Following a four month long restructuring plan of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, it has been revealed that James Gourlay, who held the position of Deputy Principal (Music) will be leaving the organisation.
In a short statement to 4BR, the RSAMD said, "The present Deputy Principal (Music), Mr James Gourlay, is leaving the RSAMD. This role is to be merged with the role of Principal, and will be taken on by the Principal. It will be titled Principal and Director of Music.
We would like to thank James for his time at the RSAMD and wish him well for the future."
The present Deputy Principal (Music), Mr James Gourlay, is leaving the RSAMD. This role is to be merged with the role of Principal, and will be taken on by the PrincipalRSAMD
Ecomonies of scale
The RSAMD hoped that the restructuring would in their words, "…present us with economies of scale in administrative functions whilst allowing us to maintain high levels of teaching time for students.”
They also went on to state that, "In total, there is likely to be only one redundancy from the School of Drama and a small number of our staff will be offered term time contracts to reflect the needs of the Academy.
In addition we have accepted five voluntary severance applications from colleagues from all areas of the Academy’s activities."
Jewels in crown
Commenting on the plans, Principal John Wallace, who now undertakes the new created role, said on the website: "The Academy is one of the jewels in the crown of Scottish culture and our role as an incubator of Scottish talent in the performing arts is unparalleled. We are very privileged to have fine staff and students."
Intensive consultation
He added: "Through a period of intensive consultation with both staff and students we have found inventive ways to make the most of the current resources available to us and enhance the student experience. We are now in a strong position to face the future and look forward to the Scottish Funding Council review of drama funding."
Leading institution
He concluded: "In September 2009 when we integrate Dance, we will be the first conservatoire in the UK to embrace all three performing arts disciplines — Dance, Drama and Music — and therefore well on our way to achieving our ambition to becoming one of the leading institutions of our type in Europe."
At present 4BR has been unable to gain comment from James Gourlay himself.