and a great test piece to enjoy under the White topped Bedouin tent in the Arena auditorium.

Hope the judges put a bit more air in the whistle after their first go though - it was blown like the head gasket on a 1974 Skoda.... weak as the proverbial....

West of England • Saturday 12, 09:44:20

Draw: Third Section:
Test Piece:'A Cambrian Suite' - Michael Ball
Saturday 12th March
The Forum
Draw: 8.45am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

1. Swindon Brass (Francis Cowley)
2. Bath Spa (Martin Perry)
3. Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver (Joanne Sykes)
4. Cinderford (David Hayward)
5. Phoenix Brass (Crewkerne) (David Boorer)
6. Weymouth Concert Brass (Kevin Goodwin)
7. Corsham (Colin Hogg)
8. Spinnaker Brass (Ted Howard)
9. South Molton Town (Gil Taylor)
10. Wilton & District (Colin Herbert)
11. Chalford Academy (Steve Tubb)
12. Tewkesbury Town (Nigel Morgan)
13. St Stythians (James Burns)
14. Gillingham Imperial Silver (Jim Bennett)
15. Bratton Silver (Simon Carr)
16. Weston Brass (Bryn James)
17. Porthleven Town (Tom Bassett)
18. Heyl Town (Shaun Marsden)

West of England • Saturday 12, 09:26:56

Draw: Fourth Section:
Test Piece: 'The Journal of Phileas Fogg' - Peter Graham
Saturday 12th March
The Arena
Draw: 8.30am
Commence: 9.30am
Adjudicators: Alan Fernie and Phillip Littlemore

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Waiting their turn in the fourth section registration

1. Verwood Town (Emma Button)
2. Totnes (Phil Cleave)
3. Shaftesbury Town Silver (Martin Hill)
4. Cheltenham Silver (Nigel Galliott)
5. Lostwithiel Town (Norman Pendray)
6. Tiverton Town (Colin Dance)
7. Launcester Town (Colin Gay)
8. Test Valley Brass (Matt Pithers)
9. Redruth Town (Sara Munns)
10. Bideford Town (Mark Durham)
11. Nailsworth Silver (Paul McLaughlin)
12. Indian Queens (Mark Arnold)
13. Newquay (Ben Martin)
14. Pendeen Silver (Darren Jenkin)
15. Okehampton Excelsior Silver (Richard Beardon)
16. Pillowell Silver (Ian Whitburn)
17. Saltash Town (Bob Julian)
18. Hatherleigh Silver (Matt Green)
19. Gosport Silver Brass (Colin Garner)
20. Shanklin Town (IoW) (Malcolm Lewis)
21. Lydney Town (Kevin Ford)

*The top three bands qualify for the National Final

West of England • Saturday 12, 05:51:20

Competing bands at the 2016 West of England Regional Championships from the Rivieria Centre in Torquay.

Championship Section:
Test Piece: 'Cambridge Variations' - Philip Sparke
Saturday 12th March
The Forum
Draw: 1.00pm
Commence: 3.30pm
Adjudicators: Jacob Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

Aldbourne (David Johnson)
Alder Valley Brass (Roger Burke)
Bournemouth Concert Brass (Matthew Brown)
Camborne Town (Ian Porthouse)
Filton Concert Brass (Tom Davoren)
Flowers (Paul Holland)
Lanner & District Silver (Leonard Adams)
Lydbrook (Glyn Williams)
Mount Charles (Nigel Seaman)
St Austell Town (Steve Sykes)
Verwood Concert Brass (Kevin Smith)
Woodfalls (Dr Robert Childs)
Yeovil Town (Ian Holmes)

First Section:
Test Piece: 'Essay' - Edward Gregson
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 1.00pm
Commence: 2.30pm approx
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Alan Fernie

A W Parker (Drybrook) (Josh Ruck)
Brunel Brass (John Winterflood)
Chalford (Steve Tubb)
Forest of Dean (Gareth Ritter)
Helston Town (David Johnson)
Hyde (Jonathan Lush-Camps)
Michelmarsh Silver (Major David Barringer)
Otterbourne Brass (Melvin White)
Pendennis Brass Falmouth (John Woodrow)
Roche Brass (Garry Cutt)
Sherborne Town (Steve Rogers)
St Dennis (Darren Hawken)
St Keverne (Gareth Churcher)
St Pinnock (Jane Whitehead)
Wooton-under-Edge & District (Ian Dickinson)

