Here’s a bit of a quiz question for you?
Tenuous link
What is the link (all be it tenuous) between Redbridge Band’s victory at the Butlins Mineworkers Championship in Skegness, one of the fabled 13 Mayan crystal skulls supposedly found by the daughter of an eccentric British explorer in Belize in 1924, the film maker Steven Spielberg and belts given to British boxing champions?
Well, the link has something to do with the big silver pot that the band took away with them for winning the title.
The Warwick Vase was presented to the CISWO (Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation) by the late Frederick A Mitchell-Hedges, the famous explorer and author.
He was a bit of a lad so to speak, as well as being something of a part time prototype Indiana Jones.
Well, the link has something to do with the big silver pot that the band took away with them for winning the title4BR
Crystal Skull
In 1924, on an expedition to Belize and the 'lost' Mayan city of Lubaantun, his daughter, 17 year old Anna, was said to have found a fantastic crystal skull in a pyramid she was exploring. According to Mayan teachings, all 13 skulls would be rediscovered one day and brought together for their wisdom to be made available.
Not wishing to put a damper on her find, she stuck to the story right to her death, despite various investigations suggesting the skull had been made by modern methods and bought and sold at various auctions.
Meanwhile, years later, Steven Spielberg is said to have based the film ‘Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull’ on Mitchell Hedges adventures.
As for the boxing link?
Well, in 1813, the silversmith firm of Storrs made a wax model of the original marble vase which was to be found in Warwick Castle (hence the name) with a view to producing one in silver for Lord Lonsdale – he of the boxing belts. It was rumoured that Lonsdale wanted to present the trophy to the heavyweight champion of Great Britain.
Lord Robens
By all accounts the good Lord didn’t have the cash for it and Storr’s therefore produced other copies of the original – one of which was picked up by Mitchell — Hedges.
This trophy finally found its way to becoming the one used to replace the Lord Robens Trophy which was initially presented to the CISWO brass band champions in Blackpool, after Robens reputation was shot to pieces after the discovery of his involvement in the whitewash findings to the Aberfan Disaster.
From Mayan crystal skull to Redbridge Band victory at Skegness via British boxing and Indiana Jones.
Some story – all a bit tenuous of course, but it would make a remarkable film.
Can anyone get Steven Spielberg on the line?