Ron was the son of the great cornet player, Goldie Holmes, and although his early playing was done in Brisbane, he will be forever associated with the training of young players on the Gold Coast.
In the early seventies, he became the conductor and tutor of the Gold Coast City Junior Band, as well as the conductor of the Gold Coast City Band.
He taught many juniors, and produced a number of bands and players to be proud of.
In 1979, he became the founding and only conductor of the Runaway Bay and District Band, which went from formation to B Grade in only a few years. He was then associated with Ashmore Brass, Gold Coast City, and Surfers Paradise Brass.
Ron had been in ill health for a number of years, and had been unable to participate in the banding he loved.
A funeral for Ron is to be held at the Allambe Garden Of Memories on the Gold Coast at 11am on Wednesday 12 November.