Following over 12 months of planning, the Cornish Brassonic Ensemble has the release of their debut recording — 'A Time For Giving'.
Charity target
The recording features classical, traditional, and local Christmas music, and has been made with the intention of raising around £10,000 for charity.
Now directed by Philip Trudgeon (HM Royal Marines), the Cornish Brassonic Ensemble was initiated in October 2007 as a half time entertainment feature at an Autumn Ball.
The recording features classical, traditional, and local Christmas music, and has been made with the intention of raising around £10,000 for charity4br
After enthralling the guests throughout the interval, by the end of the evening several bookings had already been accepted, stretching well into 2008 and beyond. Proceeding onwards, the reputation of the 'Brassonics' passed quickly around the County as their second engagement in December 2007 featured music of a more seasonal flavour.
Comprising wholly of Cornish Freemasons and their ladies, the idea quickly came about to put the members' talents to good use by raising funds for the 2013 Festival Appeal, and prior to the ensemble's third engagement, plans were put in place, and so the concept for 'A Time For Giving' was born.
The majority of the music for 'A Time For Giving' has been adapted by Philip Trudgeon to suit the unique instrumentation of the ensemle and feature the talents of the individuals. As well as the many traditional and classical Christmas favourites, it is hoped that the listener will enjoy the unique sound of the local Carols which still encapsulate the very essence of a Cornish Christmas.
Highest level
The 'Brassonics' have all played at the highest level of Cornish Brass Bands, and now come together with the sole intention of raising funds for this most important of Masonic Charities. For this special recording, the ensemble has been augmented by a few close friends whose help is very much appreciated.
The CD, recorded by PM Sound, will be available for purchase from 15th October.