The Committee of the West of England Bandsmen’s Festival has released details of their 2009 competition.
The West of England Bandsmen’s Festival has been running since 1912 and the contest has been held just about every year since.
The out door contest begins with a march to the contest ground. This was initially introduced at the inaugural Festival in 1912, and has been retained as a popular feature ever since, although optional for the bands.
The date for next year's Festival is the Saturday 20th June at Molinnis Park, Bugle.
Test pieces:
Championship Section:
Partita — Philip Sparke
March — Honest Toil
First Section:
Variations for Brass Band — Vaughan Williams
Hymn — There is a Green Hill Far Away
Second Section:
Partita (Postcards from Home) — Philip Wilby
March - Brass Ablaze
Third Section:
St. Michaels Mount — Eric Ball
Fourth Section:
West Sou’ West — Denzil Stephens
Youth Section:
Spiritual Sounds — Arr. Alan Fernie
The schedule for the West of England Bandsmen's Festival will be released later December 2008/early January 2009.
For further information and updates please visit the new West of England Bandsmen’s Festival website at