There is certainly no sign of a credit crunch going on at present in the brass CD market place with a whole raft of new CDs being launched by bands and artists in time for the Christmas rush.
Hard at work
4BR will be hard at work over the next week or so listening to each and every one of them so that we can post our reviews, so why not take the opportunity to treat yourself to an early Christmas prezzie (or for a loved one of course!) with some of these latest blockbuster releases.
4BR will be hard at work over the next week or so listening to each and every one of them so that we can post our reviews, so why not take the opportunity to treat yourself to an early Christmas prezzie4BR
1. Katrina
One of the most eagerly awaited releases of the year. The talented Miss Marzella releases her debut CD. The baritone will never be the same again…
2. The History of Brass Band Music – New Adventures
The last in the epic anthology of the history of the brass band world. New adventures with a slightly ‘Life on Mars’ feel… Intrigued?
3. Brass and Wines
The incomparable Spanish Brass team up with the incomparable Steve Mead for a touch of something a little different. Even the cover looks like a Damien Hirst painting…
4. Strike up the Band
Talking of incomparable. Sound Inn Brass with Hans Gansch and Mr Mead again. Now we are talking about a band that can really swing here…
5. What are you doing the rest of your life
The mad cap antics of the Mnozil crew caught for posterity on a ever so weird and wonderful CD.
6. Crème de la Crème – Mnozil Brass
If you enjoy listening then you will certainly enjoy looking at the mad, bad and dangerous to know lads from Mnozil. Thing is – they can play brilliantly too.
7. 2008 European Championships – DVD
Something more traditional to sit back and enjoy as the highlights of a memorable week of brass band playing are caught in all their glory. Something to put on after the Queen’s Speech…