Second Section:
Test Piece: 'Mermaid of Zennor' - Philip Harper
Sunday 13th March
The Forum
Draw: 8.45am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Philip Littlemore and Richard Marshall

Andover Town (Steve Large)
Bodmin Town (John Maines)
Bream Silver (Philip Turner)
Bugle Silver (Steve Osborne)
Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)
City of Bristol Brass (Bryn James)
Denmead Brass (Estelle Flood)
Downton (Paul Williams)
New Forest Brass (Ian Luxford)
Ocean Brass (Edward March)
Poole Borough (Dr Chris Davis)
Shrewton Silver (Michael Dunford)
Sidmouth Town (Adrian Harvey)
Soundhouse Brass (Lee Clayson)
S W Communications (David Shead)
Swindon Pegasus (David Mace)

Third Section:
Test Piece:'A Cambrian Suite' - Michael Ball
Saturday 12th March
The Forum
Draw: 8.45am
Commence: 10.00am
Adjudicators: Jappie Dijkstra and Richard Marshall

Bath Spa (Martin Perry)
Bratton Silver (Simon Carr)
Chalford Academy (Steve Tubb)
Cinderford (David Hayward)
Corsham (Colin Hogg)
Gillingham Imperial Silver (Jim Bennett)
Heyl Town (Shaun Marsden)
Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver (Joanne Sykes)
Phoenix Brass (Crewkerne) (David Boorer)
Porthleven Town (Tom Bassett)
South Molton Town (Gil Taylor)
Spinnaker Brass (Ted Howard)
St Stythians (James Burns)
Swindon Brass (Francis Cowley)
Tewkesbury Town (Nigel Morgan)
Weston Brass (Bryn James)
Weymouth Concert Brass
Wilton & District (Colin Herbert)

Fourth Section:
Test Piece: 'The Journal of Phileas Fogg' - Peter Graham
Saturday 12th March
The Arena
Draw: 8.30am
Commence: 9.30am
Adjudicators: Alan Fernie and Phillip Littlemore

Bideford Town (Mark Durham)
Cheltenham Silver (Nigel Galliott)
Gosport Silver Brass (Colin Garner)
Hatherleigh Silver (Matt Green)
Indian Queens (Mark Arnold)
Launcester Town (Colin Gay)
LostwithielTown (Norman Pendray)
Lydney Town (Kevin Ford)
Nailsworth Silver (Paul McLaughlin)
Newquay (Ben Martin)
Okehampton Excelsior Silver (Richard Beardon)
Pendeen Silver (Darren Jenkin)
Pillowell Silver (Ian Whitburn)
Redruth Town (Sara Munns)
Saltash Town (Bob Julian)
Shaftesbury Town Silver (Martin Hill)
Shanklin Town (IoW) (Malcolm Lewis)
Test Valley Brass (Matt Pithers)
Tiverton Town (Colin Dance)
Totnes (Phil Cleave)
Verwood Town (Emma Button)

The Hepworth Band - A Mother's Day Gala Concert with HD9 Youth Brass

Sunday 30 March • The Civic, Holmfirth HD9 3AS

Hathersage Band - Hathersage Village Spring Concert

Saturday 5 April • Hathersage Methodist Church, Main Road, Hathersage S32 1BB

Bilton Silver Rugby Band - Bilton Silver at the Musicals

Saturday 5 April • St Andrew's Church, Rugby CV21 3PT

Rushden Town Band - Hope Spring Concert

Saturday 5 April • Hope Methodist Church, Linnets Lane, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire NN10 8DE

Regent Hall Concerts - The Central Band of the Royal Air Force

Friday 25 April • Regent Hall (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Bedford Town Band

March 30 • BBb bass position available at Bedford Town Band (First section). If you are interested in becoming part of our friendly band, we would love to hear from you. Planned contests this year include Wychavon .

Bedford Town Band

March 30 • Principal trombone player position available at Bedford Town Band (First section). If you are interested in becoming part of our friendly band, we would love to hear from you. Planned contests this year include Wychavon .

Shirley Band

March 29 • The Shirley Band (First Section) has a vacancy for a Percussionist, principally for mallet/timpani, with opportunity to cover kit if desired. If you are interested in becoming part of our friendly band, we would love to hear from you.

Phillip Littlemore

GGSM, AoBBA Member
Conductor, Band Trainer, Adjudicator, Arranger, Teacher and Publisher


